The Party
Eranduil (Fred): Elf Druid
Murdock Macstone (Larry): Human Ranger
Aurum Ironhorde (NPC): Dwarf Paladin
Bat Mazguul (NPC): Half-Orc Cleric of Erastil
Grepper Gretwind (NPC): Gnomish Sorcerer Enchanter (Fey-Blood)

Murdock Macstone
Player: Larry G
Race: Human
Alignment: CG
Homeland: Town of Gundrun in the Worldwound (fallen realm of Sarkosis, home of the Kellid people)
Personality: Drunk, Brash, Braggart,
Contacts: Conner (Cousin)
Player: Freddy T
Race: Elf
Class: Druid (Treesinger)
Alignment: NG
Homeland: iadara city in the realm of Kyonin
Special: Disagrees with Elven policy of isolationism.
Life: Has a girlfriend named Fawn

Player: Animal Companion (Eranduil) -Freddy
Race: Sapling Treant
Alignment: NG
Contacts: Has a friend named Orb

Aurum Ironhorde
Race: Dwarf
Class:Paladin of Abadar (Knight of Coins)
Alignment: LG
Homeland: Brunderton, but trained in Rostland
Family: Clan Ironhorde
Personality: Honorable, Treasure Seeker, Hates Banditry
Contacts: Grepper Greywind
Mentor: Altar the True (Human Paladin)

Player: NPC
Race: Automaton Humanoid
Class: Warrior
Alignment: N
Homeland: Azlanti Empire 10,000 years ago
Personality: Silent, Capable of calculated actions

Grepper Greywind
Player: NPC
Race: Gnome
Class:Sorcerer (Fey Bloodline)
Alignment: CG
Homeland: Embreth Forest in the River Kingdoms
Personality: Friendly, Like Charm spells, Does not like violence or killing. Loves games and fun. Loyal to friends.
Contacts: Aurum, Glebow the Stout,
Special: He is secretly of prince

Bat Mazguul
Player: NPC
Race: Half Orc
Class: Cleric of Erastil (Hunting),
Alignment: NG
Homeland: Temple of Erastil in the Gronzi Forest
Personality: Quiet, Stoic, Imposing,
Life: Mother raped by orc, Baby given up. Raised by Temple
Adventure Summaries
1st: Stolen Land: Part 1:
-Murdock, Erandual, Aurum(NPC), Abox-
Murdock was in a small-town tavern in central Brevoy when he was awoken by his friend, Kraltos the true (a Paladin). Kraltos told Murdock he was drinking himself to death and that he needed to find an adventure. He told Murdock that Brevoy was seeking adventurers to help conquer and settle the Stolen Lands. Murdock agreed and asked Kraltos to come with him. Kraltos informed Murdock he had plans to settle in the city of Ptolus and went his own way. Meanwhile, Rand had left his elven homeland after feuding with the lords there about their policy of isolationism. Both Murdock and Rand traveled to Oleg’s trading post. This trading post exists on the southern most border of Brevoy verging on the stolen lands. It was here that the party members would meet and begin their campaign. They soon met Aurum Ironhorde, a dwarven Paladin who was also chartered to explore the Stolen Lands. So too was the Alfred Wood Band, a one-man adventuring band named Alfred Wood (a bard).
The stolen lands were a region nestled between Brevoy and the bandit kingdoms. It was a dangerous savage land that belonged to no country. Brevoy had dispatched four different parties to explore and settle four different areas comprising the stolen lands. The area the party would explore was called the green belt. The first night at Oleg’s, Oleg and his wife Svetlana explained that bandits would come every month and abuse them and demand tribute, these bandits were expected the following day. The party decided to ambush this group out on the road leading the Oleg’s. Aurum did not like the idea of a sneak attack and so he stayed behind to protect Oleg’s. The party successfully ambushed and defeated four bandits including their leader Happs Byden. They took one of the surviving bandits back to Oleg’s for interrogation. He revealed their camp had about a dozen other men and that their camp was about a day’s travel south. After this interrogation Aurum summarily executed the man for the crime of banditry. Oleg was profoundly grateful and told the party they could get room and board free for as long as they like. He also gave them some potions and worked out a nice deal for them to exchange items for an expensive bow.
The following day, the entire party including Aurum set off to explore the Green Belt. About midway through the day the party picked up some large insect-like tracks. They discovered a Rust Monster digging a hole. They waited to see the monster pulling an armored man out of the hole. They then attacked the monster. The party fought smart and managed to kill the monster. Before the rust monster died it managed to severely damage Aurum’s axe. The armored man was revealed to be automaton golem-like creature. The party discovered a compartment on the creatures back that could process magic items to power itself. They would use potions to power this being they called Abox, but the potions would only keep the being powered for a few hours at best. Abox seemed to follow whatever commands the party gave it but often exhibited intelligent strategic thinking. Abox would now travel with the party. The party spent the night in the hole and continued their exploration of the first area the Green Belt.
Having completed the exploration of the first area within the Green Belt the party heading back toward Oleg’s. Just before reaching Oleg’s they were attacked by two Worgs. These evil intelligent giant wolves proved quite the challenge. Rand cleverly used and entangle spell to slow the creatures down. Murdock was nearly slain but persevered to eventually destroy the Worgs. The party skinned the Worgs and headed home. Murdock wanted to track the Worg’s to their lair, but the other party members wanted to go home to Oleg’s. Back at Oleg’s Rand wanted to research more about Abox. Oleg said he knew a wise potion maker who lived as hermit in the Green Belt who might be able to help but that would have to wait. The party had successfully explored the first portion of the Green Belt and their thirst for adventure was growing quickly.
-5/12/2020----(903 XP)
2nd: Stolen Land: Part 2:
-Murdock, Erandual, Aurum(NPC), Grepper(NPC)-
The party was at Oleg’s preparing a return to the Greenbelt. Rand was interested in learning more about Abox and had asked Oleg for help. Oleg explain there was an old hermit/potion maker named Bokken who lived in a hut just a few miles south. While Rand spoke with Oleg, Murdock was busy drinking and socializing. He met Jhod and his three minions. These were guards sent by Brevoy to keep the outpost safe from banditry. Jhod was cordial, if not short. He inquired about a man of specific description. This man had a blonde goatee and wore a special helmet. The party had seen no one like this. As Rand returned to rejoin his friends, an old friend of Aurum arrived. This was Grepper Greywind, a gnome sorcerer. Grepper has been given a charter and would now join the party.
The party set out south and generally planned to methodically explore the Greenbelt by not heading south until they had explored the entire northern region. They came upon an area that was laden with traps. Murdock easily spotted these hazards and disarmed them. They soon found the bugbear who had set up these traps. Apparently, he had accidentally killed himself upon setting up his final trap. The party discerned that this bugbear was part of a bugbear tribe that was wiped out by the Brevoy army some weeks back. This one had escaped and had been trying to brave it alone out here in the wild.
By midday, the party had arrived at Dokken the hermits house. He was friendly with the party and gave them what information he could about Abox. He suspected that Abox was a product of the ancient Azlanti empire. An Empire that had been destroyed 10,000 years ago as the result of a meteor crash. This empire had achieved a technological excellence never seen again. He deciphered the markings on Abox to mean “Omega Battledrone: Battle Zero Ten”. This battledrones were not constructs, but instead some kind of automaton humanoid creatures powered by magic. He explained that if they could “feed” Abox a permanent magic item, than Abox would work permanently. Also, the more powerful the items, the more powerful Abox would be. Dokken went to explain that he could make any potion up to 3rd level. Finally, in return for this information he asked the party if they could locate fangberries which he needed for potions. Rand tried to do this at once but failed miserably. The party abruptly left to continue their exploration of this region.
The party was awoken very early in the morning by Willow. They had camped by a waterfall the night before. As the party emerged, they could see a group of six bandits approaching. Rand immediately attacked a battle ensued. Just as the party was getting the upper hand on the bandits, five Crucians (Crustacean-men) launched an attack from the water. In the mayhem the remaining bandits tried to escape only to run head into another adventuring party. Meanwhile, our party was caught in a terribly dangerous battle with Crucians. The battle was hard fought, but in the end the party barely prevailed. As they finished off the Crucians, another adventuring party was finishing off the bandits.
After the battle the two adventuring parties greeted one another. The other adventuring party was the Company of the Black Banner, they consisted of Arkaydius the ranger, Davor the haf-orc cleric of war, Hulgrim the gnome sorcerer, Fawn the female elf druid and her sapling treant companion named Orn. Secretly, Fawn was Rand’s estranged girlfriend. During the encounter she asked Rand in elven not to reveal this to anyone present. Arkaydius spoke for his group and explained they were the party chartered to explore the Nomen Heights. They had apparently wandered too far west. They were based out of a small town to the east called Nivakta's Crossing. The cleric of war healed the party and the two group separated whilst wishing each other well. The party finished exploring this area and even found some fangberries which they dropped off to Bokken on their way back.
The party explored two other regions over the next few days. During a rest period at Oleg’s they met a cleric of Erastil who asked them to keep an eye out for a lost temple of Erastil that was likely guarded by a strange bear. At one point, while traveling the road, the party encountered a threatening and hungry Thylacine (Marsupial Wolf). Rand and Murdock managed to feed and befriend the animal. The following day the party would face its greatest challenge yet. Whilst exploring the other edge of the Gnarlmarch forest they came upon an old well. From within, a Tatzlewyrm attacked. Moments late a second one of these creatures joined the fray. Tatzlewyrms are rare small dragon creatures that constrict and gas their opponents. Fortunately, the party was able to kill both these monsters. After the battle the party searched the well to find their lair and some very nice treasure.
-5/17/2020 (1097 XP)
Party Totals: (All Party members currently have 2000 XP and are 2nd level)
3rd: Stolen Land: Part 3:
-Murdock, Eranduil, Aurum(NPC), Bat(NPC)-
The party awoke at Olegs, Murdock went to get drunk with the mules (actual mules) while Rand was trying to set up an area in Oleg’s to write scrolls. Rand soon met Gleebow Stout of the Stout and Little Lumber company (forest gnomes). They said his name meant FoliageDwller in gnomish and were curious how safe it was to lumber in the Gnarlmarsh forest. Rand said he had not reached the forest yet but this untrue (not intentionally lying, just dumb). Soon after this Conner MacRaven, the bloodrager arrived. He was a clansman to Murdock and they drank together. Conner explained he was headed west looking for a new homeland for his people. Later Rand spoke with Grepper about the Taztlewyrm eggs. Grepper explained the eggs would hatch in three weeks. The party asked Oleg to see if he could sell the eggs. Oleg said he would ask around. There were more people at Oleg’s as of late, all asking about the Greenbelt. Many had just come from the carnival in Rostland which they said was awesome. Grepper informed the party that he had business to attend to Rostland and so would
not be able to join them on the next expedition (secretly he wanted to go to the carnival).
