The Party
Kessel Verdant (Booth): Human Necromatic Warrior. Fighter, Necromancer, Spellsword, Eldritch Knight
Obryn Runewise (Papo): Grailwarden Dwarf Archivist, Wizard, Mystic Thuerge
Keen Quickshadow (Fred): Human Spellthief
Calost (Cheez): Litorian Paladin, Knight of the Pale
Vander (NPC): Human Thug Cleric of Lothian Ordained Champion
Breya (Cohort/Fred): Human Female Barbarian Shaman
Vida Blade (NPC/Jackie): Human Female Swashbuckler
Murdoch Mcstone (Larry): Human Highland Barbarian Monk Fighter Occult Slayer
Vin Van Tran (NPC): Human Ninjar
Kenpachi Ninja/Fighter (James)
Sam Champion (NPC) Human Paladin

Obryn Runewise
Player: Papo
Race: Grailwarden Dwarf
Class: Wizard/Archivist
Prestige Class: Mystic Thuerge, Dweomerkeeper
Alignment: CG
Level: 20th (Wiz 3, Arc 3, MT 10, DK 4)
Exp: 203,658 (20th lev) (1-27-2014) (Mod 31)
Homeland: Prustan Pennisula (Mining Camp)
Family: Both parents and two siblings still alive. and an Uncle and a Grandfather.
Personality: Has extreme bad luck. Feels guilty about how his luck has effected those around him. Left his family to protect them from this. He is Careless, Easy Going, even Lazy. His Father was a Miner and so was he. Now he is a skilled engineer.
Mount: Frostbite (White Dragon (supernaturally aged))
Special: Natural Psionic Ability, Supernatural misfortune.
Mentor: Anselmo Durad (Archivist), Cadamar (Wizard), Kendall Curst (Mystic Thuerge)
Contacts: Madgoth the Beholder (Insane Asylum), Jevecca Nor (Inverted Pyramid),
Athan A-Frame (Engineer), Caramon Smallwater (Dragon Trainer), Phaztuk (Planar Sage)
Life: Obryn is pepetually studying. He will act as a sage for a high price. He maintains a home and a second house specialised to house his dragon. He is often called upon by the city builders for his engingeering expertise as well. He sometimes engaging in research with fellow scholars. Among these are Doridean Mythlord of the Elven Sanctuary and Jevecca Nor of the Inveryed Pyramid. In addiion adventurer friends often come to him for help. These include Alton Bane and his Bloodstone Fellowship, Mars Lanceman, Lavish the Bard, The Honest Minstrel and the Knights of the Pale.
Keen Quickshadow
Player: Freddy T
Race: Human
Class: Spellthief
Alignment: CG
Level: 20th
Exp: 204,536 (20th) (1-27-2014) (Mod 31)
Homeland: The City of Erish-Aga in the Realm of Kem
Family: Parents Edge & Mada (Both Dead), Brother Raz (Wizard), Sister Blada (Rogue), Cousin Elio Greysmoke (local fateweaver)
Personality: His father was a janitor and his mother a Gypsy seer. He was ashamed of his station and life and has thus risen. He wears fine cloths and maintains a lavish house but on the inside he still feels dirty. He is charismatic and charming but always calculating. He has a generous spirit but a distrubingly flexible attitude towards right and wrong.
Contacts: Kelf Understryker (Wizard on Dweomer St), Linnech Cran (Crime Boss), Captain Bates (Town Guard), Doraedian Mythlord (Elf Lord of Elven Sanctuary), Numerous more contacts in the Underworld and High Society.
Mentor: Sam Champion (Combat), Cadamar the mad (Wizardry)
Special: Has discovered that he, like his mother are from a strong fateweaver bloodline and thus has uncanny powers of future perception.
Life: Keen runs an anti-thieves guild. In secret this guild actually serve the Baalcazar Crime Family to rid the competition. Sylar is his number two man here and Vin Van Tran is also. His superior is Hadrian (Stoic vampire). Keen maintains a small but lavish house. He is a member of high society in Ptolus and often attends the Swordthrowers social club. He is friends with the Chisel and many powerful merchants and upper class folk. He has a barbarian cohort that was given to him.
Kessel Verdant
Player: Booth
Race: Human
Class: Fighter/Wizard
Prestige Class: Eldritch Knight, Spellsword
Alignment: N
Level: 20th (Ft: 4, Wiz: 3, EK: 8, SS: 5)
Exp: 195,332 (20th) (1-27-2014) (Mod 31)
Homeland: City of Dorinthas
Family: Mother Jenna (Dead), Father: Will (Shivval Dealer), Brother: Taverus (Pimp)
Personality: Kessel comes from a very dark and bad family. When he was young he caught the plague and died. He was buried but returned. The whole affair written off as an accident. In reality, he died, but due to his inherent control over under he was has commanded his heart to continue beating. Darkness has followed him always and he has not avoided it. His fascination with necromancy has been met with continuous disdain. This has only served to fuel his mistrust for society.
Contacts: Dirk (Halfling Mob boss), Zeek (Quickling Criminal), Alchestrin (Undead Necromancer in Necropolis),
Mentor: Gargos Vur (Necromancer)(Dead), Artemis Shell (Spellsword)
Special: Inherent Undead Mastery
Life: Kessel has an enormous glorious mansion with a massive wall arround it aswell as an extensive underground complex. He maintains a high position in the Death Guild often studies there. He is a scholar in necromancy and so often works with and studies with other necromances in the Necropolis. He is recognised there and thus has free passage among all supernaturals that live there.
Player: Cheesebox
Race: Litorian
Class: Paladin
Prestige Class: Knight of the Pale
Template: Smoking Eye +1 Level Adj.
Alignment: NG
Level: 19th (Pal: 8, KoP: 10, +1 LA)
Exp: 175,470 (19th) (1-27-2014) (Mod 31)
Homeland: Shallon Village, Chellubar Region
Family: Father: Caldorn (Dead), Mother (Calamdrin), Brother (Karslant)
Personality: Calost was raised in a village that was a cooperative of humans and Cherubar Elves. His father ran an inn there (The Whispering Wind Tavern). His brother now runs the inn. But Calost too was an innkeeper. Litorians are by nature Atheists but Calost had an experience when he was young. He feels a presense and sometimes sees spirits. This connection gives him powers but he knows not their source. Calost is heroic and brave in battle but in ordinary life he is quiet and reclusive.
Mentor: Gavin Vord (Paladin of Ahaar),
Contacts: Knights of the Pale, Nebitheron (Glabrezu), Hawkeye the Brownie
Familiar: Tanner the Brownie
Special: Worships an unknown benelent Power, Sees Spirits,
Life: Calost is the Lord of the Smoking Eye making him master of the Plane of Occipitus. Occipitus was once a Heavenly Plane, but fell to the Abyss when its master fell. Later still it tore away from the Abyss and is now an interdimensional Plane. He spends vast amounts of time there forming the plane to his desires. Calost is a member of the Knights of Pale and joins them often for missions and other things.
Player: NPC
Race: Human
Class: Cleric/Thug (Fighter Variant)
Prestige Class: Ordained Champion
Alignment: CG
Diety: Lothian
Level: 20th (Clr: 11, Th: 4, OC: 5)
Exp: 202,656 (20th) (1-27-2014) (Mod: 31)
Homeland: Ptolus
Family: None
Personality: Vander grew up in the gutters of Ptolus. Eventually he ended with Brother Fabitor at the Temple of Lothian. This began as a punitive sentence but he stayed with it. Even became helpful to the church in rough areas. Eventually he started working with the party. In doing so he has overcome many obstacles, both mental and moral. Vander is easily challanged and will quickly become combative even violent. Though in his time with the party he generally will defer to them.
Contacts: Brother Fabitor, Obryn Runewise
Familiar: Stygian Kryx (Styx) Psuedo Dragon Dracolich
Life: Vander has a house on the same block as Obryn and Kessel. He is often uncertain as how to spend his time. It seems little interests Vander, even recreation. The Church of Lothian keeps him busy enough.
Player: Freddy T (Keen's Cohort)
Race: Human
Class: Barbarian/Shaman
Alignment: CG
Diety: Natural Spirits
Level: 17th (Bar: 4, Sha: 13)
Exp: 152,653 (17th) (1-27-2014) (Mod 31)
Homeland: The Barbarians Tribes from the Grey Mountains
Family: Two brothers
Contacts: King Ouglas (Barbarian King)
Life: Breya lives in a room in Keen's house. She spends alot of time gardening. She enjoys the outdoors and can often be found wandering the countryside.
Adventure Summaries
-0-The Summons:
The party members are gathered in Ptolus to recieve a Tavern as inheritance.
-1st-The Murderers Trail:
The party tracked down the source of an attempted murder of a woman named Phon. The party followed the trail killing many along the way but eventually the trail grew cold.
-2nd-The Trouble with Goblins:
The party took a neighborhoods reward to clear out a haunted house. It turned out to only be Goblins.
-3rd-The Smugglers Daughter:
The party was invited to Castle Shard and hired by Lord Zavere to investigate a small time crime lord named Linech Cran. The party then took a mission from Cran to recover his dead daughter from a sunken ship. The daughter turned out to now be undead. The party killed the girl and collected double loot.
-4th-Life's Bazaar:
The party set out to find out about 4 kidnapped children. This left them to Ghelves locks and eventually to an abandoned undergorund gnomish stronghold.
The Transmuter's Tower: -Solo-
Vida and Vander snuck into a Transmuters tower to steal back a Chaostech item of evil.
The Wererat Warren: -Side Adventure-
Calos and Keen went into the sewers and killed some Wererats who had been kidnpping bums for Vampires.
5th: Life's Bazaar: Part 2:
The entire party and all their friends joined up and cleared out the Gnomish Conclave of Jzadirune.
6th: Life’s Bazaar: Part 3:
The party found the children but were unable to rescue them. They battled Kazmojen to a standstill and briefly encountered Lord Vhalantru the Beholder.
7th: End of the Trail:
The party stole Lord Abercombe Statue from Linech office. Then they saved Phon from captivity and burned Helmut's house down.
8th: Shilikur's Lair:
The party killed the Dark Elf Shilikur in his underground complex and recovered the Restorative to bring back Lord Abbercombe.
9th: Temple of Mysteries: In Media Res:
The party fell victim to the Prestor Young effect and was infiltrated by Dopplegangers.
10th: Pythonese House: NOD
The party recovered the Allkey from the Pythoness House to open a chest. Vida was slain and the party was mugged by Shigmaa Wuntad.
11th: The Surgeon in Shadows: NOD
Illtumar fell in with a bad crowd. Calost was beaten and taken to the Surgeon in Shadows. The party rescued him.
12th: The Temple of Deep Chaos: NOD
The party following up the Chaos Cults discovered their evil project in an apartment building. A hole lead into the sewers into a vile complex called The Temple of Deep Chaos.
13th: The Banewarrens:
Some of the party members cleared an upper level of the Banewarrens for the Inverted Pyramid.
Back to the Banewarrens:
Sam Champion returned to the Banewarrens to get revenge against some Pactlords. Vida acccompanied him.
14th: Zenith Trajectory:
The party was hired by a woman named Celest to recover the Dwarf Zenith from a Kuo-Tuan City in the Underdark. They battled past a Red Dragon, A Black Dragon, A Cryohydra, and other creatures before reaching and defeating Zenith and then bringing him home. Kessel was killed and resurrected.
15th: The Mrathrak Machine: NOD
The party destroyed the massive Chaostech machine and Keen was disentergrated.
16th: The Final Ritual: NOD
The Barbarian Horde arived outside the city. The Valis Moon returned. The party made the final battle against Shigma Wuntad and the Night of Dissoluton.
17th: Vault of the Iron Overlord:
Obryn lead the party into a massive 4 ringed vault to obtain a magic mirror.
18th: The Demonskar Legacy
The city was in unrest. The party attended a meeting of concerned aristocrats in the nearby town of Red Gorge. They tracked down the missing Sam Champion to a cave complex. Obryn was killed, Keen Captured, and the rest trapped. Vin Van tran had to come to the rescue. Eventually the party traveled through a mirror to the strange realm of Occuptus where Sam was killed by the Demon Nebitheron.
19th: Test of the Smoking Eye
The party found themselves in the strange realm of Occipitus and set out to take control of the realm by passing The Test of the Smoking Eye.
Frodericks Tomb –A Keen Solo Adventure-
Keen explored a false tomb of the Legendary Theif Froderick the Uncanny
Raven Mine –A Keen Solo Adventure-
Keen joined with the Balcazars and regained the demon possessed watch from the manor of a murdered wizard.
20th: Queen of Lies
The party descended into the underdark and assaulted the Drow Citadel of Ul-Drakkan killing many included Alevolenz a Dual casting spell master.
21st: The Shadow Eyes
The party was hired by a gambling establishment called the Cock pit to retrieve gold stolen from the vault. They trakced this down to an evil clone called The Shadow Eyes.
22nd: Secrets of the Soul Pillars
The party is shattered. Obren and Breya assassinated. The remaining party members sought to find out who was responisble. This brought them back to the Demonskar and to the Frozen Necromatic Ruins of Karran Kurral. They defeated the Dracolich Vitris Bale, learned more about the Cagewrights, the Soulcages, and the name of Vhalantru.
23rd: Guildwar
The party settled a guild dispute after a series of abductions lead to hostilities. It ended in the Midden Heaps with the party battling Constructs and a vengeful Ratman.
24th: Lords of Oblivion:
The party destroyed the Last Laugh’s Thieves Guild, Killed Thifirane Rhiavadi and Destroyed Vhalantru. They also learned that Mand Scheben had been Vhalantru all along
25th: Black Rain:
The party saved the Church of Lothian from a vengeful former cleric.
26th: Foundation of Flame:
The party evacuating the Rivergate district as it crumpled into lava and a vortex opened above the city. They battled with the Red Dragon once more.
27th Thirteen Cages:
The party traveled into the depths beneath the rivergate district and into the Fiery Sanctum to battle the Cagrewrights and stop the ritual of planar junction.
28th Kill Hookface:
The party traveled to Hookface’s Volcanic lair and finally killed him.
29th: The Cagewrights Strike Back:
The Cagewrights ambushed the party at their bar. The party killed Ti’irok the Fire Giant, Ja’Akrand the Glabrezu, and Shebelth the Cleric.
30th : Strike on Shatterhorn
The party tracked the Cagewrights to their final refuge. The spire of Shatterhorn. They slaughtered virtually all of the remaining Cagewrights. In the end Kessell seemmingly betrayed the party and saved Embril from the party. Teleporting away.
31st: Asylum
Vhalantru was reborn in Occipitus. The party destoryed him in Ptolus. They learned that more would come as long as the Demonlord Adimarchus lived. They traveled to Tarterus and recovered Kessel where they learned he had been posessed by Embril and had not betrayed them. They entered the Tower of Skullrot and defeated its master Dark Myrakul. Finally they released the imprisoned Adimarchus and destroyed him. This ended once for all the madness that had spread and nearly destroyed Ptolus and the world itself.
The party had saved Ptolus and their world. They had laid low al enemies and would enjoy a peaceful life hailed as great heroes for all time.
The Full Record
-0-The Summons:
Each party member received a summons to an estate settlement in Ptolus. Calost traveled west from Cherubar whilst Verdant traveled northeast from Dorinthas. Keen and Obryn traveling from Kem and the Prustan Pennisula respectively took passage on vessel out of the Port City of Vidor. They arrived in Dimmerk and continued their journey north. The entire party eventually all linked up with a migrating group headed for Ptolus. It was during this leg of their travel that they would first come to know each other. The wagon train came under attack by Mountain Giants and Gnolls. The party members tried getting people to safety. Soon an adventuring party came to the aid of the people. They were the Bloodstone Fellowship lead by Alton Bane the Cavalier. While this adventuring party took out the Mountain Giants the party members struggled to kill a Gnoll. After the battle the adventures praised the party members. The Bloodstone Fellowship escorted the Wagon train the remainder of the way to Ptolus.
Soon after arriving the party stopped off in the Temple District for some grub. They enjoyed some Drinks at Taggert’s, a Temple to Ollum, God of the Keg, and active tavern. They explored the city a bit and stayed the night at Potter’s, a low rent hostel in Delver’s Square run by a nice woman named Winnie. Two days later the party attended the estate settlement of a mysterious man named Faux Aster. Apparently Faux ran the Skull and Sword tavern until being killed there during a fire just recently. The party even though they had never met this men were apparently left in the will to receive ownership of this tavern. Another name was in the Will to share ownership but he did not appear. The party arrived at the Skull and Sword to find the tavern badly damaged. The fire had burned a hole straight through the outer wall. At the same time this had damaged to the roof supporting stilting which left the roof essentially lopsided. All this had lead to subsequent water damage. A Gang member proclaiming to be part of the Mongrels appeared to be running whores out of the upstairs rooms. Only three such rooms were still viable. Additionally the basement was completely flooded with some mysterious sea creature living down there.
Not long after arriving a patron came for a drink. His name was Samgrin D’Champlain. Known to many as Sam Champion, a local Knight and Hero. Apparently this was Sam’s watering hole and he had no interest in going anywhere else. The party managed to dig out some drinks to serve Sam. Soon many adventures came a calling. Apparently Sam had the uncanny ability to identify items without need of casting a spell. This seemed invaluable to local adventurers. As they came to visit Sam made sure they bought a drink. Eventually Sam chased out the Gang member upstairs and Alton Bane killed the creature in the basement. It became apparent that the party members needed to generate income. Kessel went to work as a lookout and thug for his friend Dirk. Soon after he began taking combat training at the Arena. Obryn hooked up with Anselmo Durad of the Bloodstone Fellowship. Who agreed to train Obryn in his spare time for a nominal fee. Calost came to trained within the church of Ahaar in the ways of a Paladin. Sam was able to get Keen some training as well.
XP: 100
-1st- The Murderer’s Trail:
-Kessel-Obryn-Vida Blade (Jackie)-
The Party had been in Ptolus now for 3 months. Keen and Calost were still busy participating in intensive training thus they did not take part in this adventure. Meanwhile the Swashbuckler Vida Blade had just arrived in town. She was the niece of Sam Champion and as such Sam asked the party to look after her. The party headed down to the Necropolis where Kessel put in an application with the Deathguild. While there the party came across some adventurers wanted ads. One of which offered a reward for a Dark Elf named Shilukar. Another needed adventurers to find a man’s missing daughter. The sheet said to inquire at the Black Swan Tavern. The party was on their way to this location when they stumbled upon an attack. Two gang’s members from the Pale Dogs were attacking a young woman. The party knocked one of these men unconsciouses while the second man escaped. They found a note with the woman’s name on it, her address, and a place to meet after the attack.
The woman turned out to be Phon Quartermain, A seamstress of little regard with no enemies to speak of. The party took Phon down to her local church, Saint Gustav’s. There they met Brother Fabitor who agreed to shelter the woman. The party returned to the scene of the crime to find the unconscious gang member now missing. The party decided to wait at the destination written on the paper they had found. Sure enough the two gang members appeared and met with two other men. It seemed that a man named Vagger and his Scarred Elf accomplice had hired the two gang members. It seemed Vagger intended to use the gang members as assassins and then to kill the assassins thus erasing any connection. During this meeting the gang members explained they had failed but would try again. The party went back to the Church and asked for a cleric to help them. They were hence fourth aided by Brother Vander Bakkand.
The party found the gang members waiting for Phon in her home the following day. The party killed one of the gang members and kept the second alive for interrogation. This gang member revealed that they had been hired to kill the girl by Vagger. This information came after some torture with a hot plate. Afterward the party sent Vander to attempt to turn this gang member or find some place for him. The party next set up an ambush for Vaggar and his friend. This worked perfectly as the party defeated Vaggar, his elf friend, and their dog. Vaggar nearly escaped and utilized back reconnaissance paths but he was eventually captured. The party next attempted to torture Vaggar who at first put up a good fight. Kessel even severed his hand with little warning. It was not until the party showed Vaggar his dead friend that he agreed to cooperate. He told them the whole thing was setup by a small time crime lord named Toridan Cran. Cran had hired Vaggar to have the girl killed and expressly warned that he wanted numerous buffers between him and the crime. As a bonus, Vaggar ever gave up Toridan’s address. The party agreed to let Vaggar go in exchange for this information but decided it fair to “Let him go to the guards”.
