Pathfinder Page
This Page is to help designing Pathfinder Characters..

What is Pathfinder: Pathfinder is the continuation of the D&D 3.5 rules. Official D&D went on the make 4th and then 5th edition. An independent company proceeded to essentially continue 3.5 rules. So Pathfinder is essentially D&D 3.75 rules. They have all their own rulebooks based on the rules you know from 3rd edition D&D.
Notable Changes: Core classes now have more abilties. There are still prestige classes but there are also archtypes. Archtypes are modifications to Classes that make them different. Like a Fighter may have a Samarai archtype. Also all special combat maneuvers are resolved with CBA and CBD modifyers. These simplify disarming, tripping and grappling. There are many other minor changes but the one you need to know when making a new character is that starting charcters no longer get x4 skill points. Instead anytime you take a single rank in a class skill you gain a +3 rank to that skill. You also get Traits now. These are like mini-feats.
What are the books: Theres like 100 books. But the main ones are The Core Rulebook, Advanced Players Guide, Advanced Races Guide, Ultimate Combat and Ultimate Magic. Then there are books for races religions, the world, and one for every region. Then tons of specialty books. Pathfinder also has an online SRD but that does not have everything. On this website I will try to provide links to online PDFs for all these books.
Character Creation
Ability Scores
Use the 24 point system. All your stats start at 10. You then raise or lower your stats using the chart to the right. You have 24 pts to manipulate with. Add your racial modifiers after you have assigned points. You cannot drop a stat below 8 or raise above 18.
If we ever use rolling again we would use 4d6 x7. Drop lowest dice and score.
Take 80% of max.
Hit Points
Max HP at first level. For every other level you automatically get half and roll for the other half.
You start with two traits. Your region may provide more options. See your DM about this.
How to make a Character
8 -2
9 -1
10 0
11 1
12 2
13 3
14 5
15 7
16 10
17 13
18 17
First establish stats & gold. Then reveiw the Players Guide for your campaign if one is avaiable. See Campaign section at bottom of this page. Pick Class, Archtype, & Race. Now look at the background section. Figure out what region your from. Choose a Diety. Pick feats, skills, & traits. Ask DM if there are more traits. Buy Equiptment. Go to DM's house.
The Pathfinder World is the World of Golarion. Most campaigns will take place in a region. There are region guides and often a specially designed Players Guide. See your DM for these.
UNRELEASED: Coming in the Ultimate Intrigue Book April 2016
Official Occult Psionic Classes
Subject to DM approval. This is 3rd party rules.
Aasimars: Creatures with a celestial bloodline.
Catfolk: A race of graceful explorers.
Dhampirs: The accursed spawn of vampires.
Drow: Dark reflections of surface elves.
Fetchlings: humans exiled to the Shadow Plane.
Ifrits: from men and inhabitants of the Plane of Fire.
Oreads: blood of creatures from the Plane of Earth.
Ratfolk: small, ratlike humanoids.
Sylphs: human blood mixed with airy elemental folk.
Tengus: crowlike humanoid scavengers.
Tieflings: mortals stained with the blood of fiends.
Undines: humans touched by planar elements.
Changelings: The offspring of hags & humans
Duergar: Gray skinned, deep-dwelling dwarves.
Gillmen: Kevin Costner in WaterWorld
Gripplis: Furtive frogfolk creatures
Kitsune: These shapeshifting, foxlike folk.
Merfolk: Mermaids & Mermen.
Nagaji: Snake-like creatures.
Samsarans: Ghostly servants of karma.
Strix: Dark Winged humanoids.
Sulis: Elemental powered
Svirfneblins: Underdark Gnomes.
Vanaras: monkeylike humanoids.
Vishkanyas: Serpentine humanoids.
Wayangs: creatures of the Plane of Shadow.
Prestige Classes
Ultimate Equipment
About Traits: You begin play with two traits. Traits come in different categories. You cannot take two traits from the same category. Your race, class, homeland, campaign, diety may all open up additional traits to you. Your DM can help you with this. Also check your Campaign's Players Guide.