By midday the party was already on their way to explore the next location. They soon met Bat Mazgul (Half Orc Cleric of Erastil the Hunter). He had caught up to the party. He had a charter and was assigned to explore the stolen lands. He trying to catch up to his party and he thought he had finally succeeded. The problem was he had found the wrong party. He was supposed to join the party exploring the section directly west of the Greenbelt, the area referred to as the Slough. The party was heading west anyway so Bat elected to travel with them. About halfway through the day they found a clumsy boar and killed it. Late in the evening they though they saw a wolf standing very still. Soon after they found a stone polecat (larger ferret type creature). They speculated that this creature had been magically turned to stone. Soon after the party was attacked by three cockatrices. Two of the party members suffered wounds where they skin hardened. The party defeated these monsters and rested for the night. The following day Aurum found a copper ore deposit. (This was Hex A2).
On the third day the party began the exploration of the west-most area (Hex A1). Here they found a burial cairn (grave of rocks). They debated weather they should dig it up but elected to let the dead rest. During this day they also saw what appeared to be a dragon-like creature flying overhead. By the end of the day they had reached the western border of the Greenbelt. There they found markers donated this boundary. Presumably these were set up by the party chartered to explore the Slough. The following morning the party expected Bat to proceed westward to find his party. He said he would continue with the group. This aroused suspicion in Murdock who would keep a closer eye on him. They completed the exploration of this area on day four. They encountered some herds of elk and saw some polecats. (This was Hex A1).
Instead of returning home, the party elected to continue their exploration. They backtracked to the final northern unexplored area. They would finally enter the Gnarlmarches. Here they found countless bear traps that had been setup without proper markings. This would be hazardous
to anyone traveling this area. The party used logs and such to set off these traps. Murdock left trail markers for anyone else who might come this way. On the sixth day the party reached a brook. As they were provisioning a large sharp stick crashed through the back of Murdock’s neck and emerged out the front. It appeared that Willow had just sneak attacked Murdock. The party was in disarray. Moments later it became clear that this was not Willow. Instead it was Twigjack, a nasty fey creature similar in appearance to a sapling treant. The creature has used logs and bark to poorly disguise itself as Willow. A second Twigjack had grabbed Willow and dragged him down a tree hole while the first Twigjack had taken Willow’s place. Rand could hear Willow crying out from a tree some meters away, but the party was under attack. While Willow battled a Twigjack inside the tree hole the party was being besieged by the second Twigjack. Before the party could even react the Twigjack that had just savaged Murdock, the creature used its Splinterspray ability to launch an onslaught of large sharp stick projectiles over the entire area. This badly wounded many of the party members and the mules. After this attack, the Trigjack disappeared into bushes. The party searched around but could not find it. A moment later the Twigjack floated downstream appearing as a log and then ambushed Arum and Bat. The party tried to respond but it was gone again. Murdock and Rand ran into the tree hole to find a large hollowed out tree lair. Inside was the second Twigjack still battling a now badly wounded Willow. The party battled with the creature, but it managed to acrobatically fly past them to escape up out of the tree. As it emerged it was killed by Aurum and Bat. There was much confusion during this battle as to how many opponents the party was facing. The party regrouped inside the tree and searched it. They found some treasure but after a few minutes decided they had to leave eventually. When they did, they were sneak attacked again by the remaining Treejack. The creature continued with a series of sneak attacks and disappearances until finally the party stuck and killed the nasty little bastard. With the creature dead the party could now access the area. While they were inside the tree the Twigjack had killed off the mules and started digging a trench from the brook to the hollow tree. A haphazard attempt to flood the tree hollow. The seventh day was uneventful as the party finished exploring the final northern area of the Greenbelt. (Hex A3).
The party decided to explore one additional area before heading home. They traveled deeper into the Gnarlmarches (Hex B2). For the next three days they explored and mapped this area before heading home. On the tenth day they were heading home when they had to cross a swamp. They reached an island in the swamp where they found a broken chair and smashed fishing rod. A moment later, a Shambling mound emerged with a fisherman caught in his body. Murdock climbed a tree and began to fire arrows down. The creature began to entangle party members and constrict on them with its appendages. At one point Murdock was impaled through his stomach and nearly killed. After a hard-fought battle Aurum managed to fight the creature off. At this point, only Aurum and Rand were standing, and both were near death. As the creature tried to flee into the swamp Aurum was able to kill the beast. Rand was technically a participant in this combat though there is no discernable evidence of this. (this was at the edge of Hex B2). The party set up camp and rested for a whole day before returning to Oleg’s. They marked these locations on their maps and decided they would return this way to try and recover the equipment left with the dead mules and potential to search for the Shambling Mound’s lair. Marc Troutman was the fisherman who was inside the Shambling Mound. His arm was severed by one of Murdock’s swings but still her survived. Marc would travel back to Oleg’s with the party.
------5/20/2020---1,675 XP-----(All party members currently have 3,675 XP, so 2nd level)------
----------Explored Areas: A1-A6, B2 and B6-----------------------Ended on Day 20---------------
4th: Stolen Land: Part 4:
-Murdock, Eranduil, Aurum(NPC), Bat(NPC)-
The party took an extra day of rest back at Oleg’s. They divided up the treasure they had gotten from the Twigjack’s lair. One item was a Ring of Swimming that the party decided to use to reactivate Abox. They programmed him to protect Oleg’s trading post and to help Oleg. Under current power consumption Abox would operate for approximately two and a half years. Murdock bought some new mules and took to getting drunk with them. Rand began scribing some scrolls. Aurum arranged delivery of his tithing to his church and worked out a program with Oleg whereby those without funds could some accommodations and food as they traveled by. This generally pertained to women and children. Bat worked on the crafting of arrows and set up an archer range. Grepper was still off in Rostov, the word was now out that he did not have business there but instead went to attend the carnival.
The party eventually set out to resume exploring in the Gnarlmarch forest. It was difficult for Aurum not to recommend returning to the swamp of the Shambling Mound to search for it’s lair. In event the party went on the explore the forested area just east of the swamp (Hex B3). As they explored this area they fell victim to many silly traps and shenanigans. The tricksters were eventually revealed to be a pair of fey creatures: Tyg-Tigger-Tut the Grig and Pervilash the Faerie Dragon. Pervliash explained that enjoyed playing tricks but would not hurt the party. They generally tried to chase off bandits and, in some cases, to even kill. They were responsible for the death of the sociopath trapper the party had previously encountered. The Fey creatures told the party about a temple to the south and a radish patch to the east. (This was Hex B3).
The party traveled south and within a few days had located a lost Temple of Erastil (God of the Hunt). As promised the temple was guarded by an enormous cursed insane Grizzly bear. After the party killed the bear, it reverted into an old man and died. A curse was lifted from the Temple and it became a holy site again. The fountain would even provide healing. (This was Hex C3). The party finished exploring this region and then moved east. Here they came upon a large bandit camp. After a short discussion the party retreated. They continued to explore this area and then moved northeast to find the radish patch. (they were leaving Hex C4). As the party explored the next region, they came upon eight drunk kobolds in a radish patch. The party slaughtered them all and continued the exploration of the area (this was Hex B4).
The party spent the next four days exploring the last two eastern plains areas (B5 & B6). In the first area they came across a large copse of tree filled with large webbings. The party left this area alone. In the next area they were awoken in the night to combat. They witnessed a pack of Blink Dogs killing a Displacer Beast. After the battle the alpha of the pack named LongTooth befriended the party. Longtooth warned of a cursed apparition that haunted a ferry area in the south. The next six days the party began exploring the hills. In these areas they found a huge tree a buried treasure and a gold mine. (Hex C5 & C6).
For almost three weeks the party explored the southern hills areas (D4-D6, E4-E6). Rand was awoken one night to find two bandits camping under their druidic domicile. He listened to their conversation. They were taking about a ferryman named Davik Nettles who had resisted the Staglord. Eventually the Stag Lord had him brutally killed but now Nettles was some kind of undead monster. Rand let these bandits go and the party set out the next day. Eventually they came to the broken ferry area. A rope lay sprawled across a river with a bell on each shore. Murdock tried to climb across but soon the undead Nettles rose to stand on the water. Nettles proclaimed the party was not his tormentors but that they must throw the body of the Staglord in the river or die in the river themselves. The party chose not to cross the river here.
The party explored south and soon they found a huge old Sycamore tree and chose to set up their Druidic Domicile next to it. During the night some Mites tried to burn it down. In return the party burned down the Sycamore tree. After it had burned, they entered and killed many Mites, Giant Centipedes, a Whiptail Centipede, and a Master Mite riding a giant tick. Inside they found a Kobold captive named Mekmic. Mekmic explained his clan, the Sootscale clan had been at war with these mites and that his clan needed a devil statue to break a curse of his chieftain. The curse had been put there by a Kobold sorcerer who had effectively taken control of his clan. The party traveled south with this Kobold and made a trade. They traded the statue for some magic boots and gold. Afterwards the Chief Sootscale drove off the sorcerer and named the party Sootfriends. The party stayed in the Kobold’s lair to rest (a silver mine). The Kobolds built poorly made kayaks for the party. Using these boats, the party was able to explore the regions on the far side of the river.
In the next hilled area, the party encountered a Boggard named Garuum and his pet Slurk. The party befriended the strange creature and agreed not to disturb the ruined buildings he was inhabiting. In their travels the party eventually found a shallow ford where they could cross the river without boats. West of this region they found a valley filled with fang berries. Unfortunatly there were spiderwebs present, so the party decided not to explore this area. The party had been exploring for weeks and now decided it was time to head home. On the return trip they encountered an Adherer, a terribly evil monstrosity that would attack and adhere to any flesh or weapon it touched. The party killed the monster but recognized it as Glen, formally a bandit they had defeated. They buried him. Before reaching Oleg’s, the party encountered an Assassin Vine, but Rand was able to placate the creature with his tree-singing. After forty-seven days of exploring the party returned safely to Oleg’s.