On the way down to the Watch post though Obryn grew frustrated with Vaggar. At the time Vaggar was imprisoned inside a crate with his dead friend. The crate that was stolen from a warehouse nearby. Vaggar was arguing for his release when Obryn lost it and simply sent the crate hurtling down into the river below. The party rested up and then showed up at Toridan’s house. They cased the place during the day and struck at night. They got the whole group sleeping. Their enemies were a warrior hireling, a young wizard, and Toridan Cran the half orc aspiring crime boss. The party killed the wizard immediately and gave Cran a nasty pounding. Eventually Cran got to his feet and proved to be a handful. While the party struggled to bring him down the warrior hireling escaped. Eventually Cran was rendered harmless but some sick metal will propelled him on. The party was forced to completely physically dispatch him.
After the battle they searched the place out finding some goods and loot. They disposed of the bodies in the river like they had done with Vaggar. Among the loot was a book containing a manifesto of all of Toridan Cran’s business dealings. Among the ledger was an entry for a man named Methul Watcher who had paid Cran to murder Phon. It seemed the chain did not end with Cran. The party tried to gather more information but to no end. Methal Watcher was probably an alias anyhow. Either way they had stopped the attempted murder, punished the attackers, killed the men who hired the attackers, and assassinated the men who hired them.
XP: 715
2nd: The Trouble with Goblins
-Kessel-Obryn-Keen-Calost-Vida Blade (Jackie)-
Kessell got job working as an assistant to the Mortician down at the Deathguild. Sometime later Calost returned to rejoin his friends. Calost had been trained to be a Holy Paladin down at the Temple of Ahaar. At the conclusion of his training Calost was informed that he was indeed divinely empowered, just not by Ahaar. Keen also returned to rejoin his friends but little was said of the mysterious training he had received. It was not long before the group was looking for something else to get into. They ended up taking a poster mission to clear out a haunted house down in the River District.
Not long into the hack and slash mission it became apparent that the Greyson House was not haunted but instead was infested with Goblins who were employing subterfuge to keep people away. The Goblins had apparently entered the basement from some section of Ghul’s Labrynth (ancient tunnels beneath the city). Presumably these Goblins had originated in the Underdark. The party pretty much marched through the house cutting the little bastards to pieces. They collected some minor treasure once again solidifying the age old contention that the Trouble with Goblins is that their always more trouble then their worth. Either way killing the little critters gave the young adventurers some good experience against actual opponents.
XP: 425 (310 Vida)
3rd: The Smuggler’s Daughter:
-Kessel-Obryn-Keen-Vida Blade----Calost-
A man named Mand Scheben appeared at the Skull & Sword Tavern asking about Toridan Cran, The Half Orc wanna be crime boss the party had killed some weeks prior. He said he had a mission for the party and wanted them to meet him the following day at Castle Shard. The party had heard of Castle Shard. Apparently it was Castle Located in the city which had strange magical properties derived from a massive magical Shard. The Lords of Castle Shard were known to be mysterious and powerful. The current known lords were Zavere, a former Blackguard, and Lady Rill, a Paladin turned Sorcerer. The party accepted this invitation but had some business they needed to take care of today. The building they were living in was still in a totally dilapidated state. The party now had some gold and planned on getting some of this fixed. The hired a carpenter named Nate Firegate (Rocking your Foundation) to fix the roof. They agreed to pay him 500 GP and let him drink for free for life. Additionally they would have to be his labor.
The following day the party appeared at Castle Shard were they met with Lord Zavere and Mand Scheben. They explained that Toridan had an older Brother named Linech Cran. Linech was actually a small time crime boss unlike his brother who was little more then a pretender. Essentially the story went like this. Linech was a Crime Boss specializing in dealing Shivval (a narcotic). Linech actually owned an entire cul-de-sac down in Rivergate. Everyone down in this Cul-De-sac known as Linech’s Burrow worked for Linech. Part of Linech’s operation had to do with processing his drug on an island somewhere. Recently however that island had been destroyed and it seemed Linech was finished. Now Linech had put a call out for adventures. This made Zavere and Mand very curious. So they now wanted to hire the party to answer this summons and report back on anything suspicious.
The party made little delay and headed over to Linech’s Burrow. There the half orc got right to the point. He told the party that his daughter had been killed on an island not long ago. The body was placed in a glass coffin and was being brought back to Ptolus aboard a vessel. This vessel sunk off in the harbor under suspicious circumstances. Linech needed the party to go down and recover his daughter’s body and other possessions. The party agreed to do this. The following day they joined up with one a Linech’s henchmen, a halfling named Shamus. They went down to the docks rented some boats and then submerged to find the ship using potions of water breathing. They came upon the ship and found two Sahaugins looting the vessel. The party killed these Sahaugins and their pet Sharks. A few moments later the party was met by a Triton name Quillong. Quillong had been tracking these Sahaugin. He explained they were servants of a cabal of vampires known as the Covenant of Blood. They had been carrying all of this ships cargo to some caves about a half-mile east. The party searched the vessel and found little of use.
They soon came upon the cave complex and began exploring. Within the complex the party battled more Sahaugins, an Eel, and a Giant Crab. What they found was that these caves had an access to the city above. And apparently someone was recovering the drugs that had sunken with the ship to see if they could be salvaged. There were 4 thugs, 2 slaves, and 2 guards seeing to this at the moment. The parties spied on this group for a while and were able to ascertain the following. They had recovered Linelle’s (Linech’s Daughter) coffin along with the drugs. But just a few minutes prior Linelle had risen as an Undead Creature and broke out of her coffin. She had wondered down one of the passages and the Thugs had been too scared to follow. The party went down this tunnel to find the Undead Girl sitting down looking at a watch. As Kessel got closer he could see a demonic face within the watch. Soon the girl was communicating with the party telepathically. The girl projected the image of her death into the party’s minds. They saw the island with its buildings burning and men dressed in black garb executing the drug workers. Somehow Linelle was killed by fire. Now she wanted to know why. The party tried extremely hard to get the girl to come back with them but she continued to refuse. Keen managed to wrestle the watch away from the girl. After all else had failed the party elected to capture the girl. It was at this time that Calost appeared to help his friends out. They got their hands on an empty crate and used it to trap the girl. Kessel even managed to steal the glass coffin out from under the noses of the thugs.
The party returned to Linech with everything they needed. Linech was of course horrified at seeing his undead daughter. He offered to pay the party whatever they wanted to dispose of the girl. The party did just that. They put holes in the crate and gouged the girl to death. Then Obryn threw the crate and the body off his favorite bridge. The party collected all the reward money from Linech who was now very happy with them. He indicated he would seek their help for things in the future. Keen seemed especially up for this. The party next went to see Lord Zavere and told them everything they saw. The party collected payment here too and it was a good day.
XP: 1845 (Calost 475)
4th: Life’s Bazaar
-Kessel-Obryn-Vander (NPC)-----Vin Van Tran (NPC)-
It was a rainy night in Ptolus while Kessel and Obryn were making their way home. They soon saw Vander, a friend of theirs from the St Gustav’s Church of Lothian. The party caught up with Vander who was obviously on his way to hurt someone. A few moments later the party heard yells that brought them to find a group of painted faced individuals beating the thaco out a young priest named Rufus. As the party went to engage the three attackers backed off. The party had heard about these men and knew they were members of a small Thieves Guild known as The Last Laugh. The party brought Rufus back to St Gustav’s where they met with their friend Brother Fabitor. The party had heard about the recent rash of kidnappings and now Fabitor would explain how this was connected. It seemed four children had been kidnapped from the Lantern Street Orphanage. The Church of Lothian had vowed to recover these lost children. Rufus had been sent to the Orphanage to gather information only to be attacked and warned to stay away from the Orphanage. The party had worked with Brother Fabitor before when the young lady Phon had been attacked. They agreed to work for Fabitor this time for the negotiated price of 2700 GP.
The party started by investigating the thieves’ guild. They located the guild head quarters in an abandoned warehouse. They creeped on a nearby building and stumbled across a lookout. The party knocked this guy out and hid him in a dumpster. The party spied on the guild until they saw the three men leaving having just received payment. These were the three men who had attacked Rufus except they were now no longer wearing the guild outfits or makeup. The party followed these men to a bar called the Griffon where they ascertained that these men were actually off duty guards. The party returned to the Thieves guild to find the guy they had left in the dumpster had escaped. At Vander’s urging the party got the hell out of there.
The party next sought to investigate the actual Orphanage. They explored the place to discover only that the children were locked in at night and that one of them had dreamed about a wicked Gnome stealing people’s breath. The party also had a divination Riddle that indicated that the locks in the Orphanage were the key to solving this mystery. The party went over to Willy’s Key’s where they got little help. They next sought to find the Locksmith who had installed the locks in the Orphanage. The party was on their way there when they noticed they were being followed by some Ranger looking Half Elves. Kessel suspected them to be members of the Viridian Lords. An organization of Dark Rangers. The party tried to trap them but failed and eventually resorted to openly attacking these men in the street. The party put one of the men down before they were both teleported away.
The party eventually arrived at Ghelve’s Locks. The Locksmith who made the locks at the Orphanage. Ghelve was a 130 year old gnome who had apparently been making locks in Ptolus for the last century. It soon became clear that Ghelve was hiding something from the party. The party locked the door and was about to begin torture when he finally just tried to attack the party with a Color Spray spell. The party put him down and then interrogated him. He told them everything. He said that below his shop was the last entrance to ancient gnome conclave known as Jzadirune. This had been a consortium of Gnome wizards up until a magic accident released The Vanishing. A strange magical plague that disintegrated many of the gnomes. Since that time the conclave had been vacated. Ghelves father had agreed to maintain the only remaining entrance to this subterranean stronghold. Recently some creatures had come up from Jzadirune. They had taken Ghelve familiar so as to extort Ghelve. They made him hand over several skeleton keys which had given them access to homes all across the city. After hearing the party released they would have to travel down to Jzadirune. They did not however want to make the trip without the thief. They went into the under market and hired a Ninja named Vin Van Tran to aid them. The party descended into the conclave to find it a strange complex in very bad care. The party battled past Dark Stalkers and Skulks as they continued to pursue the whereabouts of the missing children.
-XP: 2000
-7-17-07- (Adventure by Christopher Perkins, Shackled City, Dungeon Magazine)

The Transmuter’s Tower: -A Vida Solo Adventure-
-Vida Blade-Vander (NPC)-
This adventure actually took place during the few hours that Vander was missing from the last adventure “Life’s Bazaar”. Vida arrived at the Skull and Sword Tavern to find no one home. Except of course for Nate Firegate, the disgruntled carpenter. A few minutes later Vander arrived. He had just split with the party as they had gone to the Undermarket which he did not wish to do. Sam soon arrived with an urgent mission for his niece Vida. He needed her to perform a mission for him and Vander agreed to help.
It seemed one of the local wizards in town maintained a tower in the South Market where he practiced his transmutations. The Transmuters name was Kandor and Sam suspected he was a practicioner of Chaostech. Sam had captured a thief who had just recently supplied Kandor with a very chaotic item called the Orb of Malefic power. Now Sam wanted Vida to recover this item. Vida and Vander set off with no delay. Vida beat the streets for information. She next visited with the Sages guild and even consulted the library. Finally she paid off an administrator at the Buildings department for the floor plans to the tower. They knew Kandor would be out of town and the party hoped to get in and out with little or no problems.
The party arrived at the tower around dusk. They found it guarded by 6 town guards. They were able to sneak around through the yards and enter via a back window. Inside they battled Lemures, Hobgoblins and a vile Chain Ghoul created by the orb. They killed everything in the Tower and successfully recovered the orb. Back at Delver’s square they sold many of the other items they had lifted from the Tower. Vida befriended Illtumor, a young man who worked at the Bull and Bear Armory. Vander ran off to catch up with the other party members who were in the midst of their own investigation.
-XP: 2175 (Banks: Papo and Booth 600, Jackie & NPC 1000)
-Adventure “Darwell’s Tower” Legends & Lair’s Instant Adventure by Mike Mearls.
The Wererat Warren: -A Calos & Keen Adventure-
Calos and Keen returned back to the Sword and Skull having been away on separate business for several days. Calos had joined up with the church of Gaen and continued his training. Unfortunately after a certain amount of time he was dismissed from this clergy as well. Keen meanwhile was continuing his very complex training. They both came upon their tavern to find all their friends missing. Unbeknownst to them all their compatriots were out on adventures. The only person in the tavern was Nate Firegate struggled to get anything done by himself. The two adventurers decided they would help him out.
Sometime later a bum named Carl arrived. Carl had been sleeping in this tavern up until recently. He knew the party was adventures and when a bad fate befell his friend he knew where to go for help. It seemed from time to time Bums were being bushwhacked and taken from the Warrens (The poor end of Ptolus). Carl’s friend Ivan hade been taken just the night before. Calos agreed to help but in exchange Carl would have to work with Nate Firegate. The party did some investigating and learned that there had been a string of kidnappings as of late. But these bushwhacking had been going much longer and seemed to be unconnected. They also learned that the bushwhackers looked like men but moved like animals. The party messed around town for a while. They hired an army of bums to assist in the renovations of the building. They also hired a young man who worked down at the Bull & Bear Armory to install a door for them. Finally the party entered the sewer hot on the trail of the criminals. They were not searching or tracking and thus should have had little success but Calos happened to over hear some speaking from behind a secret door. Beyond the secret door the party found a series of chambers inhabited by a warren of Wererats. The party battled these creatures but seemed unable to harm them. They were forced to retreat and return with Silvered Weapons courtesy of Rastor’s Weapons.
This time around the party laid down the killing. Eventually they faced the Wererat leader who put a mean beating on them. The party resorted to perpetual healing throughout the battle to keep from being slain. In the end Calos cut the fiend down. After all the creatures were dead the party healed one of the unconscious and pumped him for information. He explained that they sometimes provided services for a group of Vampires known as The Covenant of Blood. The same group who had hired the Sahaughin fishmen to salvage Linech Cran’s sunken vessel. Apparently this group maintained a property called the Pulanti Estate. These lazy vampires would from time to time hire the Wererats to essentially bring them room service. It seemed Ivan was already dead but the party had put an end to the mechanism. After clearing out the joint the party took the surviving Wererat down to the Brotherhood of Redemption. They next stopped by to see Linech and informed him of the Covenant of Blood’s further activities. Linech was grateful and paid the party well for this information. Upon returning home the party learned where their friends were and were immediately left to join them.
-XP: 3000
-Module from Lost City of Barakus by WDB Kenower and Bill Web.
5th: Life’s Bazaar: Part 2:
-Kessel-Obryn-Calos-Keen-Vida-Vander (NPC)-Vin Van Tran (NPC)-
Kessel, Orbyn, Vander, and the hired Ninja Vin Van Tran were still exploring Jzadirune, an abandoned Gnomish Conclave. They were still in pursuit of 4 kidnapped children seemingly kidnapped by a group of Skulks and Darkcreepers. Meanwhile Calos and Keen had just learned of the party’s whereabouts. They followed the party’s trail through Ghelve’s Locks and rejoined their compatriots in the depths below. The party faced many strange events, traps, and magical tomfoolery in the Gnomish deep. They battled Automaton Pulverizers, Dark Creepers, Grells, Raggomofyns, and a Choker. During the battle with the Grell’s Vin Van Tran was totally exploded and slain. Though Keen did collect his guts for some future purpose. Vander too was nearly killed in the battle with the Choker. While in the depths Vida contracted the magical affliction which had chased out the Gnomes (The Vanishing).
The exploration of the conclave revolved around recovering letter-coded rods to open the according letter coded doors. The party had early on bypassed a hidden elevator and so they ended up exploring the entire complex. They learned about the doom that had befallen the Gnomes and that the taint of the Vanishing still infected many of the magic items in the depths. The party fully cleaned out the entire complex save for a family of Giant Spiders. In one the last rooms they located Ghelve’s imprisoned Rat familiar. As the party approached the cage he was concealed in morphed to life. It was a mimic, a shape-shifting creature that often hides as an object. The party easily bribed the Mimic with some food. The creature turned over the Rat and told the party everything he knew. He said that the Skulks and the Darkcreepers were kidnapping dozens of people from the service and selling them to some kind of underdark slave trader named Kazmojen. Not long after this encounter the party located an elevator that they guessed would end at the Malachite Fortress below. But first they would need to rest.
-XP: 3030 (Calos 1880)

6th: Life’s Bazaar: Part 3:
The party was still trying to recover 4 kidnapped children. The search had led them into the depth beneath the city. After resting at Ghelve’s Locksmith shop the party was once again ready to delve. Vander had other business to attend to. The party descended back into the Gnomish Conclave of Jazadirune. From there they took an elevator to the unknown depths below. At last the party had arrived in the Malachite Fortress. After exploring for a short time Obryn began to recall tales of this place. The Malachite Fortress was erected by the Dwarves of Dwarvenhearth to serve as a watch post against the under dark. Then decades ago the Dwarf lord of the Malachite Fortress, Zenith Splintersheild decided to lead an invasion into the Underdark. He was never seen again.
The party made their way through the complex battling random Hobgoblin and Goblin guards along the way. They defeated a Stone Spike creature and an Otyugh. Eventually they came upon the children. It seemed the abandoned Malachite Fortress had become a base of operations for a Slave trading Dwarven half troll named Kazmojen. Kazmojen had an alliance with the Dark Ones to capture him fresh slaves from above. Then he would run a bazaar for advocates from the Underdark. As the party arrived just such a trade was occurring. A Durzagon from the Underdark City of Dreta Phantus was bartering over the price of the slave children. Battle quickly ensued. The Durzagon turned invisible and stayed out of the Fray. Meanwhile Kazmojen attacked aided by his Howler pet and Hobgoblin minions. The battle waged on and on and Kazmojen seemed undefeatable. Out of nowhere a Beholder appeared. He claimed that one of the children, a young boy named Terrem had to be brought back. He left Kazmojen a fee and took the child away.
After this strange event the original battle continued. Obryn who was unconscious at that time would later reveal that he had experience a strange mental link with the Beholder who’s name was Vhalantru. Through this link Obryn learned that Lord Vhalantru was not involved with Kazmojen but did allow his activities. But some reason or another the kidnapping of Terrem had been a mistake. One that Vhalantru was going to correct at once. Obryn also knew that the Beholder had appeared because he had been aided by an invisible wizardress. The Viridian Lords whom the party had attacked a few days past for following them appeared and aided in the battle. They were all defeated and eventually the entire party was down except for Obryn who escaped. Obryn returned to the surface and got Vander to help him.
As he got back to Ghelves locks the Viridian Lords had returned as well. A new party was forming including one of the slaves the party had freed named Maple. Before this group could even mobilize their enemy was upon them. Kazmojen had come to surface to finish the job. He did exactly that save for the fact that Obryn slipped past him. Obryn returned underground. He battled some Hobgoblins and eventually rescued his now imprisoned friends as well as some other slaves. The party regrouped and went searching anew. Soon they found Kazmojen having returned from the surface and now relaxing. The party battled him anew and killed off all his remaining minions but still could not put him down. Kazmojen managed to take the now unconscious Obryn hostage and broker a deal. The party got Obryn and their equipment back and then left. They had failed to recover 3 of the 4 children who were now on their way to Dreta Phantus. But they had saved 7 other slaves and most importantly come out of this adventure alive.
XP: 1075

7th: End of the Trail:
The party was contacted by Mand Scheben and mandated to recover the Gold Status they had seen in Linech’s office. In exchange Mand would provide the party with magic items. The party heartily agreed. They visited with Linech to get another look at the statue and acted as though they were looking for work. Just as before Linech was really warm and friendly to the party. On the way home the party heard about massive sales down at Delvers Square. Apparently once a year the venders and storekeepers there randomly declared a day to be Varden day when they would essentially have fire sales on all sorts of items. The party took advantage of these sales. As the party was leaving they an incident occurred where three bugbear thugs were attempting to strong-arm a vender for protection. The party intervened and defeated these monsters.
Later that night the party returned to Linech’s office. Vida snuck in and seamlessly recovered the statue. The party went immediately to Castle Shard where Mand had asked them to meet them. The party was held back from the castle by magical wardings however. The party stood across the street and waited all night. Kessel would pass out from exhaustion the following morning. After a few hours into the morning the party was finally able to approach the Castle. The Seneschal of the tower told them Mand did not live there and basically shut the door on them. Eventually the party would locate Mand down at the Temple of Ashe. They pushed Mand to tell them what the statue was. Mand explained it was Lord Abbercombe, the last surviving member of one of Ptolus’s oldest noble families. The party arranged to have Mand enchant the armor they had just bought. This was not exactly what Mand had in mind but he went along with it. Later Calost would explain how the party had damaged their relationships with both Mand and Castle Shard.