-5/25/2020 (2,359 xp)------(All party members currently have 6,034 xp and are 3rd level)
--Explored Areas: A1-A6, B1-B4, semi B5. B6. C3, C5, C6, semi C4, D4-D6, semi E4. E5, E6,
--Ended on day 67----- Current Date: Desnus (may) 5th 4714AR
4.5: Stolen Land: Part 4.5
-Note: This is entirely an NPC party module summary
-Grepper(NPC), The Bardic Brothers(NPCs), Swiper(NPC)-
Grepper returned from the carnival in Rostland and waited a few days for the party to return. When they did not return, he enlisted the bardic brothers Focko and Jocko to help him look for the party while simultaneously continuing to explore the Greenbelt. They first traveled southeast and battled a giant spider in area B5. They were coming across some of Murdock’s markers and so changed direction. They returned back to Oleg’s having not found the party. Over the next few weeks they made numerous incursions exploring the southwestern areas (Hexes C1-C2, D2, E2-E3). They soon met an investigator cartographer named Swiper. Swiper had been chartered by the River kingdoms city of Pitax to explore the Stolen Lands. Grepper and Swiper made an arrangement to explore together for mutual benefit. They battled some giant frogs and some boggards. They rooted out a Tazzlewyrm den and rescued a bear. They avoided entering the area of Tuskgutter the giant boar. Likewise, they avoided entering area Hex E1 because Grepper’s fey blood warned him of some terrible first world event that was occurring. After many trips and many a rendezvous with Swiper, the group would make their final return home. As they approached Oleg’s, they were ambushed by Kressle and many bandits. They nearly fought off these bandits save for the arrival of two of the Staglord’s captains. These were Dovan, the Staglord’s number two man, and Auchs, a mongoloid tortuous maniac. The bandits had apparently been sieging Oleg’s for nearly a week. Dovan was unwilling to commit all his resources to the attack and now the group was heading home having been repelled. Before they left they would leave behind a warning to the Brevoy. They tortured the party members for hours. Jocko died during the torture. When the torture was done the men were hung from a tree just south of Oleg’s on the main road. Focko succumbed to his wounds. Grepper managed to cut himself free and crawled to within eyesight of Oleg’s. Kesten Garress recovered him. His wounds were horrible and even his mind seemed gone.
5th: Stolen Land: Part 5:
-Murdock, Eranduil, Aurum(NPC), Bat(NPC), ABOX(NPC)-
The party was returning to Oleg’s after their last outing into the Greenbelt. They had been gone for nearly 50 days and much had occurred in their absence. As the party approached Oleg’s they came across a large encampment that had since been abandoned. On a tree nearby two bardic adventures were hanging, having been beaten to death. When they arrived at Oleg’s they found the settlement walls were damaged and scorched by fire. ABOX was standing outside guarding the area, his body covered in dried blood and guts. ABOX was also missing an arm. The party quickly ran inside to meet with Oleg. He explained that a few days after the party had left, Grepper had returned from the carnival in Restov (he had a wonderful time). After a few days Grepper got worried and joined up with two bardic adventuring brothers and set out to find the party while simultaneously continuing to fulfill his charter. Over the next few weeks he and the bardic brothers explored many areas, most of which the party had already explored. Then about 10 days ago, the bandits in service to the Stag Lord began assaulting Oleg’s. They came in waves day after day. The settlement was tirelessly defended by ABOX as well as Kesten Garress and his three guards. The three guards were all eventually killed and Kesten was gravely wounded. ABOX was badly damaged, now missing an arm. But the fortification held.
After a week of failing to take Oleg’s, the bandits left a final parting gift. They had captured and tortured Grepper and the bardic brothers. They were all hung from a tree. Grepper was the only one to survive, managing to cut himself loose and crawl to the settlement. A hex was cut into his back as was the word “hexplored”. Even after Grepper was physically healed, the phycological damage was so severe that Grepper could do little else than to lie in bed muttering in fear. Aurum was outraged and deeply disturbed by seeing his dear friend so badly hurt. He gathered the other party members and made them take an oath to destroy the Stag Lord, an agreement he declared as the Covenant of Castigation.
The following day a dispatchment of men arrived from Brevoy. They were led by Magistrate Fellos. The magistrate asked the party to enter a zone of truth as he interrogated them as to their activities exploring the Greenbelt. The party passed this test of truth. The magistrate explained this was necessary as one of the other groups sent to explore the stolen lands had operated dishonestly. An adventuring party known as the Cleave Organization had simply agreed to the charter and then would go out for a few days, camp and party, and then returned with a detailed map of areas they had not explored at all. After this conversation the magistrate left leaving eight men to defend Oleg’s. The party was now planning on attacking the bandit camp they had discovered on their previous expedition. Murdock tried to gather additional forces both from the local travelers at Oleg’s and from the Brevoy guards. None of the locals would come as they now feared the Stag lord. The Brevoy guards summited a long-winded letter talking of the protocols of their mandate to operate only with Brevoy. The party spent the following day resting while Rand created scrolls. Rand also spoke with Jhod, the cleric of Erastil that implored the characters to find the hidden temple of Erastil. Rand explained how they had killed the cursed bear and had broken the curse on the temple. In gratitude, Jhod offered free spellcasting for life.
Finally, the party was ready to strike out against the forces of the Staglord. They made a direct line toward the bandit camp. Toward the end of the day they encountered trail markers that they ignored. Shortly after they found the creatures who had made these markings. They were odd creatures called Almiraj. They appeared as rabbits with unicorn horns. Bat explained these were strange magical beasts. The party tried to approach but did not heed the creatures dominance displays. A battle ensued and these little critters died. The following day the party arrived near the bandit camp. Murdock scouted out the area and the party made a plan. The stealthier members of the group climbed a ledge above the camp using spiderclimb and silence. They killed the bandit watchman they found at the top. They then dropped two large barrels of oil into the camp. The sound of the barrels breaking open was concealed by the silence spell. A moment later Murdock used a flaming arrow to set the area on fire. This was followed by an entangle spell from rand. The bandits began to emerge from their tents soon becoming entangled as they burned. Those not burned were receive a hailstorm of arrows from the party members on the ledge. A few moments later the other party members arrived storming through the front gate. The bandits burned and stumpled as they were caught in the crossfire.
The party was soon starting to realize this was not the Staglord’s main camp, but some kind of outpost camp run by a lieutenant. This lieutenant was a nasty women named Kressle whom the party had heard about before. She was an evil ranger that wielded two hand axes and utilized stealth. She managed to sneak out of her tent and to climb the cliffs to get behind some of the party members. She tried to push Bat off the cliff but failed. She soon found herself trapped between Murdock and Bat. She did not last long. The remaining 4 bandits tried to escape but Aurum blocked the gate. One clever bandit managed to sneak out via the stream but was riddled with arrows, burned by a flaming sphere and eventually eaten by wolves. All of the bandits were killed. Murdock put all their heads on spikes. The party located their treasure cache which included many bottles of an expensive whiskey called Stagmaster. Apparently, this was a favored whiskey of the Staglord. The party also found a missive from the Staglord addressed to Kressle giving a description of the party members and an order to destroy them and Oleg’s outpost.
The party returned to Oleg’s to regroup. While there, they gave Oleg’s wife her wedding ring that the bandits had taken. Oleg was very grateful. The party sold some items and purchased some new weapons. There was a great battle ahead and it was time to prepare.
-6/7/2020 (880 xp)------(All party members currently have 6,914 xp and are 3rd level)
--Explored Areas: A1-A6, B1-B6, C1-C6, D2, D4-D6, E2-E6,
--Ended on day 74----- Current Date: Desnus (may) 12th 4714AR
6th: Stolen Land: Part 6:
-Murdock, Eranduil, Aurum(NPC), Bat(NPC)-
The party had retuned to Oleg’s having destroyed the Thorn River Bandit Camp. They had assumed this camp was home to the Stag lord, but it was merely an outpost for the Stag lord’s forces. Only one of the lieutenants who had tortured Grepper was there. Her name was Kressle, and now she was dead, her head planted on a spike. The was welcomed back to Oleg’s which was now much busier than usual. Folks eager to settle in the new region were arriving all the time. Soon Connor Macraven arrived and drank with Murdock. Connor had visited the carnival in Restov and said it was amazing. Unfortunately, he had been attacked by a Worg on the road back to Oleg’s. Later this same evening three adventuring parties arrived at Oleg’s within minutes of each other. These parties were all summoned by Magistrate Fellos who arrived shortly after.
The magistrate was still dealing with the problem left by the Cleave Organization not exploring their part of the Greenbelt. Our party had explored about 80% of the Greenbelt. A second party, known as the Barony of Brutality, led by “Baron” Hannis Drelev, had explored about 80% of the Slough (the area just west of the Greenbelt). A third party, called the Company of the Black Banner, and led by Arkadyus the Ranger, had explored about 70% of the Nomen Heights (the area just east of the Greenbelt). The Black Banner had been exploring at the fastest pace of all the parties but had in recent weeks encountered massive resistance from a tribe of Centaurs, since that time they had made no progress. A group called the Cleave organization had neglected their obligation to explore the Glennebon Uplands (fast west area) and so that area remained unexplored. Restov had now decided that the Company of the Black Banner would be reassigned to explore the Glennebon Uplands due to their ability to explore so quickly. A new adventuring party called the Varnling Host and led by a semi-famous adventure named Maegar Varn would now be charted to complete the exploration of the Nomen Heights and hopefully deal with the Centaurs. Varn was friendly with everyone if not conceited. He gave the party magical suits of armor to help them with their adventures.
The following morning the party set out for the Temple of Erastil, an area they had decided to use as a forward operating base for the remaining exploration. They arrived at the Temple and set up a base. The magical waters there still offered healing and the area remained blessed. The party had also set up a system of communication whereby Bat who was with the party could send animal messengers (as per the spell) back to Jhod the cleric who lived near Oleg’s. This way they could appraise those back home as to their progress and also learn of any issues back home they may need to return for. After fortifying the Temple the party rested.
The next morning, they set out to explore the areas to the south-east (Hex D3). This area had been avoided by Grepper out of fear of encountering the legendary Tuskgutter, an enormous boar who had killed many an ambitious hunter. Early in the day the party came upon a hidden cave leading into a rocky outcropping in the middle of the forest. Inside they found the bodies of some bandits having been killed by something mysterious. The bandits had been trying to make this cave into an encampment of some kind, but they had been killed by something they awoke in the cave. The party followed the tunnel down to find a large mushroom chamber, beyond that was second large chamber filled with water and mushrooms. As the party proceeded, they were attacked by the creatures who laired here. These were 15-foot-long Flail Snails. These creatures nearly destroyed the party but were eventually defeated. Inside this chamber the party saw the beginnings of construction. There also found some treasure and bandit supplies. Later this day, the party came face to face with Tuskgutter. As legendary as Tuskgutter was, he was still just a boar and quickly fell to the parties combined fury. After the battle, Bat and Murdock said a prayer for the animal. That night there was a great pig roast.
The next day the party set out to west (Hex D1). At about mid-day the party had reached the western edge of the forest. There stood a 15ft tall statue of Erastil. This statue had been part of a massive hunting lodge a very long time ago. Now, virtually all trace of that lodge was gone. The statue had fallen into disrepair. Murdock and Bat, both worshippers of Erastil, decided to repair and clean the statue. After saying a prayer, the party felt themselves blessed by Erastil. This too was a holy area that could be felt by Murdock and Bat. Now, the entire party had received a blessing, for one week, all their weapons would be keen.
The next day the party traveled south (Hex E1). This was the area Grepper had avoided and marked as “First World Event”. Rand knew the First World likely referred to magical realm of the fey. A world that existed in the time before and later split into the Prime Material and the Shadow Plane. A strange and magical place filled with wonder and danger. About mid-day the party found what they thought was a dead horse. The entire area was devoid of all life even the song of birds. The party soon learned this was in fact a dead unicorn, his horn having been removed. The water nearby was now unholy. Murdock found tracks of a large foot and the cork from a bottle of Stag master. Rand used his spell craft to determine the Unicorn had been killed by some kind of Death Effect. Aurum told a story he had heard that the acts of some powerful fey of the first world left their victims marked in a way that repulsed life and the natural world. This truly was a First World event.
Over the next five days the party explored all the remained areas of the southern Gnarlmarch forest (Hexes F1-F3). After this they returned to the Temple of Erastil to rest. Only the southeast corner of the Greenbelt remained unexplored now. Somewhere, down there the party expected to face the Stag lord. Their time of exploration was coming to an end, and so too might be their lives.
-6/23/2020 (700 xp)------(All party members currently have 7,614 xp and are 3rd level)
--Explored Areas: D1, D3, E1, F1-F3 --(Only areas F4-F6 remain unexplored)
--Creatures defeated: 2 Flail Snails (CR3) and Wild Boar (CR2)
--Ended on day 84----- Current Date: Desnus (may) 22nd 4714AR
7th: Stolen Land: Part 7:
-Murdock, Eranduil, Aurum(NPC), Bat(NPC)-
The party was camped in the southern Green Belt. They had only three more regions to explore. They headed east and soon came upon Swiper Lightfoot. Swiper was a Kitsune (foxman) investigator with a specialty in cartography. He was currently using equipment to survey the area. The party greeted Swiper and he explained that he had a charter from Pitax (a powerful city in the River Kingdoms) to explore the Green Belt. Swiper told the party they were very close to the Stag Lord’s base of operations. Up until recently the Stag Lord had a large fort. But very recently Swiper spied the Stag Lord as the Stag Lord thrust a pointed wand into the ground and said a prayer to someone called Narassa. Moments later an ancient keep rose from the soil. The Stag Lord and his forces now used this keep as their base of operations. Swiper was concerned the Stag Lord’s forces would come and so he bid the party farewell. The party decided to explore the other two regions before dealing with the Stag Lord’s area.
Over the next three days they explored the two south-east-most areas. During this time, they were going through some of the loot they had taken from the mushroom cave and came upon a missive. This was message from the Stag Lord to the bandit leader of the mushroom cave. The letter had orders not to attack Oleg’s again as the cost was too high. In addition, the bandits were never allowed to invade into Brevoy as this could provoke a response from the regular Brevoy army. The letter also said that the Stag Lord’s dominion was now being threatened by someone called the Wolf Lord and his adventuring party. This was in reference to the party as Murdock wore a wolf pelt. The party explored as much of the final area they could whilst being careful to avoid the Stag Lord’s keep.
Finally, it was time to deal with the Stag Lord and to approach his keep. First, they would need some intelligence. Rand used a spell of Insect Scout to send dragon fly spies into the keep and report back. While the party waited for these insects to return, they were attacked by a Disenchanter. Bat killed the beast with a magic arrow. The insects returned and gave Rand some very good recon information. Later that night Murdock scouted out the surrounding keep area. The party rested the day and made their plan for the following night. During the day the party was approached by a mite. The creature did not speak common, but Bat could translate some of what the creature said. It appeared this mite was named Toebreaker and had been part of a mite community destroyed by kobolds. He had for a time been held captive by the Stag Lord but had been set free by a Kobold sorcerer that had been working with the Stag Lord. Now he wanted to help the great Wolf Lord. He emulated Murdock. The party let him hang out.
At midnight, the party approached the southern wall of the keep which had a great many trees near it. As they approached a great fog began to appear. It seemed the weather was on their side. Aurum made note that this keep was known in history, it was hundreds of years old and had been buried over time. It seemed the magic invoked by the Stag Lord had risen the keep from the depths. As the party approached the keep, they soon heard moaning. They were now besieged by zombies that had risen with the keep. The party destroyed the zombies as quietly as they could.
The party used invisibility sphere, silence, and spider climb and then ascended the keep wall. They bypassed the three guards that were standing watch. They could now see the keep was segmented into two areas. One area had about ten newly built houses. The other area had four larger buildings made of stone. The fog was very thick in the courtyard but cleared at a height of about 20 feet. The party descended into the keep yard in the area with the houses. The first building they entered was a barracks. The party executed six bandits while they slept. Three other buildings were occupied by regular bandits, the party assassinated them too. One messy building was home to Auchs, the mongoloid captain who had done terrible things to Greper. The party surrounded his bed, but he was merely pretending to sleep as he thought this was some kind of game. It did not matter as the parties combined assault was too much for him to bear.
In another building the party found the skulls and musical instruments of a dozen dead bards. The building next door was the home of Dovan, another captain. The party tried to sneak into the room but Dovan awoke and confronted them. He did not last long. Through the window of yet another building the party could see a large barbarian smoking a cigar in bed. The party waited for him to fall asleep but that did not happen. Aurum noticed the man had a tattoo of the symbol of the god of justice. Aurum convinced the party to give the man a chance to surrender. The was named Akiros, a former paladin who had joined up with the bandits. He had since grown disillusioned with the Stag Lord and now did not care if the party killed the Stag Lord. The party wanted to tie Akiros up, but he would not let them. Mudock leveled some threats against the barbarian who seemed game to have a combat. Eventually Akiros just told the party to leave his room and they did.
The party next proceed to the rear keep area where the stone buildings stood. They were scouting these buildings when an Owlbear busted out of a pen and attacked. The guards above raised the alarm and started shooting arrows down into the fog. The Owlbear was powerful but after a prolonged battle the party killed it. The bandits above were yelling for reinforcements not knowing that almost everyone was dead. The party regrouped inside the Owlbear pen to heal themselves. Murdock began making his way to the next building. As the fog cleared and Murdock could see the building, he could also see its occupant. The Stag Lord was standing at the door with bow ready. A massive arrow slammed into Murdock’s. Murdock respond by charging the Stag Lord and landing a crushing blow with his sword. The other party members joined the battle, hammering away at the Stag Lord. Rand called forth a flaming sphere. The Stag Lord tried to maneuver but the party was outflanking him. Eventually the Stag Lord attempted to flee so as to reposition himself. This opened him up to opportunistic attacks. The party would make the most of this. Murdock and Bat landing impossibly powerful strikes that eviscerated the Stag Lord.
The bandits from the wall finally arrived but quickly threw down their weapons. Akiros was there laughing at the dead Stag Lord. While the party regrouped, Akiros killed the three bandits and left the keep. There was only one building remaining. Inside the party found the Stag Lord’s father. His name was Nugrah the Decrepit, a dark druid. The party informed Nugrah that the Stag Lord was dead, and this sent him into a rage. He wild shaped into a dire Wolverine and began savaging the party. After a short battle, the druid was defeated.
The party claimed the keep for themselves and intended to establish it as their new base of operations. The following day Akiros returned looking sweaty and tired. He explained he had nowhere else to go and asked if he could stay in the same house for a while and in return would help guard the keep. The party agreed. They took the Stag Lord’s body to the river crossing where the undead Davik Nettle’s laired. They threw the Stag Lord’s body into the river, thus breaking Davik’s curse. Davik’s spirit thanked them and moved on. Eventually the party was recalled to Oleg’s. Aurum and Bat remained at the keep while Murdock and Rand traveled to Oleg’s. Back at Oleg’s the party was greeted as heroes. There were many settlers anxious to enter the newly conquered realm. Oleg gave the party an important looking letter from Brevoy. The letter proclaimed the Green Belt as a new nation to be ruled by the party members. A friendly nation to Brevoy that Brevoy would assist in developing. The party had fulfilled their charter and tamed the savage realm of the Green Belt. They had laid low the dreaded Stag Lord and his minions. They were now Lords of a new realm.
-6/24/2020 (2,679 xp)------(All party members currently have 10,293 xp and are 4th level)
--Explored Areas: F4-F6 (All areas explored)
--Creatures defeated: Disenchanter, Stag Lord, Dark Druid, Owlbear, Bandits
--Ended on day 100----- Current Date: Sarenith (June) 8th 4714AR
Interlude: Kingdom Building:
The party had been given the lands they explored in the Greenbelt and were now to carve out a new realm of their own. They would call this realm Stormhaven. Murdock, Rand, Aurum, and Bat would serve as lords of this realm. Together they would form the regent council. Each would serve as high regent on a rotating basis with Murdock taking the first term. The high regent would act as sole executive in matters requiring immediate decision making. Major decisions and laws would require a vote of the council, with High Regent’s vote counting as two. The party would have included Grepper on this council, but Aurum was concerned that Grepper’s condition was still too frail. In order to form a government, the party made several appointments. Some positions would be filled by the party members in addition to their duties as Regents. This was intended to be a temporary situation. These positions filled included…
Position | Person | Responsibilities
High Regent | Murdock | Lord
Warden | Kesten | Defend the realm, Command City Guard
Diplomat | Rand | Oversees foreign relations
Royal Executioner | ABOX | Public Executions, Criminal deterrent via fear (impartial)
Magister | Bokken | Higher learning and magic
High Priest |Jhod | Guide the realms religious needs and growth
Marshall | Murdock | Organize patrols and enforce justice in rural and wilderness areas
General | Akiros | Commands the realms armies and is a public hero
Spymaster | Bat | Observes the realms underworld/criminals & spies on other kingdoms
Treasurer | Aurum | Organizes tax collection and manages treasury
Councilor | Grepper | Ensures the will of the citizenry is represented
The party spend the next five months settling their new realm. The Stag Lord’s keep was transformed into the capital city of Stormwatch. Oleg’s trading post became the town of Northgate. The temple of Erastil became the Deepwood settlement. The Sootscale caverns became Koboldune. The hidden gold mine became the Blackburrows Camp. The bandit camp by the water fall became the settlement of Stagfall. Other settlers of their own accord established the town of Taztleford where the Taztlewyrm lair was found.
The Kobold Chief Sootscale agreed to be apart of the new realm. Longtooth and his blink dog pack agreed to be a Marshall Patrol assisting Murdock. New shipments of coin and supplies would continue to flow from Brevoy. New settlers continued to arrive as well.
8th: Rivers Run Red: Part 1:
-Murdock, Eranduil, Aurum (Cheese), Bat (Papo)-
The party had spent the last five months establishing their new realm. As their capital city of Stormwatch was growing in size, concerns to began to grow about dangers from the still unexplored south. The party decided it was time to pick up their adventuring gear once more and set out to explore the savage south. After the first day of exploring they camped near a lake. In the night they were awoken by a Hydra attacking from the lake. They killed the beast.
After another few days of exploring they awoke one morning and met with a local fishman named Arvin. He explained that he could not use his favorite hidden fishing spot because the pond there had been occupied by an enormous snapping turtle the size of a man. Arvin drew the party a map so they could see for themselves. After a day of travel the party found the hidden path that led down a rockface to a pond. There emerged a massive seven foot tall snapping turtle. The party killed it and ate it.