The following day Shamus came to get the party. Apparently Linech wanted to hire the party to get the statue back. The party declined and went off to find healing for Vida at St. Gustav’s. They arrived to find Brother Fabitor in need of their aid. He said the young lady Phon whom the party had saved some months ago had disappeared. The party thought this strange, as they had seen her dining with a gentleman the day before. The party began following a trail of clues. One of this clues led them down into the Warren were they fell into the trap of Two very clever goblin archers and a Celestial Giant Owl. The Goblins attacked from rooftops using hit and run techniques. Eventually the party scaled the buildings and killed the little bastards.
The party returned to the temple district to continue their investigation. Obryn got into a dispute with an Anti-Paladin who beat the crap out of him. Eventually the party learned that Phons boyfriend and Baby daddy was Helmut Itlestien, head of the republicans and High priest of The Watcher of the Skies. The party visited the Watcher of the Skies Observatory and got some excellent information from a cleric named Marshal. It seemed the watchers observed the skies above and were able to discern many things. Later the party would learn that some members of the Fate weavers were involved with Helmut and the Republicans. It was during this research that the party learned that Fate Weavers were gifted at determining future events and that Keen also shared this gift. It seemed that the Fate Weavers had determined that the Rune bearer children would spell doom for the city. Phon’s baby was to be one of these children. The party next staked out Helmut house. They saw Menaster and Jamila, the two fate weavers coming and going with food. They followed Menaster back to the Fate Weaver School.
That night the party snuck in the house to find nothing save for a collection of virtually meaningless premonitions. One such premonition predicted that a Dark Elf named Shilikur would find Lord Abbercombe in Shilikurs complex beneath the Guildsman district. Having yet to find the girl the party returned to the Fate Weaver School they had visited earlier. They feuded endlessly with the members of the school before the head instructor agreed to see them. Half way through the conversation a strange series of events occurred. What exactly was happened was difficult to determine. But basically the main Fate Weaver responsible for the trouble (Manaster) had just tried to make himself look like the headmistress and misdirect the party. For this he was kicked out of the school and left to the party. The party tortured him in the front yard, then in ally, then in another ally, then back at their house where they broke his arm and cut off his fingers. The man just would not break.
Eventually the party left the injured man in a crate labeled child molester outside the Brotherhood of redemption. The party continued to investigate the situation with little to no success. Eventually Calost and Kessel entered Itlesteins home again. They killed Malaster and then began to interrogate his girl and fellow Fate Weaver Jimila Nox. She told them all kinds of stories for hours and hours. Eventually she completely manipulated the situation so that the party would burn the house down to hide the evidence of the murder they had just committed on their partner. As the house burned Calost heard Phon calling for help. The party rushed to save the pregnant girl. It was finally revealed that she was being kept hostage in a secret room. The party saved the girl but in the meantime Jamila escaped. The house burned to the ground as the party escaped with the girl.
They returned to Brother Fabitor and tried to figure out the situation. Phon was naïve and did not believe Helmut would hurt her. He was holding her hostage at his home but it took little effort to do so. The party was frustrated with the girl’s general outlook here and discussed the possibility that any further aid to her might be futile. Non-the less the party had accomplished their mission.
XP: 1560 for Kessle & Calost, 1260 for Obryn & Keen, 1140 for Vida
(Modules: finishing up adventure “The Smugglers Daughter”, excerpts from City of Peril, and the full adventure “End of the Trail”.)
XP TOTALS: (8-15-07) Approx 10100 for all except Calost 8600
The expected blowback from burning down Helmuts house never came. Kessel gathered information about this subject to learn that nothing much was being done about the whole affair. Witnesses had seen the party fleeing the house. The guards had records yet no one was investigating. Rumors persisted that this was revenge for Helmits political opposition of the current government. And as it was Helmuts was not expected back in Ptolus anytime soon. Many weeks passed, as Kessel got serious about his interest in the necromantic arts. Nate Firegate finally finished the repairs on the roof and upstairs area. He wanted more money to fix the rest of the tavern but the party could not come up with the funds.
8th: Shilikurs Lair:
The party arrived at Castle Shard after receiving a request for an Urgent meeting. Lord Zavere told the party that the Dark Elf Shilikur was extorting him for a residency in Castle Shard. It seemed only Shilikur had the restorative to transform Lord Abbercombe back into a man. Shilikur said he would give it to Zavere if Zavere would allow Shilikur residency in Castle Shard. Zavere would do this if he had to but basically was telling the party “If someone else was to locate the restorative the point would be moot”. That’s all the party needed. The party unsuccessfully sought information at the library and the Temple of Ashe. They staked out the lot on Brandywise street and found nothing. They had on their last adventure come across a note saying that this was were Shilikurs lair was but they had no proof. They explored an abandoned lot and located a secret passage leading in a complex below. It seemed that Shilikur had mined out an area of Ghul’s Labrynth and was now using it to operate his Chaostech experiments. Somehow he had come to master over a horde of Gnolls and during the next few hours the party would spend much time battling these creatures. Some of them had been altered with now fiendish abilities. One of these was the blue Gnoll who had been seen about town in recent months. The party killed virtually all the Gnolls including a Shaman of Raavan. One of the Gnoll’s surrendered and said he would draw them a map if they freed him. The party agreed but then tried to kill him. This gnoll escaped and managed to warn everyone in the complex of the party’s approach. The party battled some altered spider-ratling aberrations and even discovered a Chaostech lab.
Finally they came upon Shilikur was proved to be a potent adversary. The party got their first taste of powerful magic as the drow rained down fireballs from behind the safety of a Web spell. As the party advanced the drow started detonating Chaostech bombs. One of which caused virtually the entire party to lose their desire to fight. Only Kessel remained in the fray. Shilikur lured the party out into the night where he could escape if he had to. Kessel kept him busy while the duration of the peace spell wore off. At different times during the battle both Kessel and Calost were charmed. In the end Shilikur’s resources were exhausted and he was forced to fly off into the darkness to escape. In desperation the party launched one last volley of arrows. The very last arrow found its target instantly killing the drow. The party recovered the body and collected the reward put up by House Abanar. They brought the restorative to Lord Zavere who paid them handsomely. Lady Rill gave each of the party members silver Friendship Bracelets with the mark of Castle Shard.
The party had brought many things to gather in but a single night of adventuring. They had killed Shilikur, a dark elf Chaos cultist who had been preying on the city for months. They had recovered Lord Abbercombe and now found the restorative to transform him back. The last surviving member of House Abbercombe would return. And finally the party had solidified a good relationship with Castle Shard. There were brighter days ahead in Ptolus.
XP TOTALS: Obryn & Kessel 13262, Vida 13242, Calost 12567
9th: Temple of Mysteries: In Media Res:
This adventure began unlike any other. It began in the middle. That is that all the party members became aware in the middle of the adventure. They were standing in a room in the Temple of Mysteries. Why they had come to this dungeon they could not remember. What they could remember was that only a moment ago a flash of light had blinded them and a wall had come down behind them. The characters also had other memories that in fact were not their own. It would not come to light until much later in the adventure but at this point in the dungeon the flash of light had set off an enchantment effect. This enchantment had convinced each character that they were actual a dead adventurer named Prestor Young. Prestor had seemingly been slain in this dungeon long ago and now his soul sought only to escape via one of the characters. The gimmick was that all the characters were convinced of this notion. They all thought they were this identity and were hiding it from one another. Prestor's only goal was to escape the dungeon and thus each party member was seeking this goal.
Within the Temple dungeon the party faced numerous puzzles and challenges. Each time they would negotiate a new room of which they would have to circumvent to proceed. They battled surprising few monsters. Among these were a Caryatid Column (Stone Golem) which destroyed Vida’s magical Elvin Thinblade, A Gray Ooze which nearly devourered Vida, a Zombie, a Wight, and endless orcs from a monster generator (Like in Gauntlet). Along the way they began collecting clues that Doppelgangers were in their mist. Eventually one of the characters proclaimed his true identity, that of Prestor Young. The other party members responded in outrage. They all proclaimed to be Prestor Young. At some point a detect magic revealed that all of the characters were under an enchantment effect and that two of the characters were under an "Alter self" effect. It became clear who the Doppelgangers were. Both Gabriel and Obryn were Doppelgangers from the start. Problem was that the Doppelgangers just like the characters were under the Prestor Young effect.
Eventually the time came and the Doppelgangers made their move. Vida and Calost defeated them and proceeded onward only to be trapped in a pit trap. An hour later the other half of the party came through the same dungeon. It seemed the party had separated back on the surface. Doppelgangers had then infiltrated and split the party. So the first group that had gone through the temple consisted of Vida, Calost and two Doppelgangers. The second group consisted of Kessel, Obryn, and two Doppelgangers. Both groups had fallen victim to the Prestor Young effect and as such had all behaved almost exactly the same. The first time around the Doppelgangers figured out what was happening and attacked Calost and Vida. The second time around Kessel and Obryn identified the Doppelgangers and attacked them. In any event the Doppelgangers were defeated in each instance. After Kessel and Obryn killed their Doppelganger companions they soon discovered the Pit trap, which had their actual friends, trapped inside. The now Doppelganger free party was reunited though unfortunately they were still under the Prestor Young effect.
The party managed to solve the final room, which provided them entrance into the treasure chamber, were sat the powerful Strand of Tears. Each party member still under the Prestor Young effect was not concerned with treasure and thus bypassed this item choosing instead to escape the dungeon via a staircase to the surface. As the party reached the surface a sliding door shut behind them. At that moment the Prestor Young effect was broken. The party realized they had fallen victim to a magical enchantment designed to make would be treasure seekers instead seek only to escape the dungeon.
------------------WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED? --------------------------------
A week prior the party had heard Sam Champion speaking about the Strand of Tears. A very powerful magical treasure reportedly sealed with the Ruins of the Temple of Mysteries. The Temple of Mysteries was built over a century past by a three powerful wizards. These wizards had great power and fancied themselves as Demigods. They created a Temple for those who would come to worship them. These followers were faced with solving endless puzzles and other mental challenges to prove their worth. Eventually rumors say that the Temple organization was infested with Doppelgangers who eventually brought the Temple to ruin. This was 80 years ago. The party did a mild amount of research down at the library and then headed out of town some 20 miles north. Along the way they considered how if every adventuring party knew about the Strand and the ruins then how come no group had yet claimed it?.
They came upon the ruins of the Temple easy enough. The party then split up to find an entrance. It was at this time the party was infiltrated by the Doppelgangers and split into two parties. As one group descended into the subterranean level the other group was lead around by the Doppelgangers to at least by some time. Eventually the second party did enter facing many of the same traps and puzzles of the first group. All fell victim to the Prestor Young effect and that was where the adventure had begun. In the end the party realized that the Prestor Young effect made it virtually impossible to recover the Strand of Tears but they defiantly considered returning at a later date. The party returned home without the Strand of Tears having been defeated by the Temple like so many adventures before them.
XP: 1850
Temple of Mysteries: In Media Res by Monte Cook
10th: Pythoness House:
Night of Dissolution Part 1
-Obryn-Kessel-Calost-Vida-& Keen for the final encounter-
The party finally completed reconstruction on the Skull and Sword Tavern. Though they would still need new furniture. That night they heard some ruckus in the alleyway near their building. The party exited to find some Ogres meddling with a chest. After killing the ogres the party found they could not open the chest. After some research the party learned of a magic item called Neveran’s All Key. A magical key capable of opening any lock. Rumors indicated that the key was last known to lay within the Pythoness house. A ruined castle belonging to a long extinct noble house within the city. The party made their way there and entered. They soon learned that spirits manifested within the castle and that they would not let the party leave. The party battled past Ratmen, Ratlords, Rat Brutes, Dire rats, Rat swarms, and undead rats learning along the way that they would need to find 2 parts to a magical disk which would grant them entrance to the dungeon level. After defeating a sentient Wight, some Skeletons, a Rhondintor demon, and some Hell hounds the party had gathered both pieces to the key. By planting the disk within the belly of a Grotesque statue the party had gained entrance into the dungeon level. Within these depths the party came upon an area left untouched for a great long time. They battled past an undead hill giant and some minataurs before finally reaching a room full of chests. Within this room the party recovered much treasure including numerous Chaostech devices and Neveran’s Allkey. Not long after their compatriot Keen joined them.
The next room contained an even greater treasure. A Chaostech automaton Hydra. Unfortunately this sentinel was set to attack any who entered. The party tried to battle the thing but it soon became apparent that it was beyond their abilities. As the party tried to flee Vida was slain. Keen and Calost remained to try and recover Vida’s remains while Kessel and Obryn fled for help. As Kessel and Obryn exited the castle they found someone waiting for them. Presumably these were the members of the Chaos Cult known as the Crimson Coil. There were 6 warriors, a Ratling, and a Lizard folk, Lead by a Half Demon named Shigmaa Wuntad. Wuntad told the two party members they could leave in peace if they would hand over any Chaos Items they recovered. The party tried to flee but Obryn was brought down by missile fire. Kessel then agreed to Wuntad’s terms. Afterwards Kessel and Obryn ran back to the bar and got Sam Champion to come back with them. Meanwhile Calost and Keen eventually recovered Vida’s body but were also ambushed by Wuntad. They suffered the same fate as the other party members. After the party was reunited they pooled all their resources providing Sam Champion adequate funds to have a church raise Vida. The party opened the chest to find some magic items within. The party had taken some hard loses and were not happy about it. Keen began asking around about these Chaos Cults and the one known as Shigmaa Wuntad.
9-4-07 & 9-12-07
XP: 3572, Calost 3597, Keen 200

11th: The Surgeon in Shadows:
Night of Dissolution Part 2
The party had finally finished all repairs on the bar. Illtumar had built them new furniture and all permits had been paid. Nick Van Axe was hired as bartender and the party had the grand opening. Many of their friends and acquaintances in Ptolus came. Among the many guests were Mand Scheben, Brother Fabitor, Sam Champion, Vander, Lord Zavere, Lady Rill, Linech Cran, and many others. Illtumar was notably missing. After a short bar fight with some rugged halflings the party ended. The following morning the party was approached by Hirus Feek, one of the two proprietors of the Bull and Bear Armory where their friend Illtumar was employed. Hirus explained that Illtumar had fallen in with an unsavory organization known as the Brotherhood of Ptolus. The party quickly agreed to get Illtumar away from these guys. The party tried to talking to Illtumar but he did not wish to listen. Later that night Vida used extraordinary force to halt two men fighting outside the bar. She nearly killed both men with her sword. Vida would soon become a wanted woman. To cover this up Obryn and Kessel had dead woman who looked like Vida animated. They then dressed the Zombie in Vida’s gear and before witnesses killed her. The matter was put to an end with that and the party actually received a reward.
The party would later learn that their men were members of the Ironworkers and Masons guild respectively. In the weeks that followed this rivalry that the party had been hearing about for weeks would increase in hostilities. At one point the party even had to save a fellow adventure from one of these guild mobs. This adventure was Mars Lancemen who would later help the party. Later Calost met up with Illtumar alone. Illtumar was on his way to his initiation meeting with the Brotherhood of Ptolus. After much convincing Calost made Illtumar invited him along. They lead down dark alleys in Midtown to a backroom in the Rats Nest Tavern. There were other men there with potato bags concealing their identities. The ground was addressed by a Centaur named Jilur. As Calost had suspected the Brotherhood of Ptolus was actually the Chaos cult known as the Brotherhood of Venom. As part of the initiation the men would be forced to kill kittens. A warm-up to much more evil acts as training continued. Calost refused to do this and the game was up. A Battle ensued and Calost along with Illtumar were captured.
In the days that followed the party and the Feek brothers launched an investigation into the whereabouts of Calost and Illtumar. The Bard Lavish had found a lead. She had been hired by the Feeks and had gotten lucky with a locate object spell. She had found Illtumar jacket in a storeroom behind a school in midtown. She had followed up on this never to be heard from again. The party beat the streets for information exhausting most of their resources. They learned that Calost was being held by someone called the Surgeon in Shadows. After more information gathering they discovered the Surgeon was a Chaostech user who specialized in implants. They had Dirk arrange a meeting and soon the Surgeon’s representative arrived. He explained many of the special procedures the Surgeon offered. The party dealt nicely with the man the had Mars follow him. Mars was never seen or heard from again.
The party next one to check out Lavishs lead. They were joined by Vander who used Locate Object at each school in Oldtown. They found a signal that led them to the Surgeons base. Inside they battled numerous surgically alter creatures. They briefly encountered the surgeon who teleported away immediately. They recovered by Calost and Illtumar. Calost was found on an operating table. A long next to him revealed that the Surgeon had attempted many failed procedures on Calost. The Surgeon had written that Calost’s power came from the Vallis moon though he was not a Runebearer. The party kept trying to track down the Brotherhood of Venom with little success. During one of these forays they were met by a pale skinned well dressed, and very polite man named Na’haras. This mysterious man explained that Kessel’s friend Dirk had had all his women killed for getting him information about the Surgeon in Shadows who was reportedly holding Calost. Now, whatever greater organization Dirk was apart of was on the lookout for those responsible.
The following morning the party learned some interesting news. It seemed a Barbarian army was on its way to Ptolus and would arrive in many weeks. Also it seemed that Menon Ballcazaars grandson had been kidnapped and there was a huge reward. A separate bit of news spoke of an escape at the Madgoth asylum. Many things were amidst in Ptolus. Chaotic times lay ahead.
12th: The Temple of Deep Chaos:
Night of Dissolution Part 3
-Kessel-Calost-Keen-Obryn-Vida-Vander-Vin Van Tran-
The party learned from Illtumar that the Chaos Cults had a secret project they were working on in Oldtown. Eventually the party located the apartment building where this was taken place. Within the party found that the Cults had completely taken over the apartment building and were metamorphosing the tenants into foul creatures. Emptied cocoons were everywhere. The party battled many of these Venom Thralls, Green Slime, Vermin Swarms, Dretches, Gibbering Mouthers, and the evil cultist clerics behind this evil. The party followed a burrowed tunnel into the sewers and soon located a newly installed steal door. Beyond this door was the infamous Temple of Deep Chaos. Beneath Ghul’s Labrynth the cultists had unearthed a section of the old city and made it their lair.
The party very quickly came upon some of the Cult leaders and defeated most of them. One, a wizard named Vocaetun, they interrogated and eventually made a deal with. Vocaetun said he had joined the cult only to learn magic and was willing to turn on them. He gave the party some great information and in return they let him go. In the depth below the party battled a mad Stonelost Dwarf wizard, a Teifling assassin, and an Arcanea spiderfiend. After the battle with the Arcanea the party returned home to rest. On their next incursion the party killed Ratlords, Ratlings, Ratbrutes. a Gelatenous Cube, a Chaos Beast, A Centaur Cambion, Babau Demons, and numerous humanoids altered by Chaos power. Finally they battled the leader of the Tolling Bell Chaos Cult. A female empowered by Elemental Fire named Illadras. She held most of the party at bar with a Wall of Fire while she battled Vida. Vin Van Tran tried to reach the battled but fell to the depths below. Keen was barely able to save him. While this battle raged on Calost and Kessel battled a Rhodintor demon elsewhere in the complex. Eventually the wall came down and the party attacked the Cult leader just as here fly spell was wearing off.
After defeating the cultists the party sought to explore the rest of the complex. They came upon some of the brothers of venom battling a Minataur of another cult. The party waited till the battle was over then killed the Minataur. After this battle the party was rejoined by Eli Farstride. Eli was a halfling adventure whom the cults had taken prisoner. The party had rescued her earlier along with two other kidnappees. She had guided them to the surface and now returned to help. She accompanied the party for a very brief time while they explored the remainder of the complex.
Eventually the party came to an extremely long tunnel. Eli explained that tunnel exited the Temple of Deep Chaos and lead to something known as The Mrathrak Machine. The party had conquered the Temple of Deep Chaos and had defiantly gained some desired vengeance against the Chaos Cults. The party needed to take refuge but they imaged that quite soon they would be returning to engage this mysterious Mrathrak Machine.
9-25-07, 10-2-07, 10-9-07

13th: The Banewarrens:
-Calost-Keen-Vander (Booth)-Vin Van Tran (Nyjul)-
As Calost, Keen, and Vin Van Tran were returning from lunch they saw a half orc on fire setting aflame everything around him. Keen stole this fire generating ability and then the party asked what had happened. The man explained that a Drow Elf had walked by him and that suddenly he had burst into flames. Next the party saw lightning bolts going off. They pursued to find another man shooting lightning bolts out of his eyes. He too had been empowered by this Drow Elf. It seemed this Drow elf named Tavan was walking the streets. As he did his vested Chaotic power was awakened all potential sorcerous powers in those around him. The party pursued the drow handling these situations until finally catching up with him. The party battled the drow and knocked him unconscious. The guards took custody as the party headed to St. Gustav’s to get the strange magics now affecting them dispelled.