The following night the party was having a terrible time sleep due to high winds. Aurum could not sleep at all. This was fortunate as he became aware of a massive giant creature patrolling overhead. The party prepared themselves and were soon attacked by a Manticore. The creature hovered above shooting its tail spikes. When this proved ineffective it began using fly-by attacks. Eventually, the party killed the monster. With the help of Murdock’s wolf, they found a massive hole in the ground hidden between dense forestry. Underneath was a lair with some treasure and many dead bodies.
The party spent their last day exploring going even further south. They soon came upon a bubbling swap. Murdock went to pick some mushrooms and was immediately attacked by a huge, tentacled, fungus monster known as a Tendriculous. The creature paralyzed Mudock with its bite and then swallowed him. After a long and desperate battle the party managed to kill the creature and to free Murdock before the monster’s stomach acid could dissolve him entirely. This encounter was severe enough to prompt the party to return home.
-11/15/2020 (1,675 xp)------(All party members currently have 11,968 xp and are 4th level)
--Explored Areas: G5-G5 and H4 (Lake not explored)
--Creatures defeated: Hydra, Giant Snapping Turtle, Manticore, Tendriculous
--Ended on day 259----- Current Date: Neth (November) 17th 4714AR
Kingdom Building:
The party started their Kingdom in Hex F4, using the Staglord’s keep as their first fort and settlement. They later annexed E5, F5, & F6.
Current Unrest: 4
Hex F4 (Capitol, Hills, River, Lake)
-Settlement (Stormwatch)
----Fort (Stagfall Keep) (+2 Stability, +1 Consumption, +4 Defense)
----2 Tenements
----Sawmill (+1 Stability, +1 BP)
----Tavern (+1 economy, loyalty)
----Mansion (+1 stability)
----Town Hall (+1 economy, loyalty, stability, law)
----Houses x10
----Library (+1 economy, loyalty)
-Roads (improves overland travel speed)
-2 Farms (-4 Consumption)
Hex F5 (Hills)
Hex E5 (Hills, River)
-Sawmill (+1 Stability, +1 BP)
-Farm (-2 Consumption)
-Bridge (If you build a road in this hex, you don’t have to double the price)
Hex E6 (Hills, River, Resource (Silver))
-Resource (Silver) (Economy +1, if build mine here, all its benefits increase by 1)
8th: Rivers Run Red: Part 2:
-Murdock, Eranduil, Aurum (NPC), Bat (NPC)-
The party was returning from their most recent hexploration when they came upon a woman building a stable/tavern along the road leading to Stormwatch. Her name was Rosiland Gray and she was very friendly. Connor Mckraven was drunk inside. Apparently, he had been drinking a lot lately. After a drink the party disembarked but as they left they found the remnants of a chicken coup that had been butchered by a large wolf.
When the party reached, they keep they encountered a funeral procession. Apparently, a woman had been killed by a wild animal. As the party reached the keep, they found a very overworked Grepper. He explained that many people were seeking an audience with the small council. The party set this up for the following morning. That night, Murdock set up a trap for a wolf and waited for it to come, it never did. The next morning a procession of individuals came to see the small council.
First up was some bishop requesting that his religion be made the state religion of the realm. Next came Magistrate Fellows from Brevoy. He had been to be Brevoy’s representative and to assist with the kingdom building. Then came Maergar Varn, the famous adventurer. Maergar was the leader of an adventuring party called the Varnling Host. His group had been hired late to explore the region just east of the Greenbelt, an area known as the Nomen Heights. His group was not yet finished exploring their entire area but Maegar was already establishing his capitol city which he would call Varnhold. He had used his leverage to get a large investment from Brevoy. When he heard the party was establishing their realm, he decided to share his resource. As such, he delivered a massive shipment of supplies to help his neighboring fledgeling kingom (10 BP). He said maybe later when they got established, they could pay it back or perhaps help Varnhold in some other matter. He wanted to establish a good relations from the start. After delivering these resources Maegar abruptly left to get back to his own realm.
The next to approach was a fat bard named Harv Marvelous. He was a representative from the Moonlight Traveling Carnival. He wanted to bring his carnival to Stormhaven some time in the next year. He wanted the realm to provide security in exchange for a cut of the profits. The next to approach was a local community organizer named Mick Despook. He had been the leader of a group of folks who had demanded construction of a library. Now he wanted the library to have Sunday hours.
After the council had heard from every, a sobbing woman entered the chamber with a dead child. The child had been killed the night before on the road. The party went to this location and began a track. The wolves prints soon turned to human prints but eventually the tracks became impossible to follow. That night the party set up watches in town should the werewolf strike. Sure enough, the werewolf appeared. After a moment it became clear the werewolf was Connor Mckraven. The party defeated him and took him prisoner. Aurum was bit during the encounter.
-11/23/2020 (300 xp)------(All party members currently have 12,268 xp and are 4th level)
--Explored Areas: None
--Creatures defeated: Werewolf
--Ended on day 261----- Current Date: Neth (November) 19th 4714AR
8th: Rivers Run Red: Part 3:
-Murdock, Eranduil, Aurum (NPC), Grepper (NPC/Papo)-
Murdock and Eranduil spent two weeks assisting Bat with Kingdom business. During this time, Aurum traveled with Conner in shackles to Rostand. There he was able to get Conner’s lycanthrope healed. Aurum was also bite by the werewolf but the power of Abadar would not allow the affliction to affect him. The party then reunited and set off by boat. They explored all of Tuskwater Lake, then continued south to Candlemere lake and the island that lies at it center. In the middle of an island they found and old ruin and a Will-O-Wisp. The creature proved to powerful and the party was forced to flee. After exploring the remaining lake areas, the party headed north again to enter the unexplored land areas (G4). On the lake they came across a magical trident with severed aquatic humanoid arm attached to it. They camped on the shore disguising their boat with trees and bushes. During the night they were awoken by a passing group of seven trolls. The party sat quiet and let them pass.
Eventually the party came to swamp area. On an island the middle of the marsh was a small hut guarded by an animated scarecrow. The party rang a bell that hung from a tree. After much diplomacy, the party was invited in. This was the house of The Old Beldame. A human sorcerer who was rumored to be an evil hag that ate children. These rumors appeared to be unsubstantiated. The old Beldame was defensive and moody but seemed honest and just wanted to be left alone. She was wise and offered the party many warnings about the area they were now exploring. She indicated the location of an evil Mad Hermit, a lizard folk village, and a hidden cairn. The cairn is reported to be tomb with a powerful weapon known as Reaper, kept within. They say many have entered, only to become undead guardians. The Old Beldame would eventually provide the party with a treasure map to this location. In addition, she offered her services as a creator of magical items (for market price).
Later that day the party found a group of gnomish explorers known as the Narthropple expedition. There were some 20 of them and 3 wagons. Their leader was a charming fellow named Jubilost. The party saved their wagon from sinking in a river. After the groups parlayed and exchanged information. From this the party learned the suspected locations of numerous sites in the southern Green Belt. The party finished exploring this area and returned home.
-11/30/2020 (1,025 xp)------(All party members currently have 13,293 xp and are 4th level)
--Kingdom Building: (1 month) Annexed Hex F3, built roads in E5 and E6, Built Brewery in Stormwatch,
--Explored Areas: G4 and the two big lakes
--Creatures defeated: None (The Will-O-Wisp received 2,000 XP for defeating the party)
--Ended on day 294----- Current Date: Kuthona (December) 23rd 4714AR
9th: Rivers Run Red: Part 4:
-Murdock, Eranduil, Aurum (NPC), Grepper (NPC)-
Having returned home from their last expedition. The party spend more time building their kingdom. After a week of that, they disembarked to explore once more. They once again took a boat across the tuskwater. Murdock went out of his way to travel to mud bowl to recover mushrooms for the Old Beldame. She was very happy with this and rewarded him. After a short visit with the Old Beldame the party trekked west toward the area of the Mad Hermit (G3). Early the next day they were attacked by three Tazzlewyrms. They killed them and attempted to track to their lair. There was snowfall now as it was the last year of the month and it became difficult to track.
Eventually, the party resumed exploring the area and soon came upon a small cabin in the woods. As they approached, they were sneak attacked by the Mad Hermit. The hermit may have once been a great rogue but now he was an insane mountain man with a mountain lion companion. The cougar engaged with Murdock’s wolf as Murdock ran to help. Meanwhile, the Hermit was delivering crippling strikes upon Eranduil. The battle eventually ended with the cougar slain and the Mad Hermit magical bound by Grepper. The party tied him up because they had discerned this was Bokken’s evil brother who had killed their parents. The party thought they could continue to explore with the hermit in tow, but this was not possible. Whatever they did he would escape and they would have to spend time recapturing him. They finally elected to return home at once.
Upon the return trip they suddenly had a mermaid named Alora appear on their deck. She was badly hurt and asking for help. She said Crucian’s were hunting here. She explained that the Linnorm had come north into the lake and was feeding heavily for the unset of winter. It had destroyed the Crucian’s lair and now those that remained were ravenous. They had already killed her mate and torn him to pieces. Within moments, six crucians appeared. The party found them off, though one escaped. During the attack, the Mad Hermit almost escaped again.
When the party returned to Stormwatch, they heard a bard named Grigori preaching in the street. He was saying terrible things about the party and the way they were ruling. The party arrested him and plotted their next move. Murdock went to Bokken as this was occurring. He gave Bokken a locket that was taken from the Mad Hermit. Bokken confirmed that this was his evil brother and wept when he saw his mothers’ picture in the locket. The rulers or the realm now had to debate what justice should be done with both the Hermit and the bard. The Hermit was tried in public and found guilty. He was quickly executed. Meanwhile, the party was trying to interrogate Grigori. Magistrate Fellos from Brevoy offered to help, as he was an experienced interrogator. He was able to discern that Grigori was being paid by the city of Pitax in the south to spread unrest. Magistrate Fellos offered to have Brevoy foot the bill to pay Grigori to return to Pitax and do the same thing there. But first he would spend a few days taking up how great the rulers of Stormhaven were.
Now that the party was done with the Hermit they could return to explore the area where they had found him. They traveled south by boat and finished exploring that area. They then set out to explore the land areas around Lake Candlemere. Here, they were attacked by a wandering Owlbear whom they soon killed. As the party returned home the new year was upon them and winter had fully arrived.
-12/1/2020 (2,600 xp)------(All party members currently have 15,893 xp and are 5th level)
--Kingdom Building: (1 month) Annexed Hex F3, built roads in E5 and E6, Built Brewery in Stormwatch,
--Explored Areas: G3 and H3
--Creatures defeated: Mad Hermit, Cougar, Owlbear, 3 Tatzlewyrms, 6 Crucians.
--Ended on day 302----- Current Date: Kuthona (December) 31st 4714AR
Kingdom Building (1 Year)
The party spent all of 4714 focusing on their kingdom. They expanded into new areas and built many amazing things.