While at the Church the party was approached by a female wizard named Jevecca Nor, a member of the Inverted Pyramid. She explained the drow was Tavan Zith, a thousand year old Drow. She said Tavan was a vested of the Galchutt, meaning that the Chaos gods had imbued him with vast powers. Tavan’s appearance meant that the Banewarrens had been reopened. She said she would pay the party to find out how and why and if possible to reseal the Banewarrens. Keen pushed the price up and the party set out for the Banewarrens. They took Vander along for good measure. It seemed the Pactlords were at it again. The remnants of the shattered organization had reformed and were again seeking to gain the power within the Banewarrens. They had used an Umber Hulk to dig a tunnel down to the Banewarrens. The party followed this tunnel and killed this Umber Hulk. They explored the first level of the Banewarrens facing Vermin Wights, a Wraith, a Phasing Thought Stalker Troll, and an Ochre Jelly.
The party came across Sam Champion in the complex. He and his cohort had followed the Pactlords down here but his cohort had been killed. He was now leaving the dungeon hopefully to have his cohort resurrected. Eventually the party came to the Banedoor that could only be opened via the key or a Wish Spell. They had neither. Though according to Sam Champion one of the Pactlords had gone through. The party brought this information back to Jevecca at the Ghostly Minstrel where they were promptly paid. Jevecca told the party to continue working on this. She asked that they try and find a way past the door. She said she would obtain for them magical items in exchange for their continued services. The party agreed. They went to Brother Fabitor who provided them with a Legend Lore Scroll. The Scroll when used on the door provided a cryptic riddle as the keys location. The party took this info to a sage who discerned the location to be House Vlaadam. Two nights later Keen and Vin were sneaking through. They made it to the basement where Keen was nearly killed by traps. Vin obtained the key and saved Keen returning to the party totally successful.
By the time the party was returning so too was Sam Champion. The party handed the key over the Sam who was ready to take on the deeper levels of the Banewarrens. The party later received their magic items from Jevecca who was still expected more work from the party. Either now or later the party owed the Inverted Pyramid some work.
During the events of the Banewarrens adventure Kessel was off establishing and training with the Spellsword Artimus Shell down at the arena.
Back to the Banewarrens: A Vida Solo adventure:
-Vida-Vander-Sam Champion-
After receiving the key for the Banedoor Sam Champion gathered Vander and later Vida and headed back into the Banewarrens. He opened the Banedoor to Outter Vault 1 and left Vander to guard. He explained to Vida that Vander had tendaces he did not trust in the Banewarrens. Together Sam and Vida explored the level searching for the Pactlords who had killed his friend. They battled a Gnoll Ranger, a Dire Ape, and a Flesh Golem before finally encountering an entire squad of Pactlords. The team consisted of a Mind Flayer, an Ogre Magi, a Herataxosphinx, an Ettercap, and a Giant Spider. Vida and Sam debated weather or not this was a winnable battle.
Eventully they elected to go get Vander and proceed with their attack. Sam was momentarily stunned by the Mind Flayer’s mind blast but Vander was able to dispel the effect. Sam quickly cut the Mind Flayer down while Vida dealt with the Ogre Magi. Vander fell under siege to the Sphinx. One by one the party cut these monsters down. After a couple of bloody minutes Sam had gotten his revenge. Among the equiptment Sam recovered was evidence that the once shattered Pactlords were now taking orders from someone named Vhalantru. The group considered exploring further but decided they had gotten what they came for and considered it wise to get the hell out.
14th: Zenith Trajectory:
The party was down in the guildsman district purchasing some magic items when three fiendish Umber Hulks arose and began destroying the city. The party battled hard and took these fiends down. This accomplishment led to them being invited to the Swordthrowers Social Club later that night. The party arrived at the social club and met up with some close friends such as Lord Zavere and Mand Scheben. Soon their host arrived. It was the woman Celest who had invited them. She had with her an ancient dwarf. The dwarf explained he was dying of a curse. He had estranged all three of his sons and on her deathbed his wife had cursed him for this. Now he had to make peace with all three of his sons for the curse to be broken. He had already done so with two of his sons but the last was going to be difficult. The old dwarf's third son was Zenith Splintershield. The once lord protector of the Malachite fortress. Fifteen years ago he had departed into the Underdark with his army on a mission to rid the Underdark of evil. Recent divinations had indicated that Zenith was being held at a Kuo-tuan city called Bhal-Hamatugn. The dwarf was willing to pay the party 6000 GP each to recover his son. The party agreed and followed the map provided which supposedly would lead to the Underdark.
This map took the party out of city and to a crazy old man named Jahred. As the party arrived Jahred was under attack by a young Red Dragon. The party fought the dragon off then sought information from Jahred. He told them the gate to the Underdark was nearby in a place called the Gate of the Seven Jaws. The party tried to talk further but the man was too insane. The party arrived at the Gate of the Seven Jaws and began to descend a massive staircase. As they neared the bottom they came under attack by a huge Cryohydra. The party retreated and began to debate how to handle the situation. That is when the Red Dragon struck. The party now found themselves trapped between two terrible enemies. Obryn was nearly killed but eventually the party escaped between the Dragons hit and run tactics. They used invisibility to sneak by the Hydra and began their quest into the Underdark. They battled past some Minataurs and Bugbears and even avoided a fight with an Ettin before reaching the Kuo-tuan Fortress Shrine of Bhal-Hamatugn. The party rested in a side cavern and were joined by Calost the following morning. A seemingly indifferent Kuo-tuan ferryman shuttled the party to the base of the Shrine. The party defeated some guards as they made their way into the inner sanctum. The party found the jail cells where they freed a Halfling Sorcerer named Cherrit and a Human Rogue named White-eye. Cherrit explained that he had come here searching for his friend Zenith. (It is likely that Cherrit was killed after being freed.) Within a massive chamber dedicated to the Kuo-tuan deity the party met strong resistance. KUO-TUAN guards reigned down fire from above while KUO-TUAN clerics used lightning strikes from below. The party spread out as Obryn let loose with fireballs and soon these enemies fell. Moments later the presence of Calost brought into an effect a summoning spell. An Erinyes Devil appeared in the room and began tearing into the party with her flaming arrows. This battle continued for a while as the wounded Devil used teleportation magic to elude the party. Soon Mangh the Kuo-tuan Lord joined the battle. Eventually Vida took the Devil down with arrow fire changing the sway of battle. With the Devil slain Mangh did not last long.
After the battle the party found a Duergar slave who directed them to Zenith chambers. The party found the old dwarf in a room decorated with the corpses of his enemies. The old dwarf seemed rambling and mad. The party tried to talk him into coming home and it did not work. They party was in the process of preparing an attack when Zenith attacked them. The dwarf was defiantly powerful but the party was well equipped to defeat him. Zenith summoned two Invisible Stalkers to his aid to no avail. Keen used a see invisibility spell to locate the Stalkers which also revealed an invisible rune upon Zenith's face. The party eventually held the dwarf and captured him. At this point the party had acquired what they came for but they continued to explore in search of treasure. This decision would eventually be a costly one. The party explored a few more rooms before decided to rest in one of the rooms. They got about an hour sleep before the Black Dragon Dhorlot came upon them. The party immediately tried to flee as Dhorlot tore into them. One by one the party members fell until only Obryn and Kessel remained. Dhorlot was just catching up to them as the party reached the exit of the Shire. Obryn slide down hundreds of stairs to the depths below just as the Red Dragon they had faced days past came upon them. The Red Dragon used his breath weapon as his first attack. Unfortunately this attack killed Kessel. The two dragons that seemed to be known enemies collided. In the end the Red Dragon stood victorious.
Having defeated the Black Dragon the Red began looking for his other enemies. He failed to locate Obryn so he took Kessel’s body into the shrine with him. The Red Dragon knew Obryn would follow and had set a trap. Unbeknownst to him however Calost’s Brownie familiar Tanner had used Vida’s healing potions to heal up the other party members. These party members came upon the Dragon as it lay in wait for Obryn. The party attacked and the Red Dragon was forced to flee. The party took Kessel’s dead body and Zenith’s unconscious body in toe. They traveled back through the underdark and snuck past the Hydra using invisibility. From time to time they would see the Red Dragon stalking them.
As the party reached the surface they felt the earth shaking. A massive Barbarian Horde was approaching the city. The party hurried back home as fast as they could. They arrived home to find their tavern has been badly burned presumably by Helmut Iltleson. Additionally Illtumar said he saw Chaos Cultist scouting out the tavern. The party actually went to Helmut at the Watcher in the Skies Observatory to get Kessel resurrected. He mocked the damage to their tavern and yelled at them to leave. Eventuallty with the help of Brother Fabitor the party got Kessle resurrected.
Adventure “Zenith Trajectory” by David Noonan, Dungeon Magazine
10-16-07- & 10-23-07
Interlude: During the previous adventure Kessel was approached by a Psuedo Dragon. The Dragon explained that it and others like it had tracked him to get back the corpse of one of their kind whom Kessel had purchased in the under city market. It went on to say that Psuedo Dragons have the ability to read thoughts. Using this method this Dragon had learned of Kessels intentions and wanted in at once. They was very little discussion before an alliance was struck. The Psuedo Dragon’s name was Stygian Krix. Also during the last adventure Calost was accepted for a Squirehood in the Knights of the Pale.
15th: The Mrathrak Machine:
Night of Dissolution Part 4
The party decided it was time to return to The Temple of Deep Chaos in their continuing conflict against the Chaos Cults. They had already cleared out the underground Temple but there had been a long passage which lead to a Chaos project called The Mrathrak Machine. The party tried to get down to the Temple via the apartment building they used last time. They found the place condemned with two guards on watch. The party bribed their way past the guards to find the hole underground having been collapsed. Still the party knew the hole lead to the sewers thus they made their way there via the normal means. They found their way to temple where the door was now invisible and badly trapped. The party circumvented this, traveled into the temple and down the long passage. The passage terminated after a half mile. What the party found was a 200-foot tall cylindrical machine turning and pulsing with energy.
The party would discover later that the machine was a chaos energy gatherer. The cult had introduced a chaos infused ritual disguised as a dice game into the city above. Every time the game was played life force was dispersed and transformed into chaotic energy. This machine was harnessing this energy and then refocusing it to create and summon chaotic fiends. After falling into a den of Venom Thralls and killing over 30 of them the party went level-to-level disabling the machine. At the machine base the party faced the Spidertech Chaostechncian who had constructed the machines and his Rhodintor demon guards. Shortly after defeating them the machine imploded due to the parties disabling. Beyond the machine the party found a series of steps leading back up toward the city. These stairs led to another complex. The party bypassed a couple of locked doors and magical traps before finally meeting with disaster. One such magical trap completely disintegrated Keen. The party retreated and spent the next few days liquidizing assets to come up with enough gold to have Keen retuned via magical means. Vin Van Tran did the legwork and got the deal done and soon Keen was back among the living.
(Ptolus Night of Dissolution Super Adventure by Monte Cook)

16th: The Final Ritual:
Night of Dissolution Conclusion
The Barbarian Army had arrived at the gates of Ptolus. Many claimed they were here to kill the Holy Emperor because they hated Lothian but little facts were actually known. The people of the city were unsure of how to react. Some hid in their houses while other set up parties to watch the battle. Mean while the forces of the city were marshaled. The entire army had been gathered as well as the city watch, thousands of conscripts and all private army’s had been gathered. These forces stood watch along the wall assisted by Inverted Pyramid Wizards and Lothian Clerics as well as the entire compliment of the Commissar’s canons. The party like so many in the city was unsure of what to do. They decided to check in with their friends to see what they were doing. Sam Champion and Vida were not around.
The party visited Castle Shard to find Lord Zavere drawing up plans to stop those underworld types of would take advantage of the situation. The party tried to reach Mand Scheben but he was unavailable. They next went to St. Gustav's to see Brother Fabitor. Fabitor seemed to have his hands full dealing with a myriad of situations. Vander joined up with the party here and told them that Phon Quartermain’s baby was missing. The party wanted little more to do with Phon and her bullshit. As the party left the church they saw a new moon appear in the sky. It was the Valis moon that had not been seen for centuries. This event heralded the Night of Dissolution. Calost felt the moons power and it empowered him. One side effect the moon’s light had was that it revealed the outline of the massive floating inverted pyramid above the city. The party explored this before finally understanding what they were looking at.
Soon after Calost was met by some of his fellow Knights of the Pale. It was the sibling Valus and Amber Torn. They apparently had come across information pertaining to the Night of Dissolution. The party told them about the Mrathrak machine and the magically trapped complex they had avoided. The party was now certain that the Chaos Cults were making moves in the shadow of the looming Barbarian invasion. They elected to stand against the Chaos Cults once again. They had a scrap of paper that spoke of something called The Final Ritual. On the paper it said that “Erepodi knew the location”. The party began searching for her with little success.
They next went to visit Linech Kran who was offloading stolen goods. He certainly was taking advantage of these troubled times. Among his men Keen saw one of Lord Zavere’s en undercover. He decided that was none of his business. In passing Obryn asked about Erepodi and Linech said he knew a hooker at the Whitehouse by that name. The party soon arrived at the Whitehouse, a local brother. They followed this prostitute as she went to The Temple of the 53 Gods of Chance. She returned to the Whitehouse just as Kessel was arriving to join his party. The party paid to have group sex with Erepodi and then simply intimidated and interrogated her. She quickly gave up the goods. She explained that she worked for a Lich named Ahga Shan who had been working in collusion with the Chaos Cults on the Mrathrak machine. But after that debacle their relationship had ended. Now Shigma Wuntad had become a Vested of the Galchutt (Chaos Champion) and was about to perform the final ritual in a secret complex beneath the Temple of the 53 Gods of Chance. The party asked more about the Lich but Erepodi told them they did not want to know. They agreed and quickly left.
As they disembarked the two Knights of the Pale they had encountered earlier punched through the wall of the Whitehouse. Amber was badly hurt. Valus explained they had followed the parties directed ions to the Mrathrak Machine and had traveled beyond those magical traps until to eventually meet the same fate. They followed the steps up which lead to the Whitehouse. The final guestimation was that the Lich Ahga Shan made his lair beneath the Whitehouse and beneath his lair was the chamber where the Mrathrak machine had been constructed. The party made their way down to the Temple of 53 Gods of Chance where they tried to explain the situation to the Clerics there. The Clerics did not totally believe nor understand what was happening. But in event the party proceeded on. Beneath the temple the party found a secret passage that led to a series of rooms. The party defeated a Vrock guardian demon but not before he could alarm the complex. Nearby the party found a book containing all the details of the final ritual. Essentially the Ritual was intended to awaken and release the Galchut. The great gods of Chaos trapped beneath the city. The ritual needed 4 clerics and a vested of the Galchutt to be performed. Additionally it would require 5 sorcerers whose power would be siphoned off to fuel the ritual. It would also require 4 runebearing children and a great leader of men.
The party made their way through the temple murdering a handful of Wuntad’s minions. Not long after they came upon the room where The Final Ritual was taking place. The room had 3 tiers. Upon the first tier 6 Ratlord snipers sat behind protective bars. On the second tier 6 sorcerers were trapped in gas filled cylinders having their life force siphoned off. Beyond them stood 4 clerics performing the ritual around an altar where 4 Rune bearer children were held. The third tier had a massive black hand that rose to a platform. Upon the platform stood Shigma Wuntad, vested of the Galchut weaving the vast chaotic power of the Ritual. The party immediately came under fire from the Ratlords. They ran for cover as Shigma rained down spells. In middle of the madness Obryn came under assault by a Shadow. Obryn quickly killed the Shadow but found him essentially cut off from the battle by the Ratlords. Calost led the charge as he made his way to the second tier and began killing clerics. Vander and Kessel were not far behind Calost and Keen made his moves invisibly. Kessel and Keen soon came under effect of a Confusion spell. Still Vander and Calost fought on. One by one the clerics fell though even to the death they barely defended themselves choosing instead to continue the Ritual.
As the party members approached the third tier a massive Ogre Champion stood against them. It took Vander and Calost some time to take him down. Meanwhile Keen in his confusion killed one of the Runebearer children. Kessel similarly was killing powerless sorcerers. Soon Vander and Calost had reached the end of their mad dash and now Shigma Wuntad stood to face them. With a crackle of lightning the Shigma spread his wings and attacked the party in a berserk rage. Just as the duo was about to fall the confusions spells were broken and Kessel and Keen joined the battle. Wuntad was more then a handful as one by one the party fell. They healed each other the best they could to continue the battle. At one point Wuntad punched his hand through Vander’s chest. Only through Obryn’s magic did Vander survive. At the bombardment continued Kessel disengaged and fled to a room only to be attacked by a vampire. Eventually the vampire was slain and Calost put down Shigma once and for all. The Ritual was ruined and the Chaos Cults had been defeated. Beyond the main chamber the party found the Great leader of men required for the ritual. It was King Oulgas of the Barbarians. It seemed the horde had come to Ptolus for their imprisoned king. The party took the King and his bodyguards to Linech and had him smuggled out of the city. In return the King gave the party tooth necklaces that signified their membership in the horde. As the Barbarian horde was packing up to leave Kessel and Obryn started buying up the neighborhood at cheap prices. Keen ran around town telling everyone what they had done.
Some time lady Lord Zavere came by and told the party that much of what they had accomplished could never be fully recognized but that those in power knew of their achievement and sought to reward them. Each party member was given a powerful magic item and much gratitude. For weeks after the party was treated to numerous expensive diners and other such grats. Only day after it had arrived the Valis Moon once again disappeared. The Night of Dissolution had been thwarted and the invasion of the city averted. Life would go on in Ptolus thanks to the cunning of those known only as The Umber Hulk People.
(Ptolus Night of Dissolution Super Adventure by Monte Cook)

17th: Vault of the Iron Overlord:
-Obryn-Keen-Calost-Vander-Captain Dayd (NPC)-
For some time Obryn had been researching a method by which to magical age his pet dragon. His research had now turned up a number of options including searching out an undead dragon of ancient lore. The more attractive option was to find a magic item called the Eye of Mythus that purportedly was still in Ptolus. The last recorded possessor of the Eye was the Noble house Shever. The party was familiar with House Shever because it was famously the Noble house of technology. They even had a magical flying vessel that could often be seen looming above the city. Obryn met with Thallos Shever, the elder and current Lord of House Shever. Obryn was well received, as Thallos was aware of how the party had helped the city. After listening to Obryn Thallos explained that the Eye was sealed inside the Houses Vault. He went on to explained the bizarre story on how this vault came to be. It seemed the last Lord had spent all the fortunes of the House to build a massive vault. The vault would serve as both a bank and also a testing ground for his heir. Though as the Vault neared completion the Lord was seemingly becoming more and more insane. The day the vault was completed the Lord was found butchered and slain, his heart ripped from his body. Since that time the house members could not enter the Vault or those that did, did not live long. Often time’s sounds of building could be heard. Many believed that the constructs within the Vault still maintained and were even expanding it. Two adventuring party’s had already entered the Vault and neither had returned. Thallos agreed to let the party enter to retrieve the Eye of Mythus.
As the party explored the Vault they discovered the Vault consisted of 4 concentric rings. Each ring could move and only when moved into the proper position could one cross from one ring to the next. The entire vault was a massive combination lock. On the first ring the party battled A Gorgon, a Medusa, and some Girillions. Using secret triggers the party found ways to move the ring and eventually crossed into the second ring. Within the second ring the party battled Cloakers, an animated Dragon Desk, a Bearded Devil, and some Zombie animals. They also rescued one the surviving members of the last adventuring party. She had been trapped in a room where fresh food appeared magically every day. He name was Selena Rondshead a Bard (P. 22). She made a soul connection with Vander and he escorted her out. Just as before the party utilized second triggers to enter the next ring. On the third ring the party battled numerous Derros who served as the workmen for the vault. They also faced a Xorn and a Gibbering Mouther. This time the party had to piece together a code matching icons and colors to create the proper combination. They eventually succeeded at this and crossed into the core of the Vault. There they battled Gargoyles and the final incarnation of the Iron Overlord. The party had first encountered the Iron Overlord on the second Ring. He appeared as a massive construct. The party had destroyed that form only to find a second smaller construct body within. This smaller construct had teleported away.
A second battle with the Overlord occurred on the third ring where again he was defeated. This time his final form was revealed inside the body of the second. Again he teleported away. Now outside the treasure room the party battled this final form. Through the party’s valor the Iron Overlord was finally destroyed. Within his frame lie a still beating human heart. Inside the vault the party found mostly empty chests but still a fair amount of treasure. A few thousand Gold, Four sets of expensive decorative Armor and Halberds, and the Scepter of Succession for House Shever. The party exited the vault. At this point both Captain Dayd and Keen had been slain. Keen having been slain by the second incarnation of the Iron Overlord. The party told Thallos everything and told him they were taking the treasure they found. At some point later the party received a letter saying that most of that treasure was of vast importance to the house and was not part of the deal. The party had no problem with this and everything was sorted out with the help of Mand Sheben. Keen was resurrected with the help of the Noble families influence and Obryn had gained the Eye of Mythus.
Interlude: Obryn later learned that the Eye was essentially a mirror that could act like a crystal ball with the exception being that one could look into the past or even the future. The price was that every minute spent looking into the mirror cost the watcher one year of his life. On a separate note Nate Firegate had begun digging a tunnel for Obryn’s dragon in the basement when he had run into some obsidian stone. There was another structure beneath the bar. Obryn told Nate to dig it out. Additionally Nick Van Axe hired a half giant bouncer named Vic Allforce.
18th: The Demonskar Legacy:
Things had taken a turn for the worse in Ptolus. The government had drastically raised taxes and the populous seemed to feel that the money was not being used on the city. Additionally the city had begun hiring half orcs to fill out the city guard. This had enraged many people. In response to this corruption Sam Champion had invoked his ancient noble lineage to challenge the captain of the guard. The party tried to find Sam but he was not around. They instead decided to attend a protest at city hall. The protest quickly went bad as a merchant named Maavu seemed to incite the crowd. Keen noticed members of the Last Laugh thieves’ guild manipulating events so as to make it turn violent. Before long there was a riot. The crowd began attacking guards and destroying buildings. Soon Breathdrinker (air elemental assassin) appeared and tried killing Maavu. Calost and Vander saved Maavu and then fled. Later that night two huge fire elementals appeared and destroyed a boarding house that had been boarding dozens of these new half orc guards. The party could do little to help but after some time finally stopped the elementals with the aid of Zarn the half orc and Brother Fabitor. The next morning local criers revealed that everyone who had rioted had been pardoned. Except for Maavu who was now sentenced to death for his actions. The party soon received a message from Maavu summoning them to the nearby town of Redgorge. Once in Redgorge the party learned of the Chisel. The Chisel it seemed was an organization of merchants and other figures concerned about the city. Among the members of the Chisel was a Bard Adventure known as the Honest Minstrel, Helmut Itleson, and the Foreman was a merchant named Oliron Mash. The members now felt the city government was corrupt and were secretly meeting in Red Gorge to discuss what to do. They had learned that the a force of Half Orc guards were soon to be sent to Red Gorge to search for them and they sought to avoid this by having Sam Champion repeal his challenge. Only problem was Sam was still missing. The party agreed to find him. The party returned to Ptolus and spoke with Sam’s friend Brother Fabitor. Fabitor told the party that for the last few months Sam had been operating in the Jungles west of Red Gorge. He had been bringing back Art objects and the like and selling them to Tygot. The party next went to Tygot who showed them all the items that Sam had recently brought back. The party found little of use there or at the library. They thought they would need a tracker so they went to the Adventurer’s guild and hired Alphax, Centaur Ranger. They returned to Red George and once again spoke with the Honest Minstrel. He showed them exactly where Sam had often set off down the river in search of treasure. The party rented a boat and headed down river. Only a few hours later did they find an abandoned row boat next a beheaded statue. At this point Alphax told them that the tracks were too old to track. He refunded most of the party’s money and split. The party adventured inland a few hours till they came upon a cave. Inside they found the corpse of an ogre. Vander recalled Sam telling a story of how he had battled an incredible old Ogre. The party seemed to be on the right path. The next morning the party was joined by Murdoch, a friend of Vander who had come seeking adventure. The party soon came upon the ancient ruins of a Spellweaver city. They transversed through the sewers eventually exiting into a massive rift known as The Demonskar. They entered a cave complex where they faced a squad of Ettin guards. The battle was soon joined by three Hags. The party managed to kill one of these Hags but not before the majority of the party was captured within a Forcecage. The Hags began gathering their forces which included two very powerful giants (Fire and Hill). The party could not stand up against these forces and thus they fled. Obryn was slain while Keen was captured. Calost regrouped the party and set back into to find their friends. They killed some Hill Giants and one of the Hags. The surviving Hag Surrendered and agreed to take the party to Keen. She led the party to a strange mirror where she immediately jumped through it. The party members followed. Once inside the party became trapped inside a strange mirror maze. Vander cast a spell of Message to contact Mand Scheben. The following day he did the same thing to contact Vin Van Tran. Vin Van Tran back in Ptouls received the message and tried to find Vida who had gone missing. He next went to Brother Fabitor who fronted the Gold to acquire a Scroll of Raise Dead. Vander and Brother Rufus set out with the guidance of a Centaur Tracker who had accompanied the party. They found their way to Obryn’s discarded body. Rufus performed the Raise Dead and then immediately left. Obryn having returned took rest in the sewers while Vin went looking for Keen. Vin found Keen held hostage under guard of Skeletal Spellweavers. He freed him essentially reforming some semblance of a party. These three soon found their way to the Magic Mirror. They found they could communicate with those trapped within. The party helped Vander interpret a Divination spell. They concluded that the key to escaping the maze had been hidden in some of the relics Sam Champion had brought back from these ruins. The relics the party had left at a shop back in Ptolus. The party needed those relics quick as Murdoch was starving to death inside the maze. A plan was made. Vander used his message spell to contact Tanner’s kinsman Hawkeye (A Falcon riding Brownie). Hawkeye flew back to Ptolus acquired the item and brought them to the party. Obryn decrypted the strange ruins and Calost figured out how to implement them. Calost exited the Maze but not into the location where the party had entered. Soon Murdoch and Vander followed. Vander sent another message back to the other party members. They negotiated the maze and the party was once again reunited. They now found themselves with a small complex in a strange realm. Sam Champion lay there on the floor sprouting madness. Sam had apparently been driven mad whilst in the maze. He now sprouted strange and meaningless gibberish. The party took him in tow as they went to explore their surroundings. Only moments later the Glabrezu Demon Nebitheron appeared proclaiming “This time of piece was at an end”. He began tearing through the party. Sam seemed to focus and joined the battle. The Demon seemed to focus his initial attacks at Sam. When Sam fell he began to tear through the party. All seemed lost but through perseverance the party changed the tide of battle forcing eventually for Nebitheron to flee. The Demon cursed Sam with some strange magic and then teleported away. The party ran to Sam’s aid to hear his final dying words. “There is naught for you in Ptolus, Heroes. To return is to enter your own graves and to bring doom upon all you love. Seek the sign of the Smoking Eye if you wish to save them all.” The party exited the chamber they were in to find a strange realm beyond. The skies were filled with flame and then ground itself seemed to live. The Umber Hulk People were now someplace very very far from Ptolus.
19th: Test of the Smoking Eye
The party had left Ptolus just as the city was facing social and political turmoil. They had set out to find their friend Sam Champion. They passed through an interplanar Mirror Maze into a strange realm in some distant unknown place. They saw Sam killed by the Demon Nebitheron and heard Sam’s final words. “Trust the Sign of the Smoking Eye”. The realm the party now found them in was a place called Occipitus. It had once been a region in Celestia but in a great battle it had fallen into the Abyss. Eventually it had been ripped away from the Abyss and now existed someplace else. The party entered the land only to be attacked by a group of Babau Demons. They defeated these creatures and as the battle was ending they received aid from a stranger. A half fiend traveler named Kaurophon appeared seeking the party’s aid. He told the party of the Test of the Smoking Eye and proclaimed that they were to take the test. The test had been arranged long ago and he who passed it would come to rule the realm. The realm had been ruled long ago by a Demon lord named Adimarchus but he had disappeared eons ago. Kaurophon also knew something of Ptolus. He said that much of the evil occurring there could be attributed to a secret cabal known as the Cagewrights. Eventually the traveler directed the party to travel across the land until they reached a Cathedral. There the Test would begin. For five days the party traveled facing many of the dangerous inhabitants of the realm. The place seemed overrun with all forms of Slaad. All seemingly attempting the same types of ruses. One Slaad did however infiltrate the party in the guise of a little girl. In the night the Slaad murdered Keen. The party also battled a Hezrou demon before eventually reaching the Cathedral. The Cathedral was something left from the days of Celestia. It was now in ruins but every for minutes for a few seconds it would revert to its former glory like some mystical flashback. The party entered the Cathedral and came under ambush from some Driders. They killed the Driders only to face a Succubus and a Noble Fire Salamander in the next room. Calost banished the Succubus while the party slaughtered the Salamander. The Party battled their way into the lower levels of the Cathedral. There they encountered a Mummy Lord who spoke the following “Adimarchus, Most potent Ruler of Occipitus, bids you welcome to the Test of the Smoking Eye. If you are here, then Occipitus lies fallow, without a strong hand to guide its development. Know then that you are a pretender to Adimarchus’s Throne. If you are worthy, step forward and under take the Test of Judgment”. The party proceeded to find they had a choice of facing one of two adversaries. One an angel, the other a demonic Bebelith. They easily chose the Bebelith who nearly killed the party as they attempted to transverse its lair. Beyond this lair the party found the Lantern of Guidance. The Mummy Lord explained this would hide them across the realm to continue The Test of the Smoking Eye. The party once again made a long overland trek before finally reaching the plain of Cysts. In the ground there seemed to be pods containing the bodies of fallen angels. The realm seemed to be absorbing these bodies ever so slowly. The lantern shown so as to lead the party through this area. The party did not know it yet but they were facing the Test of Resolve. If the party did not take the proper path they would be teleported back to the beginning. The presumed goal here was that the ruler of Occipitus need be determined and undistracted. Once the party completed this Test they teleported across the realm. The party’s guide Kaurophon arrived to also be teleported along with the party. The next step of the party’s journey had them heading for the center of the realm. This area was dominated by a massive Skull like structure. The party defeated a guardian Black Dragon before coming upon a trapped and tortured Astral Deva named Saureya. After freeing Saureya he warned them that a Fire Giant and a Rakhasa were also trying to complete the test. The party wasted no time and immediately began their pursuit. After transversing through an acid pool the party found themselves running down a hall that resembled an Esophagus. They soon came into combat with this Fire Giant and Rakhasa tandem. The battle was close but finally the giant fell. The Rahkasa escaped. After defeating a Clay Golem the party reached the final test. This final test was the Test of Sacrifice. The party would need to sacrifice an ally by throwing him into a massive pillar of fiery plasma. It was at this point that Kaurapon betrayed the party. It seemed he planned to sacrifice the party. This may have been his plan all along. Kauraphon revealed himself to be a deadly spell user. During the battle Murdoch was slain. The party battled on and were finally able to cut down this infidel. For a long time the party considered what to do next. Finally the remaining party members elected to draw straws to see who would sacrifice themselves. Calost lost and thus entered the flame. His body was burned to Oblivion but then it began to grow anew as though the fire was becoming him. When it ended Calost had returned as new Ruler of Occipitus. A title which left its mark as Calosts left eye was now a small flame. Along with this mantle came many new powers including complete awareness of everything and everyone in the realm. The party immediately teleported to the hag who had escaped them earlier. They killed her and reclaimed many of their items. Calost next took the party to a portal that exited back into a Glabrezu’s lair in the Demonskar. The party was immediately confronted by Nebitheron. Nebitheron acknowledged Calost the Lord of the Smoking Eye and let the party past. The party had past the Test of the Smoking Eye but the future seemed so uncertain.
Test of the Smoking Eye (A Shackled City Adventure –Dungeon-) By David Noonen
Interlude: On the return trip the party found that the town of Red Gorge had been raised and completely destroyed by the Half Orc Batallion of Ptolus’s guard. As soon as the party returned home they paid to have Murdoch and Keen resurrected. Brother Fabitor paid to have Sam Champion resurrected. Though after his return the party would not see Sam again for a long time. The party also heard news of the recent disappearance of Vida Blade. Though she was well known to be impulsive. As the weeks past Obryn finally completed his research and preparation to age his dragon. He set up a house to contain the creature and then utilized the mirror to age the dragon to a much larger size. Calost later would lead a group of Angels from Ptolus back into Occipitus to reclaim the bodies of their comrades.
Froderick’s Tomb: A Keen Solo Adventure:
-Keen-Vin Van Tran-Breya-
Keen was contacted by his good friend Kelf Understryer, wizard and sage. Kelf had done a great deal of research regarding Froderick the Uncanny. A legendary thief who was long since dead. It seemed Froderick had created many false tombs. Kelf had already found and explored two. Now he had found another and needed Keen to search out its secrets and found out if it could possible be the realm resting place of Froderick the Uncanny. Keen readily agreed to help and soon enlisted the aid of Vin Van Tran and his Barbarian Slave Breya. They wisely entered the Necropolis during the day. Keen and Vin hung out while Breya dug up the grave. They soon came across a passage below. Beyond was indeed another Tomb of Froderick the Uncanny. Inside Keen faced numerous murderous traps and even some creatures. The party defeated Clockwork Rats, A Watery Lasher, Mephits, and an Animated statue that they managed to lead into a pit trap. Keen took down a descent take from the small complex but in the end it was unsurprisingly revealed that this was yet another false Tomb of Froderick the Uncanny.
Frodericks Tomb (Legends and Lairs Instant Adventure) by Mark L Chance.
Raven Mine: A Keen Solo Adventure
-Keen-Zylar (NPC)-Breya-
Keen found himself summoned by Linech who told him that someone important in his organization wanted to speak with him. Keen soon found himself down at the docks aboard a vessel called the BlackRock. The vessel clearly never left port and was most likely a den for rogues. Here Keen was put inside a water tight capsule. This capsule was then shuttled underwater by some barely seen fishmen. When Keen exited he was met by Hadrian. A powerful and darkly creeping figure who serves Menon Balcazar, Lord of the Balcazar crime family. Keen soon found himself meeting with the men himself. Balcazar explained first that very few ever meet him but he went on to explained what brought Keen to his attention. He explaijn3ed that when the party had rescued the kidnapped children from the Night of Dissolution sacrifice. One of those children had been his grandson. In return for this Menon had delivered the Surgeon in Shadows to them. Now Menon needed someone with special skills to perform a special service for him. But before Keen could be considered he would have to prove his skills. Balcazar had a challenge and was sending one of his men along to observe. Balacazar explained that some time ago he had come into possession of a Demon-possessed watch. He had sent the watch to many experts and sages for identification. One such sage was a wizard named Memnor. Memnor never returned the watch and two attempts to recover it through thievery had failed. Keen was tasked with recovering the watch. The following night Keen met up with his new contact from the Balcazar family. He was a Shadowborn Stalker Cleric Rogue named Sylar. He would aid Keen from this point forward. They traveled over to Dweomer Street where they infiltrated Memnor’s manor through a window. Keen quickly discovered that virtually every door was magically trapped. Not long after entering the party fought a long battle against a Flesh Golem. After a short time inside Keen uncovered a journal that explained the situation. It seemed Memnor was a very private and scared wizard who greatly loved his Raven Familiar whom he called Midnight. All Memnor wanted was to be left alone in his manor in total safety. To this end he had begun the greatest challenge of his life. The construction of a Shield Guardian to act as the Manor’s sentinel. This work soon became very tedious and Memnor reluctantly brought on an apprentice named Padwin. Padwin’s teaching was greatly resented and he soon grew to resent his master. He eventually killed his master with poison burying his body in the basement. Memnor had there after returned as a Ghostly Raven and had essentially bonded with his still living familiar. Master and familiar where now one. In the mean time Padwin had taken control of the Mansion. With this information the party recovered Memnor’s body from the basement. When this happened the Ghost of Memnor left his familiar and possessed Keen. In Keen’s body Memnor used an amulet to complete his Shield Guardian. The wizard had now completed his life’s work and was content. However the party had tripped an alarm that made Padwin aware of their intrusion. Padwin teleported back to mansion and began summoning monsters. Soon the party was facing two earth elementals, a Red Slaad, and the mad Apprentice. Padwin hammered the party with lightning bolts repeatedly. The Sheild Guardian joined the party’s side in the battle and with great perseverance the party slaughtered Padwin. Having recovered the watch the party disembarked. Upon returning this watch to Bacazar Keen learned what the man had in mind. Balcazar explained that two thieves guilds where growing stronger in the city. One was the Longfingers guild which was older then even the Balcazars but were now making a marked resurgence. The other was the very new but quickly growing Last Laugh thieves guild. These guilds were cutting into Balcazar’s actions. His solution was to have Keen, a growing persona of good standing in the city, form an anti-thieves guild to hunt down the guild thieves. This would seem righteous but in truth Keen would be aiding the Balcazars. Keen was eager to get started but Menon advised caution. He said to first build his organization. Then he would be sent after the Longfingers. For the short term the Last Laugh was off limits as Balcazar had yet to gage their full scope. Menon went on to say that Sylar whom Keen had been impressed with would be his right hand man in this endeavor. Sylar had knowledge and connections Keen would need. But Balcazar explained that Sylar was a treacherous bastard and that he would try to betray Keen. Taken this into account Balcazar wanted Keen to keep Sylar alive for at least a year. He said it was a lesson in the leadership of rogues that Keen needed to learn. Keen returned home and immediately elicited the services of Vin Van Tran who was all over the idea. Something new was on the horizon.