-Current Kingdom Size: 11
-Stormwatch Population: 7,000
10th: Rivers Run Red: Part 5:
-Murdock, Eranduil, Aurum (NPC), Bat (NPC)-
It was the first day of a new year and winter was colder than usual. The party was receiving reports of an unstoppable monster ravaging the area near the Black Burrows gold mine. The party set out on horseback. They encountered patrol guards who gave conflicting reports. They arrived at the mine to find many slaughtered gnomes. They followed giant bird like tracks back to a hut. A voice inside declared he did not have a problem with the party, only the gnomes. A few moments later massive bird legs busted out the bottom of the hut. The party was facing a Sentinel Hut, a construct resembling the fabled Baby Yaga’s hut. The creature swallowed many of the party members trapping them in a maddening extradimensional room. Eventually the creature was destroyed. As the party picked themselves up from the ruins, they could see Tartuk was also in the ruins. Tartuk was the kobold sorcerer who had taken control of the Sootscale clan. The party had broken Tartuk’s control of the clan and Tartuk had been run off. Apparently, at some point he gained control of this construct and had been living in its attic. He was using it to get revenge against the gnomes. After Tartuk was killed, he reverted back to his original form of a gnome. After this battle the party returned home and rested for a week.
The party next set out to explore the area rumored to be occupied by a powerful Worg known as the Howl-of-the North. As they reached a natural bridge over a ravine, they could see the giant Worg waiting on the other side. The Worg had a pack of 10 wolves that swarmed the party. The whole time the Worg was shooting lightning bolts from his mouth at the party. After the party killed the Wolves, a long-range battle ensued. As the party tried to charge the Worg used a lightning bolt to blow out part of the bridge. In the end, the Howl of the North was silence forever.
-12/10/2020 (2,250 xp)------(All party members currently have 18,593 xp and are 5th level)
--Explored Areas: G6 partial
--Creatures defeated: Sentinel Hut, Worg (Special), 10 wolves, Tartuk kobold sorcerer
--Ended on day 313----- Current Date: Abadius (January) 13th 4716AR
11th: Rivers Run Red: Part 6:
-Murdock, Eranduil, Aurum (NPC)-
The party was still out exploring having just killed the giant Worg. They skinned the monster and took its head. The winter weather was still terribly cold. The following morning Bat received an animal messenger and said he had to leave to tend to Kingdom business. The party continued on with out him. Later that day they came upon a ship frozen in the river. A girls voice was calling for help. This was all an elaborate ruse by a Leaucrotta. Willow nearly drowned but the party defeated the creature.
The following day the party came upon a stone skull tower. Stairs lead up to the tower where many goblins had frozen to death while standing guard. Inside the tower a tunnel led deep underground to a lava flow. There a Barghest was making its lair. The creature had amassed a clan of goblins but had resorted to eating them to survive the winter. The party killed the monster and recovered much treasure. Some of the treasure was a ton of supplies apparently from the frozen ship. They could not possibly carry these supplies back and thus left them very well hidden behind rubble.
The following evening as the party went to rest they found the corpses of an adventuring party led by Edgar Varn. A letter to mom revealed this was Edgar’s first adventure. The inexperienced party had underestimated the cold. Rand sent a message to Stormwatch to be relayed to Maegar Varn who was back in Varnhold. The letter would inform him of his nephews untimely death. The party build a small stone grave for the deceased and then rested.
The party was having terrible difficulty getting around. The numerous rivers proved difficult to cross. They would wait for opportunities to cross provide by frozen sections. The horses and mules complicated this process. In fact, one of the mules ended of freezing to death. Having done much exploring in the east the party swept back east. They once again saw a ship of dwarves the dwarves just continued on their on their way. They also saw a wyvern and the Linnorm swimming south for the winter.
While exploring in the west the party came upon a hill giant named Munguk. Murdock approached to see the giant was trying to get the last drops out of a bottle of moonshine. Murdock befriended the giant by giving him a bottle of whiskey. The giant explained that he was very sad because he could not find Wolfberries to make his moonshine. Murdock invited Munguk to come to Stormwatch and gave him a letter of passage. Murdock promised two more bottles of whiskey. In exchange Munguk have Murdock a map to a troll lair and a magical necklace.
The party eventually figured out how to cross a river and thus returned to explore the haunted cairn they had heard so much about. They found a cave that led to a tomb complex. The tomb was filled with terrible traps and abberations. They defeated Cave Fishers, Cloakers, Rust Monsters, Gelatanous Cubes, Skeletons, and the lonely warrior whom the tomb had been constructed for. He was now a Cairn Wight and the party destroyed him.
Bat, Grepper, and Abox arrived after the party had entered and explored some areas of the tomb themselves. Eventually, both groups reunited. This expedition had lasted nearly a month in the bitter cold and it was time for the party to return home. They reached Stormwatch on the last day of the month.
-12/13/2020 (3,713 xp)------(All party members currently have 22,305 xp and are 5th level)
--Explored Areas: H5-H6, i4-i6
--Creatures defeated: Cloaker, 12 Skeletons, Rust monster, Leaucrotta, Barghest, 2 Cave Fishers, Gelantenos Cube, Piranha Swarm, Cairn Wight.
--Notes: Befriended Munguk the Hill Giant,
--Ended on day 695----- Current Date: Abadius (January) 30th 4716AR
Kingdom Building:
The party spend the next five months building up their kingdom. They established the settlement of Northgate where Oleg’s trading post was located. They built roads that connected to Northgate and to Brevoy and also to Varnhold. They now had trade routes. They built a ship. They doubled the size of the kingdom.
--Ended on Day 874
11.5: Rivers Run Red: Part 6.5: (An NPC adventure)
-Aurum (NPC), Bat (NPC)
Some of the regions (hexes) the party had cleared and explored had once again become occupied by monsters. Bat and Aurum decided to head out and attempt to reconquer these areas (Hex E1). They asked Grepper to accompany them, but he still would not enter this region due to the First World Event that had occurred there (Death of a Unicorn). They battled some worgs, taztlewyrms, and cockatrices. After reclaiming an area, they came across tracks of what appeared to be a massive force of serpentine humanoids. Aurum returned home while Bat traveled south to investigate the unexplained animal attacks on settlers.
12th: Cold Mountain:
-Murdock, Erandual, Radomir(Cheese), Bat(Papo)-
It was summer now and Aurum was ruling. This did not stop him and Bat from leaving to reclaim some previously conquered areas that had become reoccupied by monsters. Meanwhile, rumors were persisting of terrible attacks on prospectors and trappers in the forest (Hex F2). Many believed the Wild Ughar Elves were responsible, they were known to dwell just south of that area in an unexplored region (Hex G2). These wild elves had lived in seclusion in these lands for centuries and were very primitive and wary of strangers.
Later that day one of these primitive elves arrived, his name was Dagroot. He explained these same attacks were happening to his people. He was from the village of Gloym. The Elder of Gloym, known as Gonec Trom, had decided he needed outsiders to solve this problem as it was the Ughar who had created the problem. As such, he had sent out a call for adventurers. Murdock and Rand set out at once aboard their new ship, the Dire Wolf. They took a shipbuilder and former pirate named Mirt with them. Along the way they came across a wizard named Radimir who was rowing a small boat.
Radomir had grown up in the Green belt, the son of a carpenter. When he was young a traveling wizard found him and saw his potential. He was taken to attend a school of wizardry. In his absence his family was killed by bandits. He abandoned his schooling and now spends his days liberating the Green Belt from tyrants, monsters, and bandits. He had recently gained some fame for his actions defending the settlement of Tatzleford. He too, was answering the call for help from the village of Gloym. He accepted the party’s invitation to join them.
On the second morning of sailing the party was attacked by a Wyvern. With the help of their new friend the party killed the monster. They took the ship up a river till reached an impassible ford. Here they met Bat who had traveled south to help having just reconquered a region some 30 miles north. This reunion was interrupted as two Voonlith lizards emerged and began attacking the party. The party killed these monsters but their howls attacked the attention of a pregnant Owlbear. The party killed the owlbear and Rand managed to save the infant Owlbear in its womb.
The party left the boat with Mirt and Willow as they traveled across land. Even though it was the beginning of summer a massive snowstorm came upon them making travel difficult. At one point they found a bear stalking them, but Murdock empathized with it and sent it on its way. The next day they arrived at the town of Gloyn.
Gloyn appeared a small primitive village with a dozen or so houses. Their leader Gonec spoke broken common and a primitive form of elven. The Ughar elves did not trust outsiders but this had all been Gonec’s idea. The party were to be given a test of trust. They would have to eat ice peppers. Rand attempted to cast a spell on himself to protect himself from heat. The Ughar took great Umbridge at this. They said he could not take the test. Rand was insulted that they were insulted and said he wanted to leave. Bat failed the test and fell ill. Murdock and Radimir passed the test by eating many hot peppers. They were now considered brethren and were allowed to eat and sleep in the village. Rand considered to show disdain for the primitive elves. Eventually him and Bat left to camp in the woods.
Murdock and Radomir talked with the elder and got the story. It seemed these elves worshipped a goodness of a nearby mountain. There had been horrible weather and terrible animal attacks as of late. They had brought many offerings to the goddess, but she was still angry. They Ughar believed they had done something to anger the goddess and did not know how to fix this. Gonec, in his wisdom, decided outsiders were needed to fix this. That idea was challenged greatly by the other elders. After hearing the story, the party got directions to this mountain.
The following morning the party reunited and traveled to the foot of the mountain. There sat a massive waterfall with a stone monument at its summit. Murdock sent his raven to explore but it was nearly killed by a Wiitikowan Raven. The Wiitikowan was a curse that changed animals into something monstrous. The party climbed the cliff and within the stone structure found the body of a 10 year old elven boy. They next descended the cliff back to the pond at the foot of the waterfall. One a small island was the body of an elven women.
As the party approached a Stromkarl Nixie (Waterfall Fey) rose and tried used compulsion magic to repel the party. The party managed to damage the creature and then it retreated. The body had been dead for some time, but someone was tending to it, braiding its hair and stitching its cloths. The Stromkarl Nixie begged the party not to disturb the body. Through threat of intimidation the party convinced the Nixie to explain.
What the party learned was a very sad story. An Ughar woman named Priya Nizolek had lost her daughter to fever. Her son had taken the daughter to the waterfall in hopes the goddess could raise her. On his trip home he was killed by wild animals. Priya then returned with the corpses of both her children again hoping for divine grace. A raven tried to pick at the corpse. In rage, she charged the raven and accidentally fell to her death. Her pain and torment brought her back as a ghost. Using this form, she possessed a Nixie who was guardian of this waterfall. After more interrogating, the party learned that the goddess was rumored to leave in a valley on the mountain.
The following day the party transversed the difficult cliff face. For hours they climbed taking many bruises and slashes along the way. At about midday an avalanche of snow, dirt and rock came down upon them. Rand was momentarily buried and nearly killed but the party recovered him. Eventually they came to a beautiful valley hidden with the mountains.