Raven Mine (A Legends & Lairs Instant adventure) by Greg Benage & Christian Peterson
20th: Queen of Lies
The party received a letter from Mand Scheben asking them to investigate a recent attack at Emerald Hill. The party made haste and soon arrived in the beautiful Elvin neighborhood of Emerald Hill. They found that the Shrine of Celestan had been attacked and many were dead. During this investigation Murdoch antagonized a Lieutenant and was arrested. The party utilized speak with dead to learn that the attack had been conducted by Drow. Vander beat the streets and people for information and this lead to the discovery that the invaders had come up from the sewers. The party was ready to go right in but the one surviving priest recommended they speak to Doridean Mythlord. The party soon arrived at the Mythlord’s home. Everyone in the party had heard of Doradean, he was the most powerful and popular elf in the city. Doridean had some excellent information on the Drow and soon directed the PCs to meet with a woman who had recently escaped from a Drow Citadel in the Underdark. The party went to speak with this woman named Thensia. She explained that she had been captured and imprisoned in the Drow Citadel of Ul-Drakkon. The Citadel had been abandoned by the elves of Dreta Phantas for a very long time but just recently had become reoccupied. By House Vrama. House Vrama was being lead by Alevolenz who apparently rose to power very quickly. Beyond this Thesia knew very little but everything she knew she relayed to the party. The party made preparations and were soon descending into the Underdark. They avoid some encountered but eventually fell into a massive Drow ambush. The Ambush team consisted of over 40 members including Drow, Bugbears, and Lizard Cavalrs. In addition these forces were supplement by a powerful Drow Preistess and a Drow Wizard. The party fought for their lives and many Drow died in fiery evocations. The Drow spell casters wreaked havoc but eventually Murdoch got to them. In the end the party had won the day. They were no doubt nearing Ul-Drakkan. The party successfully negotiated the dangers of the Underdark. They avoided contact whenever possible. A few days after the ambush the party fell sick. The Drow had poisoned a lake that any party would have used to refill their canteens. Some of the party members became more sick then others but the mission proceeded. After about a weeks travel the party came to the outpost they had heard about. It was a very large cavern with a massive black tower suspended in midair by an array of webs. The party defeated another force of Drow this time supplemented with Driders. Some 8 hours later the party came to the entrance of the cavern that held the Citadel of Ul-Drakkan. The only problem was a massive guarded wall. The party quickly launched and assault. They were met with significant forces led by a powerful fire Giant. The party defeated these creatures then moved on to regard the cavern beyond. The cavern was massive, some thousand feet in diameter. Within it were three massive natural stone towers. The towers reached all the way from floor to ceiling. This was indeed the Citadel of Ul-Drakkan. The party used Stealth to explore the area. They killed some guards and rescued the slaves they had been sent to save. The party then took rest as Obryn teleported back to the surface with the main elf prisoners they had been sent to rescue. Back in Ptolus Obryn was met and aided by the powerful Elf Lord Doreadian Mythlord. The Mythlord provided him with a teleportation scroll so he could rejoin his party. The only problem was that the Teleport went off target. Obryn appeared some miles away from his intended area. He appeared literally in the middle of the Drow metropolis of Dreta Phantas. It would take him many hours to catch back up with the party. Meanwhile when Obryn did not return the party took the rest of the prisoners back the outpost they had encountered on the way down here. Some hours later Obryn rejoined his party there. They set up the prisoners at the outpost and set out once more toward Ul-Drakkan. Upon their return the party found the whole Citadel on alert. The used Dimension Door to sneak from behind. They entered the Citadel with stealth and proceeded to explore the complex. The used efficient tactics killing everyone they came across before they could set an alarm. This went on for hours. In one room Obryn contacted a Psionic communication device. This device was linked to a Zaug, a chaotic outsider of vast power. These Zaug lived deep in the Underdark and when Obryn touched the ball a Psionic mind link was established. Obryn and the Zaug saw into each other’s minds. Through this link Obryn learned much of the current situation in Ul-Drakkan. The Citadel lay just a few miles from the Drow City but it had been vacated for centuries. Only recently had it become active again when the Drow house Vrama took control of it. House Vrama had recently been taken over by a relative newcomer. A Cleric Sorcerer named Alevolenz. Alevolenz had been found the Zaug at a very young age. The Zaug had raised her and sent her back into the midst of the drow to dominate them. Alevolenz was doing well having already taken control of a powerful Drow House. Obryn broke the mental connection as it was causing him too much pain. The party continued exploring and killing until they came across a Drow Wizard named Ganthau. Gantau seemed to be on the party’s side and had been waiting for them. He did not agree with this new direction his house had been taken in. He did not like nor trust Alevolenz. He said she had taken the Citadel and was sending raids to the surface so as to provoke a new war with the surface dwellers. In the chaos that ensued she could continue her ascension. The party got some great information from Ganthau but after an obnoxious exchange with Kessel he teleported away. With this new information the party new exactly where Alevolenz and the missing artifacts were. The headed their at once. The party was momentarily slowed by a strange and powerful trap. It was a room filled with a web of light beams. Upon the beams sat metallic spiders. If any non-drow entered the chamber these spiders would swarm each exploding. The party cleverly bypassed this chamber and soon engaged their enemy. Alevolenz was in her chamber plotting away with her powerful lieutenants. The party snuck in invisibly and struck. The Drow responded almost immediately. Alevolenz however turned invisible. For the entire first part of the battle Alevolenz simply prepared herself with spells whilst the party dealt with her lieutenants. That endeavor was going fine until Kessel triggered a Summoning Trap which brought fourth a Gargantuan hunting spider. As was to be expected Keen was once again slain. This time at the hands of a Slay Living Spell. The party finished off all but one of the lieutenants (the last escaped) when Alevolenz came upon them. For virtually the entire battle Calost was busy dealing with the Spider. The party attacked Alevolenz with everything they had but she was simply too much. In addition to all her other powers she could cast both her Cleric and Sorcerer spells simultaneously. The party was falling fast. Breya was virtually incapacitated by a Greater Command Spell. Obryn was taken out by a Harm Magic Missile combo. Kessel hung around as long as he could but was making little progress. At last he did kill the Spider. This freed Calost up to bring all to bear against the Drow bitch. With a single fury filled Charge Calost cut Alevolenz down. Upon her fall the party found out how she was capable of dual spell casting. It seemed within her side was imbedded a mutated conjoined twin. In any event thye were both now dead. The party barley had time to enjoy this as reinforcements were coming. They searched who they could and fled to hide within a secret compartment. Among the magic items recovered was a Scroll of True Resurrection that Obryn used immediately to bring back Keen. The party took rest and considered their next move as they now needed to recover one more artifact. In the early hours of the following morning some of the party members snuck away and recovered this last relic. On this mission the party learned that the Drow were preparing an evacuation. It would seem the party was successful on every front. They had avenged the drow attack, recovered the artifacts, saved the prisoners, and dismember the drow citadel entirely.
-2-19-08- / -2-26-08- / -3-4-08 / 3-11-08
Queen of Lies (A Ptolus Adventure from Feiry Dragon) by Monte Cook
21st: The Shadow Eyes: (A South Market Adventure)
Murdock had just gotten back from Blackstock printing when the party received a summons for a mission. The message had an address that led to a dilapidated building in the South Market. Within this building the party found an establishment known as the Cockpit. The Cockpit was apparently an illegal gambling establishment complete with dozens of exotic games and even a fighting pit. They were soon greeted by the Cock Pit’s manager, a half orc named Naosh. Naosh explained that the vault had been robbed for 30000 GP and he wanted the party to recover it. If they did the party would receive one third of the gold as payment. When pressed he revealed that the Cock Pit was owned by the Lich Aggah Shan. Naosh wished to recover the gold before Shan discovered what had happened. He would not let the party see the vault but did say that GP taken from the vault would automatically be marked with a nitch through magic means. This made the gold the party was seeking unique and subject possibly to divination type magics. The party paid Brother Fabitor to help. He gave them a list of locations within the South Market that contained the missing Gold Pieces. An investigation ensued that took the party across the South Market. They visited establishments such as Donnel’s Leather Shop, Faraway Scents, The Golden Tooth (Gold Smith), Maran’s Odd Sizes (Clothing Store), Navian Bowcraft, and Ramoro’s Bakery. During this investigation the party was attacked numerous times by Astral Stalkers. Eventually they would learn that their enemy had put an Astal Tag on them. Fabitor was able to remove this. Through the investigation the party kept hearing about a man in black armor. This eventually turned out to be a low powered quasi adventure named Amin Void. The party befriended Amin who shared smoke with them and told them all he knew. Kessel did not believe him and pushed the idea to trap him in his home and interrogate him. The party did this only to find out he had told them the truth in the first place. In shame Murdoch paid the man 1,000 GP for his troubles. Eventually the party learned from one of the shopkeepers that the man who spent the gold was an Elf. During the exchange a women had said hello to this man. The party tracked this woman down at the Welcome Inn where she waitressed. She said she knew the man from when she nursed at The Madhgoth Asylum. The party went down to the Asylum where they met with the Asylum’s Beholder Curator. The Beholder explained that the man in question was still an inmate there. The party was shocked when they found the man to be Aelien Fardream, The Propieter of Blackstock Printing. Murdoch ran down to the Print and found Aelien there too. Soon the party had uncovered the mystery. It seemed the original Aelien Fardream had cloned himself multiple times. The first batch he put 6 clones into stasis. Later he made a second batch. Of the second batch only one survived. This clone was genderless and wholly evil. This clone would come to call itself the Shadow Eyes and indeed eventually killed the original Aelian. Sometime late the first batch of clone were hatched from stasis by an unexpected earthquake. They awoke and reopened the Printing press. The whole time the 6 clones pretended to be the one man. At some point one of them cloned him creating seven. Seven wondered out and got lost eventually being committed to the Asylum. After a period of mistrust the party came to good terms with the clones and they then explained that the culprit behind the robbery had to be The Shadow Eyes. During the investigation that followed Keen befriended the local Killraven Crime Boss. A man named Korben Trollone who often hung out at the Sword Throwers Club. Korben was able to tell Keen that Shadow Eyes’ laird in Rivergate. The party once again used a locate Object and were able to discover Shadow Eyes’ lair beneath a well. They tried to enter the complex but fell victim to two Prismatic Sprays that ruined the party. Vander was turned to stone while Murdoch was banished to another plane. The party was forced to flee. They next began to search for a way to find Murdoch. In this endeavor they learned that no planar exodus was possible out of the World of Priemal. Apparently this was prevented by something called The Seven Chains. As a result any banishment resulted in the victim being transported to the Extra dimensional plane of Quaan, Home of the Pactlords. The party Scryed for Murdoch to learn his location and then used Planeshifts and Teleports to get him back. Sometime later word on the street came that Shadow Eyes had a new lair on Bleaker street. The party immediately knew this was a trap but decided to go anyway. Once inside the sewers the party fell siege to two Polluted Water Elementals and an Ember Guard. Shadow Eyes joined the battle shortly after. It was a deadly encounter that the part nearly did not survive. Murdoch was killed but so too was Shadow Eyes. “The Shadow Eyes” by Rob Gault relying heavily on Ptolus Material
Interlude: Obryn continued to train in Dragon Riding as well as fully finishing the house he had gutted and customized for his Dragon. In addition he began to take sessions with Mahdgoth the Beholder. The beholder was helping Obryn with his Psionic abilities. He was teaching him to build a barrier around his mind. He then went to the next level trying to make it possible for Obryn to go into the minds of others. In exchange Obryn sometimes helped with the mad arcanists within the Asylum. Kessel had paid Nate Firegate to build an underground complex below his home. Next he was going to have two of his building destroyed and commissioned the construction of a mansion. The Knights of the Pale were growing very close to being able to make their strike against Aggah Shan.
22nd: Secrets of the Soul Pillars
The party was relaxing after a slow night of business at the bar. Nick Van Axe and Vic Allforce left early. Not long after a team of assassins arrived. They were a female Rogue/Cleric of Destor, a Human Sorcerer, and a Half Orc fighter Assassin. The assassins’ attack was ferocious and well though out. They employed tandem attacks and silence spells. They seemed to target the spellcasters first and they were here to kill. Obryn was slain first. Later Breya was killed. The female assassin was killed while the other two fled. The party managed to catch and kill the half orc but the Sorcerer escaped. A short time later a local drunk named Steve Magnets arrived looking for a drink. Kessel grossly misread the situation and attacked him. Even after it seemed pretty obvious that Steve was not an enemy Kessel brutally murdered him. The party hid the bodies down stares and slept there. The following morning Nick Van Axe and Vic Allforce showed up to find the bar all messed up. Upon seeing the dead bodies Vic said he had heard that The Temple of Death was having sales on all spells. The party was happy to hear this and went down there at once. Upon arriving the party was met by High Priest Ike Iverson who said it would take two hours to get ready. Meanwhile Kessel was back at the bar. He awoke the female assassin and began torturing her. He utilized the devices that of the Drow Brothel which existed in the basement. Eventually he got her to talk. She said they were assassins hired by The Temple of Death. It took Kessel a long time to realize what this meant but after about an hour of messing around he ran down to the Temple. Within the Temple Keen and Murdoch fell under attack by Ike Iverson, two Stone Giants, and six Gray Render Zombies. Ike’s destruction spell rebounded off Murdoch’s spell turning killing him instantly. This plus Keen’s quick thinking facilitated the party’s escape. Once outside Keen ran into Vic who he yelled out. He then ran into Kessel and told him what happened. Eventually Keen just disappeared entirely off the grid. Kessel met up with Murdoch who had called for the guards. The guards quarantined the church while they amassed reinforcements. When they did finally go in they found the place empty except for numerous piles of strange dust. Kessel late discovered this dust was the remains of Disintegrations. Additionally Kessel discovered evidence of a massive apparatus that had been removed from the temple. There was no trace of the dead party members. Murdoch took shelter at St. Valiens Cathedral of Lothian in The Temple District. Kessel hid out at the Death Guild. Though not entirely eliminated the party had been shattered by the will of an unknown enemy. The following day the remaining party members met up. They made a complete effort to drum up information about who was behind this. They considered going back into the Temple of Death for clues but found it under massive guard. They called in favor and visited with their old friend Mand Scheben who since the disappearance of the Commissar was running the city along with Helmut Itleson. The party asked if he could get them into the Temple. He told them that Helmut had ordered the church’s protection. It seemed too that Mand was quite fearful of Helmut. The party let this go and went about their investigation. Eventually they came to speak with the Beholder Asylum Master Mahdgoth. Mahdgoth was of little help with the information they desired but he did pick up some residual psionic residue in Kessel’s mind. He explored further to find that Kessel had come into contact with an item that was Psionically cloaked. That is that a psionic enchantment was on the item that would trick the mind of an onlooker to think that the item simply was not there. The item in question was located within the Temple of Death. Kessel had found evidence of a large machine. That construct was actually right in front of him. It was actually a massive twisted metal cage. The party researched this cage to great length and learned that it was something called a Soulcage and was probably the focus for a planar gating effect. To gain more information the party was going to need to get close to this soul cage. They took Murdoch’s friend Phazuk Planewise with them and Dimension Doored within the Temple of Death that was still under heavy guard. Inside they encountered a Truly Horrid Umber Hulk carrying a large invisible item. They defeated the massive beast but could simply not overcome the mind enchantment that protected the Soulcage. The party exited the Temple and found themselves at a loss. They pooled all their resources and traveled to St. Valien’s Cathedral of Lothian where they paid to have a True Resurrection performed on Obryn. Later Brother Fabitor let the party into Vander’s room where they found enough GP to have Vander True Resurrected. After leaving the church the party was confronted in the street by Zarik Dhor. Zarik was a half black dragon minataur progeny of the black dragon Dhorlot. A black dragon the party had killed or played a part in killing. Zarik had come for revenge but all he got instead was a beating. The party regrouped and returned to the Temple of Death. They saw it was about to be demolished. They dimension doored inside and pushed the Soulcage down a hole. The hole had been made the previous day by the Umber Hulk who had come for the Soulcage. The party stashed the cage in the sewer until they could get a scroll of Teleport Object. Then they teleported the item to the basement of the bar for inspection. Murdoch brought down the planar expert Phazuk. He was able to garner much information including the following. The Cage was a focus for a ritual to create a permanent portal to the outer plane of Tarterus. The Cage was forged by the Fire Giant Durgobas. And finally the Cage was somehow connected to the Soul Pillars of Karran-Kural. The party went down and purchased Scrolls of teleport. They teleported back to Vapraks Voice (A cave complex in the Demonskar where the party had first encountered Durgobras). Upon arriving Kessel spied they Fire Giant conversing with The Wandering Smith. However when the party approached the Wandering Smith was no longer there. Durgobras was amiable and helped the party as much as he could without feeling like he completely sold out his former employers. As it was the people who hired him to forge the Soulcages were an organization known as the Cagewrights. The party had heard about this group in the notes of Faux Aster. After a while Durgobras simply told the party he could give them no more information but that they might find more in the Ruins of Karran-Kural. The party next went to visit with Nebitheron, the Glabrezu who also laired in the Demonskar and guarded the portal to Occipitus. The Glabrezu did indeed know where the ruins were and agreed to teleport the party there. The party found the place to be an extremely cold and haunted place. Death and Cold magic permeating the entire complex. Research had told the party that the complex was build by Spellreavers and this was confirmed when the party found many of those strange creatures held in some kind of stasis. Soon the party came to a massive chamber with Ice Walls where they were ambushed by an Ice Devil. The creature battled the party to a standstill with both opting to retreat. After teleporting back home, regroup and teleporting back the party was able to defeat the devil. Back in Ptolus, Calost joined the Knights of the Pale for a raid against Aggha Shan. The Knights surprised the Lich but he escaped by teleporting away. Afterward Calost located Keen, Planeshifted back to Occipitus, exited the plane to find Nebitheron and had the Demon teleport them to the Ruins of Karran Kurral to rejoin the main party. Once reunited Keen and Obryn guarded the entrance while the rest of the party explored the ruins. The party escaped a battle against an Iron Golem to find entrance to the lower level. Once there they came across a Red Wizard studying a cluster of black ice. The wizard was angry at the interruption but almost immediately recognized the party. He told them the person they were seeking was named Vhalantru and that he could be found back in Ptolus. The man admitted to being a member of the Cagewrights and claimed that Vhalantru had served the Cagewrights. The party took this information and left at once. They utilized Occipitus and exited into the Demonskar. They traveled by land towards home. They killed a small group of Dire Apes before being attacked by Gottrod. They party had not seen the Red Dragon since last they traveled this way. Apparently Gottrod had not forgotten the party. The Dragon viscously attacked Kessel over and over. Eventually the party had to planeshift back to Occipitus to escape. They rested up there before setting out again. This time they traveled the rough mountain passes so as not to enter into Gottrod’s realm. They arrived back in Ptolus and began an extensive investigation into Vhlantru. It rendered little results. What they did come up with sounded more like rumor then fact. The Viridian Lords claimed that Vhlanatru was indeed in league with the Cagewrights and that he operated very secretly. Rumors in the underworld proclaimed a connection between Vhalantru and The Last Laugh Thieves Guild. Unfortunately the Last Laugh had disappeared a week prior. Finally the party had a willful private wizard named Carson the Chaotic (Forest Gnome Wizard) cast a Scrying spell. The spell failed because Vhalantru apparently has magical protections and in addition Vhalantru had detected the Scrying. The party continued the investigation with no results. They had however set into motion as many lookouts as possible. If Vhalantru or the Last Laugh popped up on the grid anywhere the party was likely to know about it. In the mean time they would had to live very carefully. A few months went bye as the party lived almost completely off the grid. Eventually the Knights of the Pale requested that Calost return to the ruins of Karran Kural to smite whatever other evil lurked there. Some of the party members joined him. The party explored the complex battling past a Demodand fiend and a Bone Naga before finally coming upon the master of the ruins. It was a Dracolich named Vitris Bale. The party fled immediately. They teleported back to Ptolus and made preparations. They returned fully prepared to battle the Dracolich and still they were almost slain. In the end the party’s preparation paid off and the Dracolich was defeated. Later the Knights of the Pale destroyed its Phylactery.
“Secrets of the Soul Pillars” by Jesse Decker –Dungeon Magazine-Shackled City-
-4-10-08 & 6-20-08---
23rd: Guildwar
Some months had gone by as the party was getting together to discuss matters. Outside they heard a ruckus, It was all of the members of the Stonemasons versus all the metalworkers. Before long a full on Guildwar broke out. Dozens were injured And one person was killed. Later that day the owner of the Longdraught brewery summoned the party and requested that they act as mediator in this dispute. The party agreed and began this mediation down at the grand guildhall. They found the guilds to be unmanageable. It seemed that the guilds had been going back and fourth abducting each others members. So far each guild had lost 3 members this way. And no one knew if these missing mean were dead or alive. The party finally got them to agree to a three day truce so that the party could get to the bottom of the situation. Their investigation took them to various locales around the Guildsman District. After beating the streets for information they learned that the Shuul had also suffered an abduction. The party knew very little of the Shuul even though their massive Foundry was one of the largest structures in their district. What they did know was that the Shuul were technological experts and pioneers of Steamtech. After some negotiating the party got the Shuul to allow them to search the scene of the abduction. The only thing of interest the party found was a fragment of a gem. They headed down to Star Jewelers to have it looked into. The most senior jeweler on site was able to tell the party that this type of gem was often used in magical applications, specifically optics for golems. After leaving the Jewelers the party was summoned by The Brotherhood of Redemption. They arrived at the monastery and were met by one of the most senior monks. He explained that some of his monks had tracked an invisible creature through the streets the night the Shuul man went missing. Before the monk could finish this story the party would get a much better idea of what the monk was talking about. Without warning the doors of the Monastery burst open as two invisible Steel Predators attacked. The monks proved virtually useless against these creatures while the party struggled to penetrate the damage reduction of the constructs. These would lead the party to later obtain very expensive Adamantine weapons. After defeating the Predators the party had them examined. It seemed a rare metal was used to form the joints. The party next embarked a mission to track down this metal. After some investigation they learned that a great deal of this metal was used at the rebuilding of the Rivergate bridge. Though it seemed way too much of the material was ordered and thus ended up at the City Salvage Yard known as The Midden Heaps. The party went down to the Midden heaps and were first turned away. They called upon the services of their old friend Mand Scheben to gain them access. That night no one was scheduled to work and the party had room to work. They were at first ambushed by the Cyclops that worked the heaps as beasts of burden. Next they came under assault by Siege Golems. Eventually they found a secret entrance to a small hidden workshop. Within this workshop were all the men who had been abducted. They were being made to create constructs by a Ratman named Fenris. Fenris had been a former Shuul but was cast out of the organization and was now mad and bent on revenge. Fenris laid into the party with Dragon Pistols before retreating to his greatest achievement. A massive Slaughterstone Behemoth. An enormous construct of awe inspiring power. Fenris nearly killed the entire party but with clever tactics the party was finally able to defeat him. The following day the party returned the abducted men safely and prevented the Guildwar.
”Guildwar” a Rob G original inspired by Ptolus Material-
-6-3-08 & 6-10-08---
24th: Lords of Oblivion:
The party was summoned by Meethan, An old dwarf (actually a disguised Half Elf) who heads the alliance of Viridian Lords opposing the Cagewrights. Meerthan needed the party’s aid. The Last Laugh’s Thieves guild who was now in league with the Cagewrights had kidnapped one of the Viridian Lords. An Elf named Fario whom the party had also befriended. Fario had been abducted whilst spying on House Rhiavadi. Using Meethan’s telepathic link with Fario the party located the Last Laugh’s Guildhouse beneath an abandoned inn called the Brass Trumpet. The party fought their way through the lair slaying dozens of thieves. Eventually the party slew the entire guild leadership including Jil, a female master thief who had eluded them many times before. Keen and Kenpachi were slain in the battle. After raising their friends and recovering Fario the party learned that much was afoot concerning House Rhiavadi. The party infiltrated House Rhiavadi finding many evil creatures within. Eventually they came to the door of a meeting room. From within they heard many voices having a discussion. The party recognized many of the voices as powerful Ptolus Villains. They were discussing how to kill the party. With little hesitation the party busted into the room engaging all these enemies at once. An all out chaotic battle ensued. Some of these villains were unfamiliar to the party and quickly fled. Velior Thazo, Half Demon Guildmaster of the Last Laugh escaped as did a random Teifling Sorcerer. The party killed the others that remained and most importantly they killed Lady Thifirane Rhiavadi. Whom they now recognized as the Sorceress whom served the Beholder Vhalantru. They also learned the location of Vhalantru’s estate in the noble’s district. The party infiltrated the estate battling dozens of horrible creatures. Eventually they came upon a wax museum room where the wax sculptures were actually the petrified remains of many of the cities adventurers whom had gone missing in recent months. Among them were Vin Van Tran and Vida Blade. The party rescued them and released them. They proceeded on and eventually came upon the Beholder Vhalantru just as he was completing a ritual to bond his essence with a fiend from the lower planes. No doubt a power provided him by the Cagewrights. Now standing before Vhalantru Obryn recognized his presence as that which had been watching him for some time. The battle was long and fierce. Obryn and Vander were slain. But in the end Vhalantru was defeated. Within his office the party located a magical suit which Vhalantru had used to take on the guise of Mand Scheben. For some time Vhalantru had been manipulated everyone in the city including the party. All that had now come to an end.
“Lords of Oblivion” by Christopher Perkins –Dungeon Magazine-Shackled City-
Narrative Overview:
At this point in the campaign the party knows that a group called the Cagewrights has dark designs on the city. They had allied themselves with Vhalantru and through manipulation Vhalantru had created the guise of Mand Scheben and become Commisar of the City. The Cagewrights had also brought the Last Laugh’s Thieves Guild into the fold to gain control over the cities underworld. The party had during the course of the last week wiped all that control away.
The Return:
After a long hiatus the party returns. They awakened in Vhalantru’s lair. Apparently they had returned to his lair some time after defeating him. Presumably to search for treasure. The entire party fell victim to a magical ward that turned all of them to stone. A year passed before they were rescued. Among their rescuers were Sam Champion, Vida Blade, Brig Stoneheart, Murdoch, and Vin Van Tran. The party returned to the bar and Nick Van Axe threw them a home coming party. Many of the party’s old friends and contacts came to greet them. In their absence Sam Champion had handed the Mand Scheben suit over to the city. Since that time the city had failed to elect a new Commissar fearing any one man having too much power. Things had improved within the city. The party had completely wiped out the Cagewrights numerous power structures within the city. With Vhalantru out of power the city council had begun to set things right. However with the threat of the Cagewrights gone local crime had increased.
25th: Black Rain:
Vander had received a secret warning from Brother Fabitor that a cosmic event known as the Black Rain was eminent. He disclosed this information to Obryn who further researched it. It seemed that ages past a divine incident occurred which left a lasting effect on the world. Once every few decades a rain would fall that would cut off all divine powers. Clerics and other divine users would lose their abilities for the duration of this magical storm. During Obryn’s research the rain had begun and shortly after someone came to warn the party that the Church of Lothian (St Gustav’s) was under siege. The party rushed down to find the church completely sealed within a magical force dome. It seemed impenetrable. The party asked around to discover that a man named Terrid Fomgarten had been seen entering the temple shortly before the sphere appeared. Vander recognized the name as a former priest who had been dismissed by the church. The party followed the trail back to Terrid’s home where they learned he had long conspired to get revenge on the church. He had used a Teleportation circle imbedded in a rug to gain entrance into the church after the force dome came up. Now he was exacting his revenge. The party used the same teleportation circle to get inside the force dome and then the temple. They battled past a Cryohydra and surpassed a wall of force to reach the main chamber. There they found Terrid abusing Brother Fabitor. The party engaged Terrid as a platoon of Blood Trolls came to defend him. Terrid was wielding twin rod artifacts of great power. The party managed to get Brother Fabitor on his feet and the Brother managed to change the tide of battle by acting as a healing battery. Eventually Vander killed Terrid but the Blood Trolls killed Fabitor. It took some time but eventually the party was victorious. Unfortunately the force dome could not be dismissed until the Artifact Rods were destroyed. This posed a bit of conundrum for Kessel who was seriously considering trying to wield the power of the rods. Eventually he came to agree with the church and other party members and led the efforts to have the Rods Destroyed. -02-19-2010-
Black Rain by Monte Cook
26th: Foundation of Flame:
The party was invited to a meeting of the city’s leadership. The discussion involved who would be named new Lord Commissar of Ptolus. There were many factions represented and many political agendas being pursued. The meeting was eventually interrupted as a group of Derro appeared. Their leader was a Sorcerer member of the Cagewrights. It seemed their intentions were to assassinate all the city’s leaders and the party. This attempt was thwarted by the party and some powerful members of the council. Some time later the party was visiting with Brother Fabitor when they heard screams. They ran to find that one whole portion of the city was essentially melting into lava. The entire Rivergate district was crumpling and above it storm clouds had gathered and a vortex was forming in the Sky. The party rushed to help evacuate the area. They dealt with rowdy crowds, marauding animals, and falling buildings. They took many heroic actions to save innocent lives. From the vortex above Demodands started appearing. The party would have to battle these fiends while at the same time continuing the evacuation. As the evil of the vortex spread it began to manifest other creatures. Soon the party was battling a Greater Fire Elemental. The influx of power even awoke something that had been asleep for eons. There had long been legends of a creature known as the Crater Lake Monster. A powerful creature that dwelt beneath the city’s waters. There creature proved to be more then myth as it awoke and began attacking boats in the river. The party battled the creature but were defeated. The terrible Morkoth continued to maraud. The party later regrouped and continued the critical evocation. Towards the end there was very little left standing of the Rivergate distinct. The party was taking out the last group of refugees. Then something unexpected occurred. The Red Dragon that laired near Ptolus had come to investigate this massive disturbance. The opportunistic creature began skowering the area for treasures. What it found was the party members. A dramatic battle ensued. The Red Dragon once again proved to have massive guile and coordinated attacks. It swallowed Obryn and pinned him in lava, slaying him. Eventually the party fought the creature off and the Dragon retreated. The remaining refugees were successfully evacuated.
-Foundation of Flame by Chris Thomasson-
27th Thirteen Cages:
-Obryn-Kessel-Keen-Vander-Calost-Breya (Cohort)-
The party came to consciousness to find themselves with Madgoth, The Beholder who runs the insane asylum, and friend to Obryn. The partys memories seemed splintered. Madgoth explained that only one day prior the party had evacuated the Rivergate district (the events of the prior module). During that period they battled the powerful Crator Lake Monster whom had been awakened by the volcanic activity. This creature had infected the party with a psionic virus that had effected them minds and memories. Madgoth had restored their minds but many of their memories would take some time to fully restore.
The party exited the asylum to find Sam Champion nervously awaiting them. He told the party to catch some rest as he was heading to the Rivergate district. In the days prior to this storm cloud had begun to amass above the Rivergate district and this was soon followed by the entire district being hit with earth quakes and finally starting to collapse into lava. The party had safely evacuated most of the district but the anomaly had continued. Now the cloud were a massive vortex or power seemingly being fed by the continually collapsing and magma erupting Rivergate district. Fiends had begun to rain down from the vortex at an increasing rate. The city had put all of its forces into combating these fiends but were becoming overrun. Now the city had opened its treasuries and called upon any and all adventurers and mercenaries to aid in dealing with the increasing invasion of fiends. Sam was heading there now and so would the party.
The party surveyed the situation and considered aiding but quickly though there must be some root cause to all and this and sought to investigate that. They traveled to Castle Shard and met with Lord Zavere. They gathered some information and continued to investigate. Eventually they met up with Meethan, the head of the Viridian Lords (Ranger organization that long suspected the Cagewrights of something sinister). Meethan explained this was the final goal of the Cagewrights being realized. They had begun their ritual of Planar Junctuon whereby they would create a permanent portal between Tarterus and the Prime. They suspected the ritual was being performed somewhere underground. The party went to the delvers guild and gathered maps and other resources. Eventually they discovered where the core of the volcanic activity had to be and assumed this is where the Cagewrights Fiery Sanctuim.
The party began their descent into the bowels beneath the Rivergate district using the lava tubes as access. This journey would take them some 8 hours. Along the way they would battle past Phiuls (disembodied souls of Elementals native to Tarterus) and Greater Earth Elementals (presumably drawn to the volcanic activity). They would even have a chance encounter with the famous planar warrior Lucas Arcanum. Lucas had been adventuring on Tarterus when he was sucked through the vortex. Now he was claiming that there were special properties to this planet that were preventing him from planeshifting out.
Finally the lava tunnels terminated at a gate carved with a demonic visage. The party dispelled the wards on the gate, picked the locks and entered the Fiery Sanctum, the stronghold of the Cagewrights. Insight they battled past Farrastu Demodands, Kelubar Demodands, a Kastighur Demon, and finally defeated Gau Kleeoch. Gau was the female Minataur Barbarian and one of the Thirteen Cagewright Lords. The party had already battled through hell and their resources were heavily depleted but the ritiual of planar junction was set to complete in a just a few hours.
----------(Session Two)--------------
The party continued to explore the complex and were already to feel their resources having been exhausted. Keen soon feel victim to another strange magical effect and was forced to make a tactical retreat with Breya in tow. Now without their rogue the party continued on. They soon felt a magical field spill over them. Obryn quickly deduced that this was an emanation coming from the center of this ritual that would now prevent teleportation.
Not long after the party came upon the personal chambers of Decrinhi Baiul, Warpriest of Adimarchus and apprentice to Shebeloth. Decrinhi was playing his Pipe Organ as the party arrived. After a few moments of suspended shock battled ensued. The party defeated Decrinhi and located a secret room beyond his massive Pipe Organ. The room was an altar to the imprisoned Abyssal Lord Adimarcus. Upon entering this chamber Calost felt an immediate connection to his demonic plane of Occipitus (Realm of the Smoking Eye). The connection stemmed from the Altar and if needed Calost could call upon the power of his plane in the this room to make a powerful Wish.
The party left this room continuing to explore the Fiery Sanctum. They follow a very long tunnel south before arriving in a massive lava filled chamber. The party had just entered the lair of Moltenwing (Garithynak), The Pyroclastic Dragon. As the party was flying across the room Moltenwing revealed himself with a dominance display. He then ordered the party to return to the other side of the room. The party ignored the dragon’s initial urgings. Two of the party members began to move back extremely slowly after constant urgings from the dragon. Then Calost attempt to cast a spell which provoked combat. Moltenwing shot a crackling energy breath weapon at the party that instantly disintegrated Vander. The party responded with ineffective attacks. Next Moltenwing came crashing down on Calost smashing the paladin into the lava. The party made more ineffective attacks. Moltenwing then took Calost in his mouth and cracked the Paladin in half. His brownie familiar Tanner could see dissolving into the lava. Obryn and Kessell fell back and were immediately joined by Meerthan and a strike team of the most powerful Viridian Lords. The group made ready for battle as Moltenwing appeared again. In just seconds Moltenwing had disintegrated the entire group. The party had been destroyed.
Back on the Plane of Occipitus, Realm of the Smoking Eye, Calost’s body began to grow anew. As lord of the now pocket plane Calost if slain on the Prime Material plane would reform alive and with all his possessions back on his home plane within mere minutes. Calost immediately exited his plane to meet with Nabitheron, The Glabrezu demon bonded to guard his realm. Nabitheron as always exhibited nothing but contempt for the Paladin but had to follow his commands. Calost had Nabitheron teleported him outside the Fiery Sanctum. Calost entered and soon came upon Jenya, a powerful Cleric and only surviving member of the Viridian Lord strike team.
She went with Calost to the Altar of Adimarcus. There Calost used to Wish to “bring back to life” every one he could name that had been disintegrated by Motlenwing. This ability worked and these members found themselves alive right where they had died in Moltenwing’s lair. The party members managed to flee the chamber but the Viridian Lords were not so fortunate and were again distergrated by the Dragon. After this event the alter to Adimarcus crumbled. The party reunited now joined by Jenya, powerful Viridian Lord and Cleric of Lothian. Their resources were even more depleted. But with just 6 and a half hour left before the opening of the Carcian gate they had to push on.
They soon entered the chambers of Frieja Doorgan, Poweful Conjurer and Cagewright Lord. Obryn was able to hit here with a powerful spell but she quickly responded by trapping the party except for Obryn in Forcecage. The Forcecage also blocked off Obryn. With the party trapped in the Forcecage Freija started conjuring demon after demon. Soon the room was filled with 10 fiends waiting to tear the party apart. After boosting herself up with spells the conjurer then dismissed the Forcecage. Immediately the partys new ally Jenya ran into the center of the room and cast a Holy Word Spell. This powerful incantation banished all but the most powerful demon. The only enemies that remained now were Freija and a Kastughur Demon. Jenya was immediately rewarded with a Disentergration ray which utterly killed her. The party was able to overcome the Kastighur and eventually kill Freija.
---------(Seassion Three)-------------------
Keen and Breya had regrouped and were re-entering the Fiery Sanctum to once again rejoin their companions. As they came upon the front gates a huge Fire Giant was exiting. It was Durgobras the forger, fabricator of the Soul Cages, whom the party had encountered before. Durgobras presumably had been here helping with the final Soul Cages. Now with the ritual begun and his contract completed he was leaving. He warned Keen to leave as soon a great doom was coming. Keen thanked him but said he needed to try and stop it. A short time later Keen and Breya rejoined the party and told them of these events. Kessell seemed intrigued and thus went to catch up with Durgobras telling the party he would rejoin them shortly.
The party entered a torture room where they defeated a Slimy Demodand and came across records detailing torture interrogations that had been performed. One such record contained information about the interrogation of Potato Fred, a former employee of the party’s bar. Fred had given up a lot of information about the party to the Cagewrights. With the exploration of this room the party had explored the entire complex or had missed some secret passages. Now with mere hours remaining before the Planar Junction ritual was to be completed the party would have to do pains taking searches. Luckily Keen was with them again.
Keen quickly found a secret room containing an arcane lab. Inside a secret draw he found information on a “Dispersal Collar”. An emergency shutdown device for the Tree of Shackled Soul that one of the Cagewrights had created as a contingency plan. The records also indicated that this device was being guarded by “The Wyrm of Gehemma”. Obryn quickly deduced this to be Moltenwing, the dragon that had obliterated the party the week before. Moltenwing (Garythynak) was a Pyroclastic Dragon, a Planar species of dragon originating on the Plane of Gehenna. If the party wanted this device they would have to face the great Wyrm again.
The party was extremely hesitant about entering the dragon’s lair again. Keen decided he would go alone using stealth to try and gain the collar. He managed to fly silently and invisibly through the lair and gain entrance into the back cavern. Inside was a massive dragon’s horde. Among the treasure was the Dispersal Collar. Keen did not take any chances, he grabbed the collar and quickly returned to the party.
Obryn next used magical detections to try and establish the direction of the Tree. Once this was discovered Keen began searching a new and found another secret passage giving further access to the Fiery Sanctum. They soon came upon a room containing four Flamewarders. The Flamewarders were an organization based in the outer planes comprised of Harraknin, Hell Hounds that could assume a hybrid humanoid form. They were roguish and very cunning. The party slaughtered them and continued on.
They soon came upon a combat training room. Here they encountered two of the Cagewright Lords. These were Nulin “Fish” Weijeron, an assassin, and Ardeth Webb, an Ember Monk. The Cagewrights tried to use Invisibility activation stones on the floor to gain an advantage but the party had the proper counter magic to deal with this. These Cagewright Lords were soon laid low. Beyond this Chamber the party battled another Slimy Demodand who was guarding the treasure room of Dyr’Ryd. After this combat Obryn began to pick up some psionic activity. The Fire Giant Cagewright Ti’irok was using a helm of telepathy to warn Dyr’Ryd that the party was coming.
Inside Dyr’Ryd’s chamber the party found yet another secret passage that opened up into the Chamber of The Tree of Shackled Souls. Before them was a massive room with a titanic tree forged of steel. The tree had 13 branches each ending in a hook. Upon each hook sat a Soulcage housing within it the dead bodies of the Shackleborn. The bodies of Zenith Splintersheild and the boy Terrem could be seen. As the party began to cross the room Dyr’Ryd, Overlord of the Cagewrights revealed himself. A dialogue ensued as Dyr’ryd queried the party as to why they had come. Dyr’Ryd explained that Tarterian rule was inevitable and good for the people of the world. The party disagreed. Dyr’Ryd offered to pay the party and even tried to avoid a battle. Keen soon began to suspect that Dyr’Ryd was stalling the party. That’s when Vander said “Cagewrights?, Cagewrong bitch.” And attacked.
Dyr’ryd had bolstered himself with spells before the party’s arrival including Displacement and Haste. He used his flying ability to abuse his reach in melee. Meanwhile it was revealed that some sort of symbiotic creature lived on the side of Dyr’ryds neck and could cast spells as Dyr’ryd attack. (Actually the large body was Dyr, the symbiot was Ryd. Together they were Dyr’ Ryd). Obryn tried to hammer Dyr’Ryd with his remaining spells but the symbiot creature continued to Counterspell and harass him. On multiple occasions Obryn was defeated by a fear spell but both times his fellow party members managed to heal him. Vander and Calost carried on the battle in melee while Breya tried to heal them. Keen managed to Shackle the Tree by installing the dispersal device upon it but it would need to remain on the tree for a very long time to end the ritual. Vander and Calost were on the verge of death as the battle was winding down. Finally with flying and blessed weapons provided by Keen and Breya, Calost and Vander managed to bring down the Overlord of Cagewrights.
After the battle Obryn deduced the collar would need to remain on the Tree for about 30 minutes for the collar to disperse all of the tree energy. The party healed up and took defensive positions. But no other threat appeared. After 30 minutes the magic of the tree dispersed causing a massive earthquake. The tree of Shackle Souls had been shut down. The magic dispersed. The portal above closed. Many of the Cagewrights had been killed including Dyr’Ryd. But most important the overall goal of the Cagewrights had been ruined. Ptolus had been saved. And Umber Hulk’s everywhere trembled with fear.
Thirteen Cages: By Chris Thomasson (Shackled City Adventure Path)
XP: Kessell 142,857, Obryn: 152,042, Keen: 147,357, Calost: 134,188, Breya: 102,120, Vander: 142,131
-4-25-2012 & 5-2-2012 & 5-9-2012

The party came back to Ptolus to be celebrated for saving the city. Statues were built of them and a holiday was made in their honor (Umber Hulk Day). Kessell took advantage of the city’s offer to built him a keep wall and he fortified his home. Keen also allowed the city to build him a Noble Mansion. Keen was also promoted to Guildmaster of Rivergate District. The district was badly destroyed but as it would be rebuilt Keen would build his guild up. On a side note Obryn helped Lucas Arcanum escape the planet. It seemed that traveling the outter planes was impossible on this world. But Obryn knew of a gate that had been created by an extra-planar god named Finder Wyvernspur. This was the gate used by Mergin’s madmen. (see invincible campaign).Lucas used this gate to escape the planet. Meanwhile at the bar the party hired a lizardman cook named Frank Greenmeat and Nick Van Axe was apparently now a gambling addict. The party enjoyed many weeks of prosperity.
28th: Kill Hookface:
Obryn had inspired the party to join him in finally hunting down and killing the Red Dragon Hookface. He had discerned the location of the beast to be in a volcano some 60 miles north of the city. All of the Party members joined him except for Calost who had gone undercover for the Knights of the Pale in hopes of finding and destroying the Lich Aggah Shan. The party traveled to the volcano and hired some nearby Stone Giants led by Kravek the Grey to bust through the volcanic crust. Obryn and Vander traveled through the lava using protective magics. While doing so they were molested by fire mephitis. They found the underground lair and teleported the party down. They first encountered a terrible undead called a Vasuthant but Kessell was able to take command of it. After this Keen disarmed many traps including a prismatic floor where Keen lost his hand. Down below the party battled Hookface’s son Gottrod. The party thought the two dragons were on in the same but it turned out this enemy of theres was actual a father and son. They killed Gottrod and shortly after released Jarl Arthkar, Frost Giant king of the northern realm. The Jarl had been taken captive by Hookface. The party gave Jarl back his crown and let him free. They soon came upon the horde of Hookface. There was a massive amount of treasure being inventoried and counted by singing treasure gnomes. The gnomes seemed like simple creatures that simply loved working for the dragon and counting his treasure. Also on the horde was the taxidemied body of Hookface’s deceased mate. Inside this treasure room the party battled and defeated two Grisgols. Grisgols were essentially magic item golems.