Here they were greeted by Istria, the goddess of the mountain. In reality she was an Orruol, a powerful earth fey. She was impressed the party had survived the challenges of the mountain and invited them to dine with her. They asked if she was responsible or these events. She explain was in fact responsible, apparently, she was in love with the Nixie whose name is Byard. Some weeks ago when she went to visit Byard, he acted as if he did not know her and lashed out in anger. This enraged the goddess and she saw that Byard was more concerned with an Ughar women whom he was tending too with great care. She decided the women of the Ughar villages were to blame for taking her love from her. In response she was calling in terrible weather and had released a Wiitikowan curse. First the curse was given to a raven who had then passed it to a wolverine.
She now saw her error and felt terrible. She wondered if her Spriggan servants had made her become dark. She explained that the Spriggans were in fact evil and they had come to her valley to do bad things. But she had charmed them into service. As a result of this she said she would release the Spriggans and sent them on their way. To fix things, she offered to have Priya and her children buried in her valley. She said she could break the curse on the raven as it still dwelt in her domain. The wolverine who was now called the Bloody Beast was too far out of her realm though. With Istria’s magic the party traveled instantaneous back to the waterfall and explained the offer to Priya. Her body and her children’s bodies were buried in the valley. Her ghost was given piece. Byard the nixie, now freed of possession was reunited with his love. Istria gave the party a magic sword, magic armor, and many goodberries to help. She sent her owl familiar to spy for the Bloody beast but he could not be found. However, the beast was utilizing a predictable pattern. He was stalking the river to find the herd animals that would feed there.
The following day the party killed a wild ram and set it up as bait. The bloody beast soon appeared using smoke form wind walking powers to attack the party. On numerous occasions the creature nearly killed a party member. In the end, Radimir exploded the creature. The curse of the mountain goddess had ended. The party returned to Gloym, Rand intentionally entered the town to flaunt the party’s victory. During this contentious exchange Rand noticed Gonec had a fever as a result of being injured by the Bloody beast. Bat said he work to fix this. As the bickering continued Murdock sided with Rand and also insulted the elder. The other elders got involved and the exchange ended with great enmity. Rand mentioned it would “be a shame if their village was conquered by an expanding nation”. Bat did a remove curse and lesser restoration on Gomec before leaving.
On the trip home the party once again saw the two Spriggans whom had been in service to Istria (Flotsam & Jetsom). They had set up a raft with a sign that said free ferry service. Rand told them he knew they were up to no good and should move along. They acquiesced to this request.
-12/20/2020 (3,700 xp)------(All party members currently have 26,005 xp and are 6th level)
--Explored Areas: Some of G2
--Creatures defeated: Wyvern, 2 Voonliths, Owlbear, Bloody Beast (Fey Wolverine), Stromkarl Nixie, 2 Moss trolls
--Notes: Befriended Istria, Goddess of the Mountain and her giant Owl Companion (Bardei). Poor relations with the Ughar elves, meet Flotsam and Jetsam the Spriggans,
--Ended on day 885----- Current Date: Sarenith (June) 9th 4716AR
Kingdom Building:
The party spent 6 months building their kingdom. They annexed the settlement of Taztleford. They took control of all regions surrounding the northern forest.
-Ended on November 30th
12th: Rivers Run Red: Part 7:
-Murdock, Eranduil, Aurum (NPC)-
The party had taken six months off as they once again tended to their kingdom. The time had once again come to explore. As the party went to take the boat, they found Mirt taken a group of diplomats to some point down the river. The party went for the ride, all save for Bat, who stayed home to govern. After dropping off the diplomats, the party traveled back up the river to west (Hex G2). They spent the next few days exploring this region and the region just south (Hex H2).
Early on the first day they came upon a Dryad named Terresia and her Satyr companion Falchos. Terresia explained a vicious Scythe Tree had come to live in her grove and she had been unable to remove it. The party went with Falchos to handle the situation. They killed the tree and gained Terresia’s trust. She gave the party magical gifts and agreed to keep an eye on the forest in these parts. Later this day the party battled and killed two wondering Basilisks.
The following day the party came upon a dispute between a Nixie named Melaianse and a group of lumberjacks led by a ranger named Corax. The lumberjacks had cut down some tree next to Melianse’s pond and in return she had charmed the loggers. Aurum used diplomacy to get the loggers to leave while Rand did his best to replant some new trees. In return, Melianse agreed to keep an eye on the nearby rivers.
Having explored these two areas, the party would now move on the western most area rumored to contain an abandoned keep (Hex G1). They arrived at the keep finding it ruined and surrounded by river water. As they entered Murdock fell victim to a portulculis trap. Next the party battled and killed a nasty Quickling. In the northwest tower the party came across a magical trap. They decided to bypass it by coming in through the roof. As they did this a Boabhan Sith attacked them, this creature appeared as a beautiful woman, capable on dazing opponents with a seductive dance. Once entranced she would drink your blood. She nearly killed Murdock and Aurum before she was defeated. After killing her the party was badly drained of energy from the vital attributes. They berated themselves in the tower and rested.
-12/28/2020 ------(All party members currently have 28,495 xp and are 6th level)
--Explored Areas: G2, H2, some of H1
--Creatures defeated: 2 Basilisks, Quickling, Scythe Tree, Baobhan Sith,
--Notes: Befriended Melianse the pond nixie. She agreed to keep watch on things in the river. Befriended Terrisia the Dryad, she agreed to keep watch on the woods.
--Ended on day 1,065----- Current Date: (December) 7th 4716AR
13th: Rivers Run Red: Part 9:
-Murdock, Eranduil, Aurum (NPC)----------Abox
The party was still exploring the abandoned keep. They had suffered terrible damage whilst facing the Baobadan Sith (Vampire Fey). They were suffering from ability damage and were very weak. They barricaded themselves inside the southeast tower. Inside they found numerous works of art and expensive accoutrements. The following morning, they used all their spell-casting to restore virtually all of the ability damage and also to heal.
They proceeded to explore the rest of the keep which entailed Rand convincing an Assassin vine to move along followed by defeating a gruesome evil fey called a Grimstalker. The party next smoked out the rat swarm infesting one the remain tower. The only danger remaining in the keep was a magical trap they simply would leave alone. As the party considered what to do next they soon saw the sail of their ship coming. Mirt had used Abox to dig out the ford that blocked entrance to river this far north. The ship was able to pull around in the moat like area surrounding the keep. As it did, Murdock could see numerous lizardfolk following it on the land side.
As the party ran to the boat the lizardfolk descended upon them. At first, the party tried to flee on the ship but this soon became impossible as dozens of lizardfolk swarmed on the ship. Soon, the party was fighting a losing battle. There were at least 60 lizardfolk and they kept coming. Just when it seemed all hope was lost a horn could be heard in the distance. Murdock recognized it as a Kellid horn. He returned the call with own horn. Soon dozens of Kellid warriors including hyrid werewolves arrived and began to drive back the Lizardfolk forces. In the end, virtually all the lizardfolk were slain.
Murdock had been reunited with his people. The kellid warriors were being led by Connor Macraven, who apparently was still a werewolf. He was supposed to have been cured some months back when Aurum took him to Restov. Conner explained that he rescued the kellid warriors from the valley of despair but that some would have died had he not converted them into werewolves. The kellid forces stayed the night with he party as they discussed matters.
The following morning most of the Kellid forces returned to Stormwatch. A small detachment remained at the keep to maintain possession of it. The party set out to complete the exploration of this area (Hex G1). The following day the party took a ride from Mirt down to explore the area just south (Hex H1). They spent the next threes days exploring this area, defeating a Hodag and an Umber Hulk along the way. After this, the party met Mirt and the Dire Wolf at a rendezvous spot and headed home. Mirt explained he had to pick up the diplomats he had dropped off many days ago.
The party spoke with the diplomats and learned they had been sent to meet with the Tortles who were traveling south. Apparently, the Tortles were under the impression they could only stay in Stormhaven if they would serve on board ships. Due to this, they headed east and requested asymlum from Varnhold. Those negotiations left the Tortles with the idea they would have to all work as seamstresses. So, they had headed south toward Pitax. Bat had ordered the diplomats to meet them and to welcome them into the realm with no strings attached. The party returned home and took some well deserved rest.
-1/13/2020 ---(All party members currently have 30,400 xp and are 6th level)
--Explored Areas: G1, H1 (Both remain unannexable)
--Creatures defeated: Grimstalker, Assassin Vine, Umber Hulk, Lizardmen, Hodak
--Notes: The Kellid Warrios arrived. The Abandoned Keep was claimed. The diplomacy with the Tortles is ongoing.
--Ended on day 1,071----- Current Date: (December) 13th 4716AR
14th: Carnival of Tears:
-Murdock, Eranduil, Bat (Papo/NPC), Cassiel (Jillian)
Murdock had come home after drinking and celebrating with his newly arrived Kellid warriors. As he drifted off to sleep, he was suddenly awakened by a leprechaun sitting on his dresser. His name was Kodrum, and Murdock had spoken with him before in his drunken stupors, just not for a very long time. Kodrum urged Murdock to take sole control of the nation. He said “she” had given him the helm to rule and that he must seis it. Kodrum said that Rand could be overpowered by will, that Bat could be chased off, but that Aurum would need to be killed. Murdock agreed on all counts.
The following morning Rand was walking alone in his park when he met with a druid named Arkon Faldark. Arkon wanted to talk with Rand, but Rand soon called away by some commotion. Apparently, the town hall was being evacuated by Kestren. Kestren explained he was doing this because Bat, Aurum, and Murdock were yelling and arguing. Rand joined the conversation as Murdock drifted into drunken unconsciousness. It seemed Bat had discovered that the Kellid warriors were talking about invading the slough at Murdock’s suggestion. Meanwhile, Bat has also learned that some dwarves intended to settle in the kingdom, but Aurum had told them to stay away for now. It was decided that the lords would need to have a meeting the following morning.
About four hours later Murdock awoke from his slumber and met up with Rand. They had heard the carnival had finally come to town and so they traveled the two miles outside of town to the carnival’s location along the river. They took in many of the attractions. They witnessed the house of modern wonders, the tent of freaks, and had drinks at the ale tent. They competed in the archer, egg tossing, and potato sack racing. It was very fun day. Toward the end of the day, they went to see the sword show put on by the carnival’s owner, a dual-blade wielding shadow dancer named Namdrin Quinn. The show was very cool, but the party soon departed as Murdock’s wolf had picked up on something suspicious.
The wolf led the party to an ice maze where a minotaur who was actually an attraction at the carnival was now mad and attacking people in the maze. The party engaged the creature and were quickly joined by Bat who had just arrived at the carnival. The minotaur was soon slain. Not long after the party was approached by a fox carrying a message. The message was sent by someone named Syntira who was warning of a terrible event and wanted the party to meet her in a nearby grove. The party dispatched at once.