(Adventure greatly drawn on by “The Volcano lair” in the Draconomicon Web Enhancement)
Kessell: 145,161, Obryn: 151,345, Keen: 151,060, Calost: 136,170, Vander: 143,131, Breya: 105,665
------------------------------------(Session 2)---------------------------------------------------
Calost had not gone with the party to hunt down the Red Dragon Hookface. He was occupied with investigations into the Lich Agga Shan on behalf of the Knights of the Pale. When that concluded the Knights of the Pale used an erratic Teleportation Gate to help Calost join his party. As a consequence Kessell was pulled away in the backdraft of this gate. The party had conquered the lair of Hookface but Hookface himself had not yet returned. The party made preparations and within about 45 minutes the Wyrm finally did appear. He spoke with the party from an unseen location until finally attacking. He killed Obrynn almost instantly by carrying him through a prismatic wall twice. He used many tactics within his lair to fluster the party. Breya was dropped into lava and slain completely. Calost was held under the lava before being forced to Planeshift back to Occipitus to escape. This left only Kessel, Vander, and Keen.
Meanwhile Hookface had taken command back over the Vasuthant and had that attack the party. The battle waged on to a seemingly virtual standstill. At different points during the battle both sides sought to escape only to have their escape blocked by their opponent. Eventually Hookface had an escaped planned out but Vander brought up a Blade Barrier making the cost too high. In response Hookface submerged himself in the lava where the party could not reach him. His intent to slowly prey on the party one by one. Keen and Kessel sought to antagonize the dragon into an attack by raiding his treasure horde. It essentially worked and as Hookface approached Kessell charged in desperation. Finally slaying the dragon.
This victory was however short lived as Hookface had dismissed the force wall that prevented his lair from being flooded with lava. The lava was now filling the entire chamber and the party was far too depleted to do anything about it. Their only refuge became the tiny tunneled chamber that the Treasure Gnomes called their home. Inside the party would be protected but would have very little room to move and limited oxygen. Vander still had the energy immunity spell so he escaped through the lava and went for help. Many hours later Vander returned with Sam Champion. They had used monster summonings to conjure Umber Hulks that could dig the party out. The party made off with half the dragons horde and Keen took custody of the treasure gnomes. Within Hookface’s treasure were messages to and from the Cagewrights. It seemed the Cagewrights had offered Hookface tremendous payment to hunt down and destroy the party.

29th: The Cagewrights Strike Back:
The party had returned to Ptolus after the battle with Hookface. They were meeting at the bar when they suddenly heard themselves being called out. It was Ti’irok, Fire Giant Cagewright Lord. Ti’irok had had enough and was here to get revenge. The party engaged him immediately. Other fire giants appeared but were met by the party’s allies including Sam Champion, Vin Van Tran, Vida Blade, The Blackguard, and many others. Soon another Cagewright underling appeared. It was Ja’Akrand the Glabrezu demon. The party put down both these adversaries and soon found themselves under attack from above. Two more Cagewright Lords had taken to the sky. These were Shebeloth the cleric and Thearynn the conjurer. They were thousands of feet over head reigning down extended range magic missiles. The party began flying to reach them but it was going to take some time. Obryn teleported to his dragon and started heading up. Vander was killed as was Obryn’s dragon. The aerial battle continued for a long while. Soon the Armored Mage arrived aided the party. Shebeleth was killed but Thearynn and his Quasit familiar escaped. It seemed apparent now that the Cagewrights would keep coming until every member of the party was dead.
30th: Strike on Shatterhorn:
The party had not heard from Calost in some time. In fact he had been on Occipitus almost continuously. His connection with the plane had diminished and he was trying to regain control of it. In his absence the party elected to finally go after the last refuge of the Cagewrights. Information gathering from numerous sources indicted this refuge was a last mountain peak some 50 miles away known as Shatterhorn. Shatterhorn had once been the hub of an ancient Yuan-Ti (Snake-man) civilization. But that was long ago. The party hired the Barbarian brothers to bring them as close to Shatterhorn as possible via their Hot Air Balloon. They traveled the remainder of the way on foot.
They arrived at ruins of that were basically just partial standing walls. The whole area was covered in a thick mist. Before long they came upon the guardian of these ruins. A massive Hill Giant Barbarian and his half orc marauders. After defeating these monsters the party battled two ancient Willow-wisps. In the ruins they bypassed an illusionary wall and proceeded into the complex below. They were quickly met by Ssythar, a Yuan-ti sorcerer, seneschal of Shatterhorn and Cagewrights Lord. With him was a Morhg guardian. This battle went bad for the party as many of them were paralyzed by the Mohrg. Obryn’s ineffectiveness was legendary. Ssythar was killed and the Morhrg put in a maze spell but the party had taken too much damage to continue. They retreated back to Ptolus.
------------------------------(Session Two)--------------------------------
The party returned was resting at the bar contemplating a return to Shatterhorn when one of the Cagewrights entered. He had come to talk, not to fight. It was Thearynn the Conjurer, the wizard who had bombarded them with magic missiles from the sky. He explained that he was turning in his cagewright membership if the party would agree not to hunt him down. The party readily agreed. He said the Cagewrights were falling apart and were now under the command of Embril, Head Priestess of the church of death. Embril had recently begun worshipping twin death dieties of evil as opposed to simply the portfolio of death. She apparently would not allow the Cagewrights to make a unified stand against the party. This made Thearynn feel as though she wanted the Cagewrights to fail. He believed she was obsessed with Death and was manipulating things so that all of the Cagewrights and the Party would all die. Thearynn was also concerned that Kessel might be working with her in secret towards this agenda. After expressing these concerns he left claiming he intended to move to the other side of the planet.
Soon after the party mobilized and returned to Shatterhorn via teleport. Obryn was battling a bad case of Dungeon rot. The party returned to the entrée room to find Ssythar had been resurrected and again had to face him and the Morhg. This time the party killed them both quickly. The party then proceeded on when they came upon a stone arm with a magic ring on it. The ring had an inscription which said “This is your doom.” Keen found evidence that this was a magical trap. Even with all this information Keen still chose to simply grab the ring. This set off a trap as the surround pillars exploded into plaster to reveal 4 Medusas. The entire party was turned to stone. Once the party was defeated the Medusa took their positions back in stasis. Kessel’s Pseudodracolich familiar would have to save the party. First Styx noticed that Ssythar viper familiar was fleeing the scene to warn the other Cagewrights. He quickly killed it. He then took out Vanders Griffon figurine and summoned the Griffon. He had the griffon grab Kessel’s stone body and start flying at a slow pace back to Ptolus. Meanwhile Styx would fly full speed back to Ptolus which would take about two hours. Once in Ptolus Styx found Sam Champion and from there they recruited The Blackguard, Kessel’s Necromancer friend, and Obryn’s dragon. On the fly back they intercepted the griffon and revived Kessel. They returned to Shatterhorn quickly and restored the rest of the party. Once restored Obryn took the everyone but the party back to Ptolus. Sam Champion remained behind to help the party.
The new party led by Sam Champion explored further into Shatterhorn bypassing the magical ring trap and leaving the Medusa’s alone. They soon came upon the Blackguard Alurad, yet another Cagewright Lord along with his animal companion, a Fiendish Dire Badger called Fleshripper. The party killed them both and proceeded on. They battled past some Half Iron Golems before coming upon a chamber adorned with the Egg of Mershaulk. A powerful Yuan-ti relic. Inside this room the party would battle Viirdran & Kyan. An Drow Eldrithc Knight and his Arcane Archer companion. Both Cagewright lords. These Lords would also be aided by a Slimy Demodand. The battle was difficult and Sam Champion was momentarily slain before Vander could Revivicate him. In the end the party was victorious. Neither Cagewright lord was killed and thus a debate ensued as Sam Champion wanted to take them prisoner. He did not believe in outright execution and thought Ptolus deserved to have someone to hold accountable. In the end they party accepted and they hid the prisoners as they continued to explore the complex.
All of the room had appeared to have been explored but two Cagewrights yet remained. These were Xokek, the Shadow Wizard and Embril, priestess of Death and now leader of the Cagewrights. The party began pouring over the complex with detect magic and found an illusionary area. They could not figure out what it was so they elected to cast Dispel Magic. It was actually a Mordenkainen’s Mansion spell. The entrance to the extra dimensional area was an invisible door which generated an aura of Illusion. When the party cast dispel magic they collapsed the extra dimensional space expelling the occupants out. Xokek, the Shadow Wizard appeared with two Death Slaads. Combat ensued immediately with Xokek jumping into and out the shadows between spell attacks. The part hacked their way through the Slaads and then basically began bombarding the area where they thought Xokek was. In reality Xokek was attacking from a different location while maintain an illusion where the party had been concentrating their fire power. Eventually the party figured this out and began attacking the real Xokek. At that point Xokek retreated. The party felt like they had him trapped in the complex but simply could not find him. They had not yet located Embril and considered that she might not have even been in the complex. In any event they party was forced to retreat
They returned the following day and did an extensive search of the complex. Eventually locating a secret passage. In the chambers beyond they faced numerous traps before final entering the final chamber. Here they found Embril, High Priestess of Death and the leader of the Cagewrights. She was in an unconsious state with an ancient Spellweaver conducted a ritual on here. The party engaged. As they did the Spellweaver counter attacked and was soon aided by greater shadows and Xokek. The party defeated all these enemies leaving only the unconsious form of Embril as the last remaining Cagewright. As the party approached Kessell took Embril in his arms. The party stared in wonderment. Then Kessell with a diabolical look on his face told the party "You Lose". As he teleported away with his fellow death worshipper. The party had been betrayed and rumors they had heard about Kessell being in league with the Death worshippers had been confirmed. The anger would boil within them as they vowed to find both Embril and Kessell and send them to their true death.
"Strike on Shatterhorn" by Christopher Perkins, Dungeon Magazine, Shackled City
6/20/2012 - 7/3/2012

31st: Asylum
It had been many weeks since there party's last adventure. Where they had traveled to Shatterhorn and destroyed the last of the Cagewrights. All except Embril, Mistress of the Church of Death. She had been unconscious when Kessel had seemingly turned on the party by grabbing her body and teleporting away. The party had decided they would have to hunt down and kill Kessel as well. These plans had been interrupted as it was Umber Hulk Day again. A holiday in Ptolus to commemorate the party and their achievements. All the party’s many friends had come to bar for an after party. Among these were Vin Van Tran, Vida Blade, The Anti-Paladin, The Barbarian Brothers, Brother Fabitor, Carl the Bum, Nate Firegate, Even Crimeboss’s like Dirk and Linnech Cran, Hawkeye the Brownie Falcon Rider, Even the Commissar Helmut Itleson, Kelf Understryker from Dweomer Street, Lord Abbercombe, many adventurers like Mars Lanceman, and many many more. Eventually Sam Champion showed up with magical item gifts for the party. Everyone was in great spirits.
Meanwhile Calost had not been seen for many months. This was because he had been preoccupied. Another Lord of the Smoking Eye had emerged on Occipitus. For months now Calost had been engaged in a mental war of domination for the plane. Calost seemed to have won as eventually this new lord fled the plane Calost followed and came upon Ptolus on the Day of Celebration. He had a brief meeting with his friends before meeting finally face to face with the new Lord of the Smoking Eye. Vhalantru the Beholder, the party’s old nemesis whom they had defeated long ago had returned. He had been reformed in Occipitus through the will of Adimarchus. Vhalantru was wading through the streets of Ptolus destroying everything in his path. He had come for revenge on the party. The party engaged the now huge Abyssal Beholder and Breya were quickly killed. Much destruction followed but in the end the party defeated the creature. Just as Calost had done many times Vhalantru disappeared. His body would now begin to reform on Occipitus. The party traveled there and found him unconscious. They finished the beholder off once and for all.
The party began to research these events and learned more of Adimarchus. Up until now Adimarchus and much of his existence had been hidden by magic but these protections had weakened with the defeat of the Cagewrights. Adimarchus had once been a celestial but led a revolt against the Heavens. As a result his army and his Celestial realm were cast out of the Seven Heavens and banished into the Abyss. This became Occipitus 505th layer of the Abyss. Adimarchus eventually came to war with Graz’zt, another Abyssal Lord. It was during this time that a Planar named Athux came to serve Adimarchus. She had come from the seven Heavens on a quest to save the soul of Adimarchus. Adimarchus eventually fell in love Athux. Then as the war was waging against Graz’zt, Athux was captured and imprisoned. To free her Adimarchus allowed himself to be imprisoned in exchange. At that moment Athux revealed she was actually the son of Graz’zt and this had all been a plot. Adimarchus’s armies were crushed and he was now imprisoned. Occipitus without its Lord tore from the Abyss drifting through the Ethereal plane until finally reaching its current location as an intradimensional plane on the World of Praemal. Adimarchus was now in a prison called Skullrot on the Plane of Tarterus. There he was guarded and tormented by Dark Myrakul, a lichfiend servant of Graz’zt.
As the centuries past Adimarchus’s madness had begun to seep out of Skullrot and into the minds of other beings. One such being was Dyr’ryd, the Shator Demodand and destined Lord of the Cagewrights. Dyr’ryd sent Demodands to Praemal centuries ago to create half fiend hybrids to serve as Overlord for when he conquered the world. The bloodline of these hybrids could still be found in the Runebearing Shackleborn children. Many of which the party had encountered. In recent times Adimarchus’s madness had spread to many others and they had joined Dyr’ryd. These were the Cagewrights. Their plan had been to open a portal to Tarterus above Ptolus making the city a gate town for their armies to take the world. The party had prevented this and now killed all but one of the Cagewrights. However it seemed as long as Adimarchus lived his madness would continue to seep out and infect the minds of new minions and in time the world would come under siege again. Furthermore Adimarchus’s shackles were weakening and should he get free matters would grow much worse.
Obryn uncovered much of this as he committed to serious research. Meanwhile Keen consulted the crystal ball located in the complex beneath the bar. With his newly discovered Fateweaver abilities Keen could access all within the Crystal ball, even past scyings. He did to this to find a future where the party had never met one another. In this future all the party members had become great lords but the Cagewrights had succeeded in invading the world. Separately the party members each made stands against the forces of Adimarchus but they had all fallen. It seemed this was the future that Faux Aster had seen. This is why the old man had left the bar to 5 men he had never met in his will. It seemed his play was that if the party members had known one another they may have united against this threat and prevented it. With Obryn’s research completed the party knew they would have to enter Tarterus and destroy Adimarchus. Hopefully along the way they might also be able to find and defeat both Embril and Kessel.
Their first hurtle was the fact that Praemal was a closed Crystal Sphere. That is that beings from other planes could enter it but not leave. However Obryn had recently done research for a man trying to escape the planet. As Obryn saved this research it revealed that a god from another Crystal Sphere had created a pathway into Praemal and that pathway ended in a portal that could use to exit the world. First they would need something from the Inverted Pyramid as they had put powerful protections around this portal. The party got the portal key from Jevecca Nor of the Inverted Pyramid very quickly. She also provided them a focus for a Planeshift Spell to Tarterus (this was actually the Demon possessed Watch the party had acquired long ago). The party traveled to the location of this portal which was actual right here in Ptolus. The location was the residence of one Mark Chillers. Mark was a mud farmer and charged the party to enter. He took them into his back yard where he had built a shed and a set of stairs down underground to the portal. The party used the passkey given them by the Inverted Pyramid but soon came to another magically sealed door preventing use of the portal. This was unexpected and the door itself featured a trio of interconnected locks. Obryn's spells were having a difficult time bypassing this when soon the door’s creator appeared. It was the image of a ghostly Celestial Dwarf. The Dwarf explained that he was the Banewarden, appointed by the Angel Bastion after his own earthy demise. He was tasked with keeping the Banewarrens and all evils within sealed. This portal too came under his responsibilities. Eventually when the party proved their situation and intentions the being once known as Mergin was reminded of his past life and let them go through.
The party arrived inside something called the Trinagon of Wyvernspur. This tower had additional portals in it. It had been erected long ago by a lesser god of Forgotten Realms known as Finder Wyvernspur. Within were portals to three vast dungeons (the Banewarrens, Undermountain, and The Temple of Elemental Evil). The tower was built to draw adventures to it and those that could reclaim the prizes from all three dungeons would unlock a ring of wishes. After which they would have proven themselves capable enough to undertake a mission rescue the trapped Goddess Waukeen from the clutches of Graz’zt. (Events of this are covered in the Invincible Campaign). As the party arrived at this tower they found Lukas Arcanum and his friend Tlemizar checking it out. Lukas had been tracking Noth Dreadrin through Tarterus months ago when the Cagewrights had opened their gate to Ptolus. Lucas had been pulled through the portal and it was he that sought Obryn’s help on escaping the planet. Now he was checking the tower for the ring of wishes but had learned it was already gone. The quest of the Trinagon had already been fulfilled. The party had a quick chat with Lucas. He informed them they were indeed off of their plant and could now safely Planeshift to Tarterus.
The party arrived in Tarterus and began using their divinations. This brought them to the Harrowfell. A tower of some renown whose lord was said to have a smoking eye. Here the party battled a Lord of the Smoking Eye named Byakala, A Marilith demon and her minions. The party at first lied and said they were going to save Adimarchus and thus Byakala had attacked. During the battle the party explained their true intentions and Byakala called a truce. She had once served Adimarchus but had betrayed him by becoming a Lord of the Smoking Eye. In retribution Adimarchus had banished her to Tarterus. This was but months before Adimarchus himself was cast into the Plane. Byakal wanted Adimarchus destroyed as this was release her from the plane As such she provided the location of the prison of Skullrot and other information.
The following day after brief encounters with a transient Lord Soth in the distance and an old gnome named Angus the Grim the party was approaching Skullrot. They were met by Styx, Kessel’s familiar. He explained Kessel needed their help. Over a hill they found Kessel’s body. They tried to heal him but the energy only hurt him. Styx suggested using negative energy and this worked. As Kessel rose his skin began to fall away from his body. He now appeared as a Death Knight. He explained that he had not betrayed the party but that the ritual they interrupted had to do with trapping a soul. Kessel’s soul had been trapped and Embril had taken control of his body. Once in possession of Kessel’s soul Embril had simply discarded his body on her way through Tarterus. Kessel should have died except that his innate ability to control the undead had saved. Kessel had actually died when he was a child and had innately kept his body alive since then. Though now he had no soul. Kessel rejoined the party and they continued.
They soon arrived at Skullrot and made sure to avoid the indigenous Thunderbeasts outside. Inside the tower the party battled past Farrastu Demodand guards. The tower was indeed a prison. Inside were nearly a hundred beings of varied types. Many were powerful fiends such as Balors and Planetars. The party defeated some Advanced Flesh Golems which Dark Myrakul used as prison guards. They saved an Astral Deva named Saureya, she freed all the good aligned beings and took them to safety. The main problem was the most of the inhabitants of the tower had been driven insane. At the top of the tower the party came upon the Lichfiend Dark Myrakul and his prized Demonflesh Golem. Adirmarchus was there imprisoned in a cage being taunted by Dark Myrakul. A battle ensued for a long while but in the end both the Demonflesh Golem and Dark Myrakul were destroyed. However Dark Myrakul’s remains vanished leading the party to believe he would reform either due to a Phylactery or some other means.
The time had finally come to face Adimarchus. Adimarchus seemed as mad as the other prisoners here. He simply stared at the party with a gleeful look of anticipation in his eyes. Calost held out some hope that Adimarchus could be redeemed but this quickly vanished as Adimarchus immediately attacked upon being freed. Adimarchus first appeared in an angelic form but soon reverted to his abyssal form. The Abysaal Lord was powerful and nearly destroyed the party but in the end he like so many other enemies was laid low. Adimarchus was totally destroyed.
XP Totals: Obryn 203658, Kessel 195332, Keen 204536, Calost 175470, Vander 202656, Breya 152643
The party had vanquished all enemies and could now retire being hailed as great lords of Ptolus.
The End