The party arrived in the grove to find a beautiful naked Nymph woman named Syntira waiting for them. She explained she ruled this grove and had many fey servants. She said she had been there for ages and had watched the humans destroy her realm. She had grown resentful and in her resentment, she was visited by a two Cold Riders who promised her revenge. She agreed at the time but now had change of heart. Apparently, one of these Cold Riders had now returned and twisted and darkened her fey servants. They were now performing a massacre at the carnival. Syntira gave the party elixirs to protect them from some of the dark magics now impacting the carnival area. She told them that the men best able to stand against the dark rider was the Namdrin Quinn. The problem was he too had been tricked in a bargain with the rider. His wife had been killed and her soul was trapped in a witchshard. Namdrin would be powerless to help until the party freed her soul.
The party returned to the Carnival to find it taken over by evil fey who were corrupting every attraction into something evil and deadly. The party raced around battled dark brownies, frosty chiselers, and other evil fey. Soon, they were being mocked by a quickling dressed as a clown. The creature was called Prig, and he had the witchshard. He taunted the party and made them chase him into encounters with other creatures. During this pursuit, the party was joined by another adventurer named Cassiel. Cassiel was an Aasimar Paladin Wildness Defender. She had come to carnival as she detected some evil forces. She would now help the party fight. The party defeated a Pigman cook and Pixie. Finally, they were able to kill Prig and destroy the witchshard.
The party soon found Quinn. With his wife’s soul freed. He agreed to face the Cold Rider who was now waiting outside on the ice. Upon seeing the Cold Rider, the party recognized it as the risen fey form of the Staglord, now an emotionless agent of evil. The battle was epic but, in the end, the Staglord was fallen again. The party ran around helping what townsfolk they could. Soon guards arrived to help. The party returned to the grove to find Syntira and all her fey dying. She explained that whatever force had empowered the Cold Rider was not of this world and was now killing her. With her dying breath she granted the party a fey boon.
The carnival of tears had ended. Some 76 people had died. Quinn departed to try to find some way to revive his lost love. The party returned home; their future now very uncertain.
-1/17/2021 ---(All party members currently have 34,250 xp and are 6th level)
--Explored Areas: None
--Creatures defeated: Cold Rider, Quickling, Frosty Chiselers, Pixie, Brownies, Minotaur
--Notes: 76 people were killed at the massacre. Syntira the Nymph died.
--Ended on day 1,075----- Current Date: (December) 17th 4716AR
15th: Horns of the Hunted:
-Murdock, Eranduil, Bat (NPC), Aurum (NPC)
The day began with a grim meeting. The rulers of the realm were meeting to discuss their issues. Aurum had been concerned with Murdock’s warmongering. Bat was concerned why Aurum was telling his dwarven brothers to put off settlement. Bat was afraid events were heading toward calamity and introduced the idea of dividing the kingdom. Murdock suggested Bat was creating a dwarven civil war. Rand asserted this could all be resolved. The meeting concluded with few tensions put to rest. Though Murdock informed his men they could not invade the Slough. Meanwhile, the entire realm was still coming to grips with the carnival massacre.
It was decided they would hold a festival of games to try and rejuvenate the people. During these games, a dead unicorn was discovered. Soon the party received an animal messenger with words from Terrisia. The letter beckoned the party to meet with the unicorn Myvenwy. By nightfall, the party was deep in the forest meeting with the unicorn. The unicorn explained that she and her mate along with her baby had come to this forest seeking the aid of another unicorn who was now already dead. Apparently, a hunting party had been pillaging the forest. During this encounter, the unicorn’s mate appeared and was badly wounded. He explained that the hunting party had taken their child and was now hunting him. A moment later a hunting party of Buckawns, Worgs, and Fey Wolves attacked. The party defeated these creatures, then set about hunting down the remaining hunting party members in hopes of recovering the baby unicorn. For hours they hunted other Buckawns and Worgs. They were led on many a chase. Eventually they found that all the hunting party members were trying to reach a portal in the woods.
At the portal, the party was attacked by a Farlarren Sorcerer. They managed to force her to flee. The party entered the portal into the demi-realm of Seasons. A nexus realm connected the prime material with the first world. They soon came upon a Faun Bard named Cyollus who was reprimanding Raewyn, the Farlarren sorcerer they had just fought. The party befriended Cyollus and he told them many things. He told them the hunting party was sent by Harakund, one of two cold riders that serve the Faerie Queen. Aurum recognized the name Harakund as the Bear Duke who once ruled the same area the party now held mastery over. Harakund the mortal had been killed by the Staglord. It seemed both lords had eventually been reborn as Cold Riders in service of this Faerie Queen. With the other cold rider dead, Harakund was now trying to become the Faerie Queen’s major domo, replacing a powerful helmed Satyr known as the Horned Hunter. Cyollus explained that these parties had been invading the prime material plane for years, often taking back strange and powerful items. He believed the collection of these items was strengthening the Faerie Queen’s connection to that realm. The Farlarren the party had fought had become the stepdaughter to Harakand against her will. Cyollus wanted to redeem the girl and the party agreed. Finally, Cyollus explained this realm had four regions, one reflecting each season. To change regions the party need only concentrate on thoughts of the desired season.
Using this information, the party teleported to the realm of summer. There they encountered a fly bear whom they avoided. They next teleported to the realm of autumn where they were ambushed by Twigjacks. After killing two of the three Twigjacks the party teleported to the realm of winter. There they faced some surviving hunting party members and the Cold Rider Harakand. They defeated him and recovered the baby unicorn. They returned to the prime material plane taking Cyollus along for a visit. They reunited the unicorn family who offered endless thanks.
Upon exiting the portal back to their realm, the party had two encounters. One was with a teacher of the dark arts named professor Lorimor. He brought his class to study the portal. One of the kid, a 12-year old named Darkin-Rao had accidently entered the portal but the party recovered him. The second encounter was a group of Treants who were leaving these woods as they felt darkness was coming. The party communicated with the Treants via a magic item called Caldwell’s Collapsible Companion.
-1/31/2021 ---(All party members currently have 39,350 xp and are 7th level)
--Explored Areas: None
--Creatures defeated: Cold Rider, Buckawns, Worgs, Fey Wolves, Twigjacks, Cold Rider.
--Notes: Befriended Unicorn family (Myvenwy (mom), Hilzarun (dad), Efyllia (baby)), and Cycollus the Faun.
--Ended on day 1,080----- Current Date: (December) 25th 4716AR
Kingdom Building:
The party spent the next year tending to and improving their kingdom. Murdock built a settlement for his people on the abandoned keep. Aurum built a settlement for his dwarves that arrived on the lava cavern. All of the original charter lands of the Green Belt were now conquered and annexed accept for the three regions in the southwest.
---Ended on Day 1445
16th: Rivers Run Red: Part 10:
-Murdock, Eranduil, Bat (NPC), Aurum (NPC)
The party was summoned to a meeting by a female swordlord from Restov named Jamandi Aldori. She explained that the King of Brevoy (Noleski Surtova) was meeting with the King of Pitax (Castruccio Irovetti). The meeting was to take place within the party’s realm and the barons of all four chartered realms were to attend. The swordlords wanted to reinforce their position that they have very little involvement with the “self-established” baronies of the stolen lands. This, of course, was not true. As the party arrived at the meeting, so too did Maegar Varn and the Barony of Brutality, led by Hannis Drelev. Murdock began to argue with Hannis and soon Hannis was calling Murdock a coward. Murdock moved to attack, but Hannis’s consort hit him with a modify memory spell. Murdock forgot what happened and the meeting proceeded. Soon, King Surotva of Brevoy arrived and listened to all the progress that the different charters had made. Then came King Irovetti of Pitax. He wanted assurances that the Baronies of the stolen land were not puppet domains of Brevoy. King Surtova provided these assurances. It was unclear how much the King of Brevoy knew about Rostov’s involvement with the charters.
King Irovetti said this was good and presented the heads of Arkadius (the leader of the Company of the black banner, whom had been hired to explore the Glenebon Uplands) and also the head of Grigori the bard. Murdock admitted he knew Grigori was a spy for Pitax. He displayed a great knowledge about Grigori. Irovetti then seemed convinced it was the party that sent Grigori back into his kingdom to sow mistrust. During this meeting Murdock was met by the leprechaun Kodrum. He told Murdock it was time to proclaim this land as the realm of the fey queen and wanted Murdock to kill King Surtova. Murdock refused, and as a result, the Wolf Helm began to squeeze. Within moments, Murdock’s head had exploded. There were yells of “assassination” as the two kings were evacuated. The party grabbed Murdock’s body and fled back to Stormwatch.
Murdock awake in a dark forested realm. He was laying on ice, his body was partially made of ice. He was being reborn as a Cold Rider. A woman called to him as he could see a bright green light luring him closer. She said it was time for him to serve. At that moment, vines appear to wrap around his arms and were pulling him away. In a flash, Murdock awoke naked in the field where the carnival had taken place. He returned to Stormwatch and reunited with his party. Maegar Varn visited and tried to have his wizard Cepheral Laurentis divine the properties of the wolf helm. He was unable to do so. After a few days the party decided to finish exploring their charter. There was three regions remaining.
They marched south and explored the easternmost remaining area (i3). There they defeated some lizardmen who were living on a mud island. These were what remained of the lizardmen army that had previously ravaged their land. The party killed all of them except for their chief. Before they could reach the chief, they encountered a Willow-o-wisp. The wisp was too powerful, and the party was forced to flee. They finished exploring the hex leaving the island to be conquered at another time.
They next headed west to next unexplored region (Hex i2). They defeated a yeti and a forest drake and fully explored the area. The next day they proceeded to final unexplored area (Hex i1). They soon came upon a cabin. Inside the cabin they met the Cleave Organization. This was the adventuring party that Restov had originally chartered to explore the Glenebon Uplands. Instead of exploring they would just party and then draw up fake maps of the things they had explored. It was fraud. Eventually, Restov discovered this and terminated their charter. Now they were doing the same thing to Pitax. They were currently chartered to explore this realm on behalf of Pitax, but again were simply partying in a cabin. They were very nice to the party.
The following day the party came upon a troll cave. Inside they defeated many trolls and trollhounds. They battled a sea troll and a dire troll. Eventually they came upon the Troll King. He was able to use a necklace of fireballs to repel the party. The party fled barely escaping with their lives. They explored the rest of this area and then returned to the Cleave cabin.
-2/6/2021 ---(All party members currently have 45,550 xp and are 7th level)
--Explored Areas: Most of i1, all of i2, and most of i3.
--Creatures defeated: Lizardmen, trolls, forest drake, yetis.
--Notes: Met King Irovetti and King Surtova. Met Hannis Drelev and more enmity was established.
--Ended on day 1,459----- Current Date: (December) 25th 4717AR
The following day Murdoch fell through a portal in a tree basin. The party searched for him for weeks. Little did they know he had been transported to the magical city of Ptolus where he would have many more adventures (see Ptolus Campaign 18th: The Demonskar Legacy). After the loss of Murdoch, the party was content with the lands they had conquered and thus discontinued their efforts at expansion. They would continue to develop and protect the realm they had created. They had proved their dominion and were now great rulers.
